Your Path to Nonprofit Leadership

63: Confronting Wicked Problems as a Nonprofit Leader (Lynn Fick-Cooper)

63: Confronting Wicked Problems as a Nonprofit Leader (Lynn Fick-Cooper)


As a nonprofit leader, you are likely trying to address “Wicked Problems” every day, social challenges that are systemic in nature and incredibly complex. To help us better address these types of problems, Lynn Fick-Cooper offers a fantastic analysis of these issues, and provides five crucial strategies to address them in episode #63 of the Path Podcast.  Lynn’s 30-year journey in nonprofit leadership is also instructive around the types of professional development she’s invested, including advocacy, fundraising and communications.


Lynn Fick-Cooper is currently the Managing Director for Societal Advancement Group at the Center for Creative Leadership in Greensboro, NC.  Lynn has more than 30 years of experience in leadership positions from a variety of organizations including directing government and community affairs for the Greensboro Area Chamber of Commerce; serving as Chief Marketing Officer for Huthwaite, and serving as Director of Public Relations for IHFRA (International Home Furnishings Representatives Association). Lynn’s previous experience at CCL includes serving as Chief Development Officer and Group Director of Institutional Advancement and Manager. Since 2007, Lynn has also been in a full-time faculty role at CCL, designing and delivering leadership development programs across a variety of sectors, with a specific focus on developing nonprofit, community, and executive nurse leaders in health and health care. In her current role, Lynn is the Program Director and Lead Faculty for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s (RWJF) Public Health Nurse Leaders Program, Community Coalition Leadership Program, and the Program Designer and Lead Faculty for the RWJF Executive Nurse Fellows program at the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL®). She also manages CCL’s relationships with other foundations such as the Kate B. Reynolds Trust, Kresge Foundation, the Blue Cross Blue Shield Foundation of North Carolina, and the Community Memorial Foundation in Chicago. Lynn received her B.A. in Communication with a concentration in public relations and M.B.A. from the Bryan School of Business at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.