Getsitecontrol Insider

9 Tactics to Collect Email Addresses

Getsitecontrol Episode 8

Getting started with email list building? We've reviewed 9 tactics you can use to collect email addresses from your website visitors.

By the end of the episode, you'll have plenty of ideas for your lead generation strategy.

Tips to help you convert more visitors into subscribers: 

Need to add an email opt-in form to your website?

Then give Getsitecontrol a try. It will help you create beautiful online forms and popups within minutes even if you’re a non-techie person.

Create beautiful email signup forms, coupon boxes, and pop-up surveys for your store with Getsitecontrol.

Speaker 1:

Hi, this is Getsitecontrol Insider, a podcast where we talk about ways to boost conversion rates. In today's episode, we will share nine easy tactics to collect email addresses, and we're going to discuss ideas way beyond just creating an email subscription form(although you should have this one on your website too).


By the end of listening, you will be armed with plenty of ideas to power up your lead generation strategy in 2020. Stay tuned.

Speaker 2:

9 tactics for collecting email addresses that work in 2020.


Having a list of email subscribers is key if you want to cultivate a community of lifelong customers. The tricky part though, very few people are willing to share their data without good reason and when there is a good reason to subscribe, some people may need a bit of a nudge. That's why the tactics we're going to cover in this episode will include different channels and approaches from displaying delayed popups to hosting webinars and running competitions. Let's get started. Tactic#1: Use email opt in popups. If you haven't tried them yet, you might be surprised how extremely effective popups can be. They're commonly used to collect email addresses and our research shows that popups bring at least two times more email subscribers then a regular embedded opt-in form. So how do you turn a popup into a lead generating machine?

Speaker 2:

Well, if you think about them from your visitors' perspective, it's quite simple.


First, don't rush to display popups upon arrival. Let your visitors get familiar with the content- then suggest subscribing only after they spend a few seconds on the website or scroll down the page. Second tip, make sure the value from subscribing to your newsletter is clear and the call to action on that shiny signup button reflects that. Need some inspiration? Check out our episode on using power words to make calls to action irresistible. We'll link to it in the description. Finally, if you want your email popups to attract subscribers, make sure they look cohesive on your website. Think about it this way: to share their email addresses, visitors should trust you; and a clunky, poorly designed popup may just create the wrong impression and repel them from signing up. Tactic#2: If you have a blog offer, lead magnets in exchange for email addresses A good incentive, also known as a lead magnet, will surely encourage more visitors to give you their email addresses. Of course, to make it work, you should be sure your lead magnet provides real value to your audience's experience. What would it be? Um, depends on your business. You've probably seen many websites offering eBooks, but you don't have to stick to this idea. There are tons of great lead magnet examples that are also content-based. Consider offering a list of resources, quick start guide, free course templates, free trial, or even a series of useful video tutorials. In fact, in 2017 HubSpot found that their most popular lead magnets to be video resources. Now, if you're wondering about the technical side of offering a lead magnet, it's easier than you think. Just make sure to create an eye catching subscription form that pops up at the right moment and then you can deliver the link to the promised content in the welcome email every new subscriber receives. We've published an entire episode dedicated to lead magnets. Make sure to check it out. Tactic#3: If you own any commerce store, offer coupons. Coupons are the best lead magnets for eCommerce, and if you haven't considered them yet, it's about time. Offering a coupon will not only help you collect email addresses, it should also increase sales. A research by Blipper shows that coupon users on average spend 46% more at checkout than regular shoppers. Now if you like this tactic, there are two easy ways to implement it. First, you can display the offer on the email subscription popup and then send the discount coupon code in the welcome email. Or you can display the code within the submission success message that appears right on the popup after the visitor signs up. That way they'll be able to grab their coupon code right there without leaving the store. Tactic#4: Create a quiz to collect emails.

Speaker 2:

Everyone loves quizzes and creating one for your website can be rewarding. The team at LeadQuizzes has found out that the online quizzes can help you increase lead capture by up to 500%.


The idea behind it is quite simple. After participating in a quiz on your website, your visitors submit their email addresses via a special form to get their results. Still in doubt? Well, here's a couple of creative quiz examples that helped well-known businesses collect emails. The first example is provided by Topshop, a well known clothes store. They used a Personal Shopper quiz to help their website visitors find new clothing items to match their style. And if you think about it, that's killing two birds with one stone. Not only does the Topshop quiz help collect email addresses, it also encourages you to shop. Another example is provided by Airbnb. Their quiz is named Airbnb Trip Matcher. It helps you find out your traveling personality and the cities you should be visiting this year. As you may have guessed from the examples, for a quiz to work, it should be relevant to your website's niche because you want to collect email addresses from the audience that is truly interested in what you're selling. Tactic#5: Host free webinars. Hosting webinars is a great way to collect emails and it has been widely used for years. If you're ready to try this format and share helpful information with your audience, you need to do the following. Announce your free webinar on your website and social media channels and then just share the link to join it in exchange for an email address. Even after the webinar, you'll be able to reach your audience via their inboxes, and if they were interested in your webinar, chances are they are also interested in your products or services.

Speaker 2:

Tactic#6: Drive traffic from social media to a landing page.


There are many opportunities on social media to drive traffic to a landing page where you can collect email addresses. Let's take a look at the easiest options. First, Facebook. When you create a Facebook page, you can add a sign up button to the top of it. Link this button to a landing page where you can collect emails and highlight it in your Facebook cover page to encourage people to click. Next is Instagram. Within your Instagram bio, you can add a website or landing page URL. Make sure you place an enticing call to action next to it to entice your followers to join your list. Finally on Twitter, you can run an ad campaign directed at your target audience to drive traffic to your landing page and generate leads. Social media campaigns can be tricky to track, so whether you're using special software or just UTM links, don't forget to set your analytics before you start.

Speaker 2:

Tactic#7: Use exit popups to convert abandoning visitors into subscribers.


Exit popups are very powerful. These popups are displayed to visitors who are about to leave your website right before they hit the X button. If used right, they can actually help you convert those visitors into subscribers and lifelong customers. The only way, however, to make them work is by offering a lead magnet. For instance, this is what a typical exit popup may sound like:"Grab a 20% discount before you go. Type your email address below and we'll send you the coupon for the next purchase. Hurry up! It's a time limited offer" It's quite enticing, isn't it? If you want to go this route to collect emails on your website, check out the episode description. We've shared the link to a detailed guide on using exit popups. Tactic#8: Run competitions to collect the participants' emails.

Speaker 2:

Running a competition is another way to generate leads and create a community around your website. Sweepstakes, photo and video contest, giveaways- select a format that resonates with your audience the most and then find the software tailored to your goals.


Most apps include the option to collect emails from the participants, which is exactly what you need. For example, one of the most well known tools to run competitions is called Gleam. It allows you to add a form for collecting participants' email addresses and then pick up the winners randomly. Of course, you should be mindful about the prize. After all, you want to make sure that those entering the contest have interest in your niche and will be responsive to future emails from you. Tactic#9: Display sitewide email opt-in forms Popups, quizzes, and competitions are fun, but let's not forget about good old email opt-in forms that should be easily accessible by your visitors on demand. To make a subscription form noticeable yet unobtrusive, consider adding floating bars that always stay in sight at the top or bottom of a webpage even when a visitor scrolls up and down. These opt in forms may not be the main source of email subscriptions, but they'll become a great addition to your lead generation effort. And if you want to know how effective such an opt in form can be, the Buffer team claims that a floating bar generates 33.5% of all email signups on their website. That should sound impressive enough for you to go ahead and add one on your website right now

Speaker 1:

And that was the last tactic for today. Remember that building an email list is a process and you should never rely on one source of subscribers. By using different tactics and channels at the same time, you'll get better results and learn more about your audience behavior.


Time to wrap up! Hopefully you've enjoyed this episode. Don't forget to subscribe to receive our weekly marketing insights, and if you want to add good-looking email subscription popups and bars, check out It's a user friendly tool that will help you create beautiful online forms within minutes, even if you're a non-techie person. This is it for the episode. Thank you for listening. Until next time.