The HealthyADHD Podcast

The ADHD Nutritionist on women, diet culture, and intuitive eating


Becca King is a registered dietician specializing in intuitive eating. Since I liked her content so much I asked her to chat with me about some of the issues surrounding diet and ADHD women.  

  • The connection between ADHD and binge eating
  • ADHD medications
  • Dopamine seeking is a THING
  • Diet culture and women
  • The intermittent fasting trend
  • Intuitive eating defined
  • Healing our relationship with food ~ learning to pause
  • How to eat more intuitively (even NOW in a pandemic)
  • Is sugar really the enemy?
  • Make a "project" out of dieting, overthinking
  • Becca's program details 

ADHD Nutritionist on Instagram

The ADHD Enclave

ADHD conference 2020

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