Bad Dads Film Review

Hunt for the Wilderpeople & Dino Dana

May 22, 2020 Bad Dads Season 3 Episode 11

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We hope you are all well and enjoying the glorious weather. Perfect for heading out for a stroll and listening to a podcast....

The surviving movie stars returned for Action Movie Star Elimination Battle Royale Fight to the Death Round Two, or AMSEBRFTTDRT for short. Will Dan be able to redeem himself after last weeks debacle?!

For our main feature we headed out to New Zealand for Hunt for the Wilderpeople. This 2016 film was directed by Taika Waititi and had a decent amount of hype behind it. We were excited to watch it, lets see how the critical eye of the Bad Dads gets on with it.

Then we go all prehistoric with Dino Dana, as we drop in on family game night episode Game of Bones. One of the Dads particularly enjoys this show, you'll have to listen to our show to find out why...

As always we'd love to hear from you. You can find us on all good social media channels. We've even started a Discord channel where you can chat us and suggest films and ideas for the show.

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We love to hear from our listeners! By which I mean we tolerate it. If it hasn't been completely destroyed yet you can usually find us on twitter @dads_film, on Facebook Bad Dads Film Review, on email at or on our website

Until next time, we remain...

Bad Dads