Coaching Conversations in 2024

Workplace Cultures Require Proactive "Positive" Coaching

Tim Hagen

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Often, organizations drive improvement in their workplace cultures reactively. Organizations will create programs or initiatives that react to marketplace conditions such as industries that are in decline or maybe even in reaction to a pandemic crisis. At the core of every organization should be leaders across the board proactively providing positivity to each and every one of their team members. Here are some basic suggestions on how every leader can do this:

  1.  Call people into the office whether in person or virtual and only provide positive and specific feedback.
  2.  Send a handwritten card home detailing why an employee is showing great promise in specifically doing great work.
  3.  All people into your office whether the person or virtual and have your boss there and be prepared to only praise that employee.

 The techniques are so simple yet at their core are proactive and positive and will insulate every workplace culture from  inevitable change and industry challenges.

Progress Coaching has been helping organizations leverage the power of coaching for over 25 years by positioning managers to become conversational leaders. We offer a number of training reinforcement courses, in addition to one-on-one and group coaching, to provide unique support options tailored to YOUR company’s needs.

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Checkout our Approachability & Coachability series where we use a webinar-based coaching approach to develop all employees to become approachable and coachable. This leads to better teamwork for leadership and organizational culture improvement

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