COACH - The Professional Coaching Podcast

Inside these Walls - The Impact of the third Pandemic Wave - Joydeep Ghoshdastidar


As a consultant in Intensive Care Medicine and Anaesthetics at The Princess Alexandra Hospital in Harlow, Joydeep Ghostdastidar has spent over 20 years in a career dedicated to helping others and saving lives.

He's been featured in COACH and he was a guest on the podcast in June 2020, giving us an insight to the frontline battle against  Covid-19 and how he and his teams were dealing with the global pandemic.

Since then, we have experienced lockdown 2 and and another, bigger 3rd wave which has sadly taken the lives of many younger, healthier people and has changed the way it affects people. The intensity of COVID-19 alongside many mixed messages to the public resulted in the first months of 2021 being even worse than 2020. 

Now in the last throes of (hopefully) the final UK lockdown, Joydeep returns to share the reality of this last wave, discuss the vaccine as the exit strategy and tell us about how this time was quite different and why.  

Many of the NHS staff are exhausted and only just starting to process the daily, relentless trauma and only now are the untold effects of this beginning to show themsleves among the quest to support himself, his teams, his patients and their families. 

Joydeep is a trained coach and  NLP Trainer and he understands the power of these tools in his life and in his work. 

All this and more in another open and honest conversation with a dedicated professional, a husband, a father, a son,  coach, a  true gentleman  and a personal friend.