Bad Dads Film Review

Defiance & The Secret Life of Pets 2

April 03, 2020 Bad Dads Season 3 Episode 4

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Although the wretched virus continues to trap us all at home, we've been able to continue chatting via the wonders of technology.

So this week we had a digital gathering to discuss the merits of Defiance. It's safe the say the there were mixed feelings about this one!

Due to overwhelming requests from absolutely nobody we pulled together of list of the best religious movies. Just call us the God Squad.

This week we finally got round to watching a kids movie for a change. The Secret Life of Pets 2 was this weeks offering. Despite all the cast changes it's bound to keep the kids entertained. Right??

It appears the tech might have caused us a sound quality issues this week. Hopefully all our profound movie expertise still comes though. Feel free to gives us any tips you may have, or any feedback you want to offer. We'd love to hear from you!

Stay safe everyone!  

We love to hear from our listeners! By which I mean we tolerate it. If it hasn't been completely destroyed yet you can usually find us on twitter @dads_film, on Facebook Bad Dads Film Review, on email at or on our website

Until next time, we remain...

Bad Dads