Your Path to Nonprofit Leadership

94: Can Nonprofit Leaders Bring An Equity Lens to their Strategic Planning? (Anna Dewar Gully)

March 25, 2021

94: Can Nonprofit Leaders Bring An Equity Lens to their Strategic Planning? (Anna Dewar Gully)  


Many nonprofit organizations are talking about equality, diversity and inclusion, but are they making genuine progress to support their stated goals?  Making public statements is a start, but incorporating DEI into the fabric of your nonprofit organization requires an intentional strategic planning effort, and that’s exactly how Anna Dewar Gully wants to help.  Anna’s use of the equity lens as a fundamental part of strategic planning is gaining traction worldwide, and her firm Tidal Equality is providing resources and guidance for organizations of all sizes and types. As the guest on episode #94 of the Path Podcast, Anna will help you understand and avoid the wrong ways to approach equity and racial issues at your organization, and offers practical examples of nonprofits that have successfully addressed the kinds of challenges with which many others are still struggling. Anna also explains the unique challenges many boards of directors are facing as it relates to DEI, and how they can better contribute to a solution.


Anna Dewar Gully is Co-CEO & Founder of Tidal Equality, a tech-enabled strategy firm focused on solving the problem of inequality at scale with radically new solutions like the Equity Sequence™, a simple practice anyone can learn to break down inequity in decision-making and design. Anna founded Tidal Equality with her business partner Dr. Kristen Liesch and together with their growing global team they deliver new and effective methods for helping clients in the public and private sectors build equity, diversity, and inclusion.  Prior to establishing Tidal Equality, Anna spent 15+ years leading enterprise-wide strategy, organizational change, and strategic public policy initiatives in the not for profit and government sectors in organizations including the YMCA of Greater Toronto, the City of Toronto, and health sector organizations in Canada and the UK. Since founding Tidal Equality she has also gained significant experience in the corporate world with clients including Virgin Media UK, the Royal Bank of Canada, Glassdoor, and more. She completed her Masters at the University of London (UK) and her undergrad at McGill and today resides in Toronto, Canada with her husband and two children.