The Present-Day Saint

Loving Your LDS Neighbor - Part 5 - What about Faith and Works (and Baptism)?

May 10, 2023 Aaron Marshall Season 1 Episode 69
The Present-Day Saint
Loving Your LDS Neighbor - Part 5 - What about Faith and Works (and Baptism)?
Show Notes

0069 - In this episode of our "Loving Your LDS Neighbor" series we tackle some questions that always come up in regards to the Biblical gospel in our conversations with our LDS friends. In our last episode we presented the Biblical gospel. In those conversations with the LDS two topics will almost always emerge - baptism and faith and works. In this episode we show that the verses that seem to imply baptism is required to enter God's family (have eternal life) don't actually mean that. We also show that James and Paul are hitting at two very different points in their discussion of justification in Romans 3-4 and James 2.  We show how good interpretation of these verses can reconcile apparent contradictions in the text. This is a long but important episode!!