Getsitecontrol Insider

The Anatomy of a Perfect Email Signup CTA

December 03, 2019 Getsitecontrol Episode 2

In this episode, you’ll learn why “Subscribe” is a really ineffective call to action if you’re trying to grow an email list. We’ll also share a list of power words and 5 real-life call-to-action examples that convert like crazy.

Looking for more call-to-action examples? Check out the blog version of this episode

Create beautiful email signup forms, coupon boxes, and pop-up surveys for your store with Getsitecontrol.

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So, you’re probably looking to grow your email list.So, you’re probably looking to grow your email list.Well, the most effective way to gain new email subscribers is by adding an eye-catching subscription form to your website. But having a subscription form isn’t enough. Well, the most effective way to gain new email subscribers is by adding an eye-catching subscription form to your website. But having a subscription form isn’t enough. If you want to boost conversion rates significantly, you might want to work on optimizing every part of it, including the call to action words on that shiny Sign Up button.If you want to boost conversion rates significantly, you might want to work on optimizing every part of it, including the call to action words on that shiny Sign Up button.And if you’re wondering whether some phrases may incentivize your visitors to sign up more than others, the answer is – definitely. And if you’re wondering whether some phrases may incentivize your visitors to sign up more than others, the answer is – definitely. (Before Getting Started)(Before Getting Started)Before you think of getting started, you should first figure out the end goal of your sign up form.Before you think of getting started, you should first figure out the end goal of your sign up form.When a new reader subscribes to your list, you’ll send them a variety of emails. And each email has the goal of getting your subscriber one step closer to conversion. When a new reader subscribes to your list, you’ll send them a variety of emails. And each email has the goal of getting your subscriber one step closer to conversion. Now, what is it exactly you want to achieve?Now, what is it exactly you want to achieve?Are you trying to get more people to sign up for your online service? Do you need them to perform a set of actions? Maybe you own an e-commerce store and are looking to increase sales from repeat customers. Are you trying to get more people to sign up for your online service? Do you need them to perform a set of actions? Maybe you own an e-commerce store and are looking to increase sales from repeat customers. Whatever it is, getting people to join your email list is the very first step of the funnel. And your call-to-action button is so important because your customer’s journey to the final conversion starts with these words. Whatever it is, getting people to join your email list is the very first step of the funnel. And your call-to-action button is so important because your customer’s journey to the final conversion starts with these words. Or, it may not start simply because they weren’t convincing enough.Or, it may not start simply because they weren’t convincing enough.(Gather a List of Power Words)(Gather a List of Power Words)Once you’ve figured that out, it’s time to gather a list of power words. Once you’ve figured that out, it’s time to gather a list of power words. The best call to action words are some of the shortest copy you’ll ever write. And if you want to boost conversion rates, you should use the ones that convey specific emotions to your reader. The best call to action words are some of the shortest copy you’ll ever write. And if you want to boost conversion rates, you should use the ones that convey specific emotions to your reader. These are also known as power words.These are also known as power words.Some examples of power words are:Some examples of power words are: Create Explore Join Save Start Upgrade Find Free Try Stop Create Explore Join Save Start Upgrade Find Free Try Stop Notice that all of these words are verbs. They push the reader to commit a specific action. This is how you get your reader to go from reading to acting.Notice that all of these words are verbs. They push the reader to commit a specific action. This is how you get your reader to go from reading to acting.Apart from action-oriented words, there are other types of copy that are good at persuading.Apart from action-oriented words, there are other types of copy that are good at persuading.Back in 2012, Copyblogger named the following 5 words as some of the most powerful in the English language.Back in 2012, Copyblogger named the following 5 words as some of the most powerful in the English language.You might want to take a pen and a piece of paper.You might want to take a pen and a piece of paper.These words are:These words are: You Free Because Instantly New You Free Because Instantly New Do you now recall converting to one of those? Because you surely have.Do you now recall converting to one of those? Because you surely have.The power words from both lists will pop up among the examples of calls to action we’re about to review in just a minute.The power words from both lists will pop up among the examples of calls to action we’re about to review in just a minute.(What’s In It For Your Reader?)(What’s In It For Your Reader?)Power words are great, but they don’t tell the whole story — they should show a benefit for the reader.Power words are great, but they don’t tell the whole story — they should show a benefit for the reader.For example, let’s say you create a form, and your call-to-action button says ‘Subscribe’. This call to action is self-serving because it focuses on what you’re gaining — a subscriber.For example, let’s say you create a form, and your call-to-action button says ‘Subscribe’. This call to action is self-serving because it focuses on what you’re gaining — a subscriber.Instead, try to make your call-to-action phrases benefit-driven. Write them from your reader’s point of view. Even in the case where the reader does care about you — and often, they don’t — you have better chances of convincing them to sign up if they see a clear benefit from doing so.Instead, try to make your call-to-action phrases benefit-driven. Write them from your reader’s point of view. Even in the case where the reader does care about you — and often, they don’t — you have better chances of convincing them to sign up if they see a clear benefit from doing so.Your reader’s benefit is the key point when it comes to calls to action. Your reader’s benefit is the key point when it comes to calls to action. But that’s enough theory - let’s take a look at real call-to-action buttons with phrases that convert like crazy.But that’s enough theory - let’s take a look at real call-to-action buttons with phrases that convert like crazy.#1. Get Instant Access#1. Get Instant AccessThe first example is by Chris Ducker, a business mentor and the founder of On his email subscription form, he offers an eBook in exchange for an email address and positions his email list as a privilege by using the words ‘get instant access’.The first example is by Chris Ducker, a business mentor and the founder of On his email subscription form, he offers an eBook in exchange for an email address and positions his email list as a privilege by using the words ‘get instant access’.Let’s break down the use of these 3 words to see why they are so effective:Let’s break down the use of these 3 words to see why they are so effective: Get This is an action-oriented word that makes the reader feel good. You’re not just signing up to a list — you’re getting something for yourself. Instant With the plethora of free information available out there on the web, readers don’t want to go through a multi-step process to reach your freebies. Instant gratification works wonders. Access This word suggests a form of gatekeeping. It feels like you have been granted access to something special. Get This is an action-oriented word that makes the reader feel good. You’re not just signing up to a list — you’re getting something for yourself. Instant With the plethora of free information available out there on the web, readers don’t want to go through a multi-step process to reach your freebies. Instant gratification works wonders. Access This word suggests a form of gatekeeping. It feels like you have been granted access to something special. So, when you click on this button, you instantly get gratified by gaining access to something valuable — or, at least, something that has perceived value.So, when you click on this button, you instantly get gratified by gaining access to something valuable — or, at least, something that has perceived value.#2. Become a Conversion Master#2. Become a Conversion MasterHere is another example from the ConversionXL blog. They send you a conversion master manual for an email subscription, and the call to action here says: Become a conversion master.  Here is another example from the ConversionXL blog. They send you a conversion master manual for an email subscription, and the call to action here says: Become a conversion master.  What is a better way to convince your reader to click on a button than to give them a promise of mastery?What is a better way to convince your reader to click on a button than to give them a promise of mastery?So, let’s break it down here. The first word from ConversionXL’s brilliant call to action is ‘become’, which is a powerful verb. It tells the reader that they have a chance to ascend to something beyond what they already are.So, let’s break it down here. The first word from ConversionXL’s brilliant call to action is ‘become’, which is a powerful verb. It tells the reader that they have a chance to ascend to something beyond what they already are.And what can they become, exactly?And what can they become, exactly?A conversion master.A conversion master.ConversionXL could have made their CTA button simple by writing ‘Get the Guide’. But instead, they used copy that creates expectations for the future subscribers.ConversionXL could have made their CTA button simple by writing ‘Get the Guide’. But instead, they used copy that creates expectations for the future subscribers.When you click on this button, you feel like you’re already halfway to your goal of becoming a conversion master — even if all you’re doing is getting a guide and joining an email list.When you click on this button, you feel like you’re already halfway to your goal of becoming a conversion master — even if all you’re doing is getting a guide and joining an email list.If there’s one thing you can learn from this example, it’s that CTA words can convey an entire transformation — not just an action.If there’s one thing you can learn from this example, it’s that CTA words can convey an entire transformation — not just an action.Example #3. Yes, Sign Me Up!Example #3. Yes, Sign Me Up!Elna Cain is a freelance writer who also teaches others how to kickstart their own writing career. Her email subscription form ends with “Yes, sign me up!”.Elna Cain is a freelance writer who also teaches others how to kickstart their own writing career. Her email subscription form ends with “Yes, sign me up!”.Why does this work?Why does this work?Here is the reason. The ‘YES’ reinforces the ‘sign me up’ section — it’s a double persuasion method that has clearly worked wonders for Elna, seeing as she has lined up over 15k readers on her list.Here is the reason. The ‘YES’ reinforces the ‘sign me up’ section — it’s a double persuasion method that has clearly worked wonders for Elna, seeing as she has lined up over 15k readers on her list.Plus, it helps ramp up the enthusiasm from the reader’s perspective. Plus, it helps ramp up the enthusiasm from the reader’s perspective. Example #4. Grab Your Freebies Now!Example #4. Grab Your Freebies Now!This is an example from Ivory Mix a blog offering free stock photos and visual marketing strategies. Upon signup, you are offered your first set of freebies, and their call to action sounds as “Grab Your Freebies Now!”.This is an example from Ivory Mix a blog offering free stock photos and visual marketing strategies. Upon signup, you are offered your first set of freebies, and their call to action sounds as “Grab Your Freebies Now!”.Here is why this is a good choice of words: it entails ownership of the freebie.Here is why this is a good choice of words: it entails ownership of the freebie.The freebie belongs to you. You can grab ‘your’ freebies just by clicking the button.The freebie belongs to you. You can grab ‘your’ freebies just by clicking the button.Not just that, but also the use of the word ‘grab’ feels much more action-oriented than ‘get’, for instance. And with the addition of the word ‘now’, it adds a bit of urgency!Not just that, but also the use of the word ‘grab’ feels much more action-oriented than ‘get’, for instance. And with the addition of the word ‘now’, it adds a bit of urgency!Example #5. Use an opt-out button to convince the reader to convertExample #5. Use an opt-out button to convince the reader to convertiDalko creates applications for the Atlassian suite of software. In the example we’ve picked, they’re giving away a guide to Jira, a popular project management tool. And the email subscription form actually has 2 call-to-action buttons. Here is how it sounds like:iDalko creates applications for the Atlassian suite of software. In the example we’ve picked, they’re giving away a guide to Jira, a popular project management tool. And the email subscription form actually has 2 call-to-action buttons. Here is how it sounds like:Would you like to get a Jira guide for users in 2019?Would you like to get a Jira guide for users in 2019?Yes, tell me more about the guideYes, tell me more about the guideNo, thanks. I’m already a complete Jira expert.No, thanks. I’m already a complete Jira expert.This is a persuasive trick that convinces the reader that they really need this guide. If you don’t want it, you must click ‘No thanks, I’m already a Jira expert’ before you can say no. This is called an opt-out button.This is a persuasive trick that convinces the reader that they really need this guide. If you don’t want it, you must click ‘No thanks, I’m already a Jira expert’ before you can say no. This is called an opt-out button.As a reader, you may start questioning yourself — are you a complete expert, though? Maybe you could use some help. As a reader, you may start questioning yourself — are you a complete expert, though? Maybe you could use some help. Maybe you could use this guide.Maybe you could use this guide. You get the idea. Negative opt-outs works as a charm. You get the idea. Negative opt-outs works as a charm. And there you have it — these are some of the best call-to-action words out there to use as inspiration for your own email subscription form.And there you have it — these are some of the best call-to-action words out there to use as inspiration for your own email subscription form.Of course, you shouldn’t directly copy these examples — instead, take them as lessons of what works well in a given situation and for a given niche, and adapt this lesson to your own audience.Of course, you shouldn’t directly copy these examples — instead, take them as lessons of what works well in a given situation and for a given niche, and adapt this lesson to your own audience.Ideally, you might want to A/B test a few combinations of call-to-action words to see which one brings you the most conversions.Ideally, you might want to A/B test a few combinations of call-to-action words to see which one brings you the most conversions.  For instance, if you’re using Getsitecontrol to create email signup forms for your website, you can test up to 5 different calls to action simultaneously. For instance, if you’re using Getsitecontrol to create email signup forms for your website, you can test up to 5 different calls to action simultaneously. Wanna give it a try?Wanna give it a try?Go to and get an account. Then use one of the templates to create a stylish subscription form and adjust the copy using power words in your call to action.Go to and get an account. Then use one of the templates to create a stylish subscription form and adjust the copy using power words in your call to action.If you have any questions, feel free to send an email at contact@getsitecontrol.comIf you have any questions, feel free to send an email at contact@getsitecontrol.comThis is it for the episode. Thanks for listening Getsitecontrol Insider. Until next time!This is it for the episode. Thanks for listening Getsitecontrol Insider. Until next time!   

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