Edinburgh Napier University Podcast

S2|E1 Edinburgh Napier Talks... Coronavirus

Peter Barlow Season 2 Episode 1

The second series of Edinburgh Napier Talks… is back with an infectious new topic – viruses. Host, Ross Burns, takes his usual position in front of the mic alongside our guest School of Applied Sciences’ Professor of Immunology & Infection AND Head of Research, Peter Barlow.

The two sit down and discuss the headline-grabbing Coronavirus, how the world is reacting to it and do the facemasks really work – and more importantly, do they work on our pets? During the episode, we also got Peter’s personal opinion on the “worrying” misinformation surrounding the anti-vaccination movement.

The article mentioned in this podcast is: https://theconversation.com/can-you-die-from-a-common-cold-126241

 Peter Barlow
Twitter: @profpeterbarlow

Music Credit: Alex Finlay