Your Path to Nonprofit Leadership

97: Nonprofit Leaders: When is it Time to Leave? (Kathy Ridge)

April 08, 2021

97: Nonprofit Leaders: When is it Time to Leave? (Kathy Ridge)  


On your path to nonprofit leadership, you will face difficult decisions about whether it is the right time to leave your organization. This decision can be even more difficult if you are the leader of your nonprofit and have dedicated countless hours to the cause and feel genuine concern for its well-being after your departure. Kathy Ridge, our guest on episode #97 of the Path Podcast has helped dozens of nonprofit leaders and their organizations manage transition. She has great advice about how to determine the best time to leave, how you can assure a smooth transition, and what boards of directors can do to effectively evaluate interim solutions.


Kathy Ridge is the founder of LevRidge Resources, LLC based in Charlotte, NC. Formerly a corporate Executive VP at Wachovia Corporation and the Executive Director of two nonprofits, Kathy has deep experience in leadership, problem assessment and organizational 'turnarounds'. Her finance background, coupled with her years in the nonprofit sector, has given Kathy the knowledge and practical application in being an innovative visionary who can get her hands dirty in tactical implementation. She has served on the boards of the Charlotte Symphony, Child Care Resources, The Women's Impact Fund, The Arts Education Committee of the Arts and Science Council, The Advocacy Committee at First Presbyterian Church and leadership roles on the boards of the Davidson College Friends of the Arts Board, and the Humane Society of Charlotte. In addition to leading LevRidge Resources, Kathy has written and presented on Board and Nonprofit Governance; Succession Planning; Business Essentials for Nonprofits; among other subjects. She taught “Evaluating Nonprofits: Measuring what Matters” in Wake Forest University’s Nonprofit Essentials course for four years.  She has been invited to moderate community panels on a variety of social justice and equity issues. Kathy also helped lead the development of a national set of standards, “Guiding Principles for Executive Transition and Leadership Continuity” for consultants to nonprofits across the U.S.