Encourage & Equip with Anna Donahue
Anna's desire is to “encourage and equip” the Body of Christ with solid, Biblical teachings. Her prayer is that you come to know Jesus in ways that exceed your wildest dreams and expectations! God is truly on the move in people’s lives! Giving hope where there was none, replacing indifference with unconditional love, bringing healing, and restoration to whomsoever will, liberating people to fulfill their divine destinies. Tune in each week for a life changing message!
Encourage & Equip with Anna Donahue
Solutions Shorts | Possessing the Land Part 2
Anna Donahue
Season 5
Episode 8
Last week we learned that VICTORY IN THE CHRISTIAN LIFE is not an automatic thing. There can be a GREAT GAP between what we KNOW and what we ACTUALLY EXPERIENCE. Here are the first 2 (of 8 ) reasons that could be the cause of that GREAT GAP!