Your Path to Nonprofit Leadership

171: How to Build Trust as a Nonprofit Leader (Teresa Mitrovic)

August 18, 2022

171: How to Build Trust as a Nonprofit Leader (Teresa Mitrovic)


Are psychological safety and trust key elements of your leadership? How does trust change workplace culture? What is a leader’s role in trust and how do you build psychological safety while maintaining accountability? In episode #171 of Your Path to Nonprofit Leadership, author and coach Teresa Mitrovic advocates for trust as the crucial factor in organizational health. Learn what it means to create and adapt to this type of environment and discover what a high-performing team operating in psychological safety and trust really looks like. She shares how this model better attracts energized and resilient talent while significantly reducing turnover, which is a critical issue for nonprofit leaders around the world. 


Teresa Mitrovic is an author, coach and consultant who teaches leaders how to build performance while enabling psychological safety and trust. She has given keynote speeches at conferences, delivered immersive workshops for corporate audiences of up to 250 and cites delivering a Resilience workshop at Buckingham Palace as a career highlight. Before retraining as an Executive & Corporate Coach, she had a leadership career spanning two decades working for Hasbro, The Walt Disney Company and Universal Pictures amongst others. A high performer, she found the increasing demands of senior leadership and single parenthood increasingly exhausting. Learning how to coach as a leader was the turning point that inspired her career change. In the 9 months following the shift in her leadership style, workloads were reset, work pressure was paced, team cohesion, alignment and performance improved and profit grew three-fold. Since then, Teresa has worked with corporate and civil organizational clients globally. A New Zealander, Teresa has lived in Auckland and London but now lives in Melbourne with her husband and dog.