COACH - The Professional Coaching Podcast

Successful Loving Relationships start with You - John Kenny


John Kenny is a coach, author and speaker and he helps successful people who struggle with successful intimate relationships, especially the relationship with themselves.

He holds Diplomas in Coaching, Counselling and Hypnotherapy, trained with the Transformational Coaching Academy, is an NLP Practitioner and Founder of The P.E.O.P.L.E Programme and Interpersonal Relationship Coaching (IRC). Author, Speaker and Documentary Maker.

When successful people have goals in business and become very focused they may not create the time to focus on their relationships. 

Not placing importance on their relationships can be a mass avoidance as they may not now how to have an intimate relationship.

Perhaps difficult past relationship led to the belief that it's all 'too hard' and so remain single or attract the wrong people.

These relationships may be deemed as too difficult but, ultimately, relationships are the cornerstone of happiness and especially relationship with self.

John explains how these relational patterns develop and how you can start becoming aware of them and change them to invite the right relationships to fulfil you.  We talk through what toxic relationships look like, how you can build a successful relationship with yourself first.