Your Path to Nonprofit Leadership

87: What Questions Should Nonprofit Leaders Be Asking? (Tosha Anderson)

87: What Questions Should Nonprofit Leaders Be Asking? (Tosha Anderson)  


Nonprofit leadership requires a wide range of skills and experiences to be successful, but no single leader can manage all of the technical aspects of a growing enterprise without help.  For nonprofit professionals who advance through the program, marketing or fund development side of the organization, the thought of also managing the finance and accounting part of the business is uncomfortable at best and downright intimidating at worst.  If you are new in your leadership position, you may not even know where to begin as you look toward the business office and your CFO!  That’s what makes episode #87 of the Path Podcast so valuable. Our guest Tosha Anderson not only brings the technical expertise of an auditor and a CPA, but the experience of actually working in a nonprofit so she can translate her knowledge into very practical bits of advice. What questions should you be asking of your accountant?  What are the most important contracts and agreements you should be focused on?  Why don’t your business office people and your fundraisers get along? (and what can you do about it?!?!?!).  Answers to these questions and many more in this great episode with Tosha.


Tosha Anderson is the founder of The Charity CFO, an organization offering accounting and thought leadership skills to non-profit agencies. Tosha created The Charity CFO after realizing the need for specialized skills in non-profits with limited financial resources and increasing pressure to keep costs low despite mounting compliance and financial reporting needs. With non-profit experience as an auditor, a CFO, a board member, a volunteer and a consultant, Tosha works with non-profits with on-going accounting needs. Her educational background includes a Bachelor’s in Accounting and a Master’s in Business Administration; she is also a Certified Public Accountant. Tosha has spent over 15 years working with and for non-profits in many ways, including an auditor, a CFO, a board member, a volunteer, and a consultant. With this experience, we have developed the best practices and processes to make sure your accounting is exactly what you need for your organization and stakeholders.