Your Path to Nonprofit Leadership
Looking for your next nonprofit job? Want to lead a nonprofit organization? Dr. Patton McDowell (www.pmanonprofit.com) brings the best in nonprofit career development to each episode, helping you find the perfect nonprofit opportunity and guiding you along the path to senior leadership in the philanthropic sector. Patton brings 30 years of nonprofit leadership, coaching and consulting experience, and shares best practices for individual and organizational success based on his work with over 250 nonprofit organizations and their staff and board leaders. Your Path to Nonprofit Leadership features more than 120 interviews with nonprofit leaders and philanthropy experts, as well as deep-dive solo episodes and other special editions. Hit subscribe, and accelerate your journey on a nonprofit career path that can change your life. Learn more at: https://www.podpage.com/your-path-to-nonprofit-leadership/
Your Path to Nonprofit Leadership
14: Finding Your Nonprofit Leadership Shadow (Will Sparks)
014: Finding Your Nonprofit Leadership Shadow (Will Sparks)
What is your leadership shadow, and why should you worry about it? That’s exactly what Dr. Will Sparks and I discuss on this episode of The Path. He’s spent 20 years researching the characteristics of great leaders, and also the “shadow” side of their leadership styles which often hold them back in ways they’re not even aware. Will and I explore the practical aspects of his studies, and how nonprofit leaders can amplify their positive qualities but – more importantly – identify specific ways to identify their shadow side and do something about it. You’ll see how this can not only accelerate your journey on the leadership path, but also create a more dynamic and productive environment for your staff, board and volunteer colleagues.
Will Sparks is the Dennis Thompson Chair & Professor of Leadership at the McColl School of Business at Queens University of Charlotte, where he also serves as the Director of the Office of Leadership Initiatives. He serves as the Managing Director for William L. Sparks & Associates, LLC, a professional services firm founded in 1997 focused on leader and team development, personal transformation and change management. He has consulted with a variety of international organizations in the public and private sectors. He serves as a Director on the boards of the Dilworth Center in Charlotte, NC, and The Project Appraisal Methodology (PAM) Institute in Washington, DC. He completed his Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior and Development from The George Washington University’s School of Business and Public Management, where his research focused on group dynamics, organizational culture, and leadership.
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- Will’s book Actualized Leadership
- Will’s Ted Talk "The Power of Self Awareness"
- Cal Newport’s Deep Work
- Viktor Frankl’s Man’s Search for Meaning
- Peter Browning’s The Director’s Manual
- Erich Fromm’s Escape from Freedom
- Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
- Brene’ Brown’s Ted Talk The Power of Vulnerability