Coaching Conversations in 2024

There Is NO Buy-In To Coaching !!! That Notion is Crap!

Tim Hagen

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I still hear from leaders this notion of buy in when it comes to coaching. Let me be very straightforward and candid- that's a load of BS! Let's look at this logically. If a manager does not have time to coach how the heck do they create more time when they need to interview and review resumes when someone leaves their organization? Coaching is a form of communication and leaders will typically communicate with their employees daily if not hourly so why not leverage something powerfully such as strength-based coaching that inspires and motivates versus hiding behind the proverbial I don't have time 'cause I'm really busy type of leadership  which leads to what? Greater retention? Ha I doubt it. Please listen to this podcast and I hope it helps you in your organization.

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Checkout our Approachability & Coachability series where we use a webinar-based coaching approach to develop all employees to become approachable and coachable. This leads to better teamwork for leadership and organizational culture improvement

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