HypnoGeeks Podcast

The Wednesday wellbeing show 21st of April 2021 with Linda Easto

Amanda Joy Season 4 Episode 6

This week on the #wednesdaywellbeing show we discuss how to survive if you've a loved one struggling with addiction. 

Alcohol, drugs, harmful substances are insidious and very present in many areas of our lives, communities, schools, and work place's as well as our social lives. 

For some it's just for fun, others use in an attempt to cope with difficult emotions. 
 Because of the way the mind, body and brain responds, people can quickly become reliant, addictited and engage in harmful, negative behaviours.
 But what about the friends and family members? 

During lockdown 39% of people surveyed who were in recovery have relapsed. That is  39% are now negatively impacting their friends, family, and colleagues yet again.
 26% of family members and 28% of friends surveyed have reported a relapse of their loved ones over the lockdown period. 

When friends, colleagues or family members lives start spinning out of control. When their caos starts to hugely impact those around them. Who's there to support them? 

It's suggested that for every addict there are 4 people impacted but in reality it's more like 12. 

This week we take a deep dive into the reality of the impact of addiction on loved one's with Linda Easto and discuss her coaching programme and training courses specially set up to support people being affected by the negative behaviour of others struggling with addiction. 

 https://www.facebook.com/lindahhcoaching , https://www.instagram.com/lindahhcoaching/
Email address = lindahhcoaching@gmail.com, Contact number - 07506258153.  https://www.linkedin.com/in/lindaeasto   

Support the show

This podcast is sponsored by The Northern College of Clinical Hypnotherapy