Investing responsibly in high yield – Tim Leary
RBC BlueBay Insights
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RBC BlueBay Insights
Investing responsibly in high yield – Tim Leary
Sep 01, 2021
BlueBay Asset Management

Tim Leary joins us on the BlueBay Insights podcast to discuss how energy underweights and bondholder engagement impact high yield investing.

We asked Tim:

  1. Can high yield ESG strategies continue to perform in a prolonged commodity rally?
  2. Does running a high yield ESG strategy mean you completely exclude oil producers?
  3. Other high yield ESG managers often run energy overweights, whereas you’re underweight the sector – can you talk us through this positioning?
  4. Bondholder engagement is gaining momentum within the industry – what gives high yield investors a slightly more powerful voice in this space compared to say, investment grade creditors?
  5. Can you share with us a recent example of engagement action and any positive outcomes?