Your Path to Nonprofit Leadership

112: How to Shift the Nonprofit Narrative on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (Samara Hakim)

July 01, 2021

112: How to Shift the Nonprofit Narrative on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (Samara Hakim)


Most nonprofit leaders are saying the right things about their approach to diversity, equity and inclusion, but making genuine progress on difficult issues of difference is easier said than done.  Samara Hakim proved to be the perfect guest to discuss these challenges - and opportunities - as she equips leaders to better work with those different than themselves.  Samara leads an international consulting practice called CulturGrit, and has worked across countries, languages and countless differences.  She will not only help you identify the problems that limit many nonprofit leaders and their boards, but also help you identify practical ways to move forward.  She also shares great insight about how nonprofits can better engage their for-profit partners for financial support and much more.  


Samara Hakim, JD, is the Founder of CulturGrit, LLC, and an international culture and inclusion thought leader, data strategist, speaker, writer, and facilitator. She equips leaders with the cultural intelligence to work with those who are different by mitigating bias and integrating culture into business practices and metrics. Samara has over 10 years of experience in communication and conflict management, diversity, equity and inclusion, implicit bias impact and culture transformation. She has worked on projects for Fortune 500 and 100 companies, and facilitated workshops in multiple languages for-profit and non-profit organizations, start-ups, and educational institutions. She was honored with the 2018 Women of Excellence Entrepreneur Award by Diversity Professional Magazine and the American Honda Premier Partner Award. Prior to founding CulturGrit, Samara was Director of Operations and Senior Advisor at a firm later acquired by Ernst and Young. Samara’s work has been copyrighted, and she has been featured in a book on global leadership and in several media outlets and podcasts. She holds an Advanced Certificate in Intercultural Management from the University of Notre Dame and a Juris Doctor from the University of Oregon School of Law. She received her BA in History and BA in Political Science from the University of Portland. Samara grew up in Lebanon and is fluent in French, Arabic, and English, and conversational in Spanish. You can email her at