Real Rebel Podcast

Traver Boehm: Uncivilized Men

September 18, 2019 Katie Buemann

On this episode, I talk with Traver Boehm author, speaker, and founder of The Man Uncivilized Movement. Traver inspires millions of men to shift their experience of masculinity by combining the Primal Masculine with the Divine Masculine. So… big work. And after speaking to him it’s clear he’s fit for the task.

If you’re a man, or you know one that feels stuck, uninspired, is spending a lot of time numbing out… this is definitely an episode to pass along.

Previously Traver was a strength and conditioning coach, Crossfit gym owner, MMA fighter, bodyguard, acupuncturist, and surfer. He was living his life very much in his masculine energy, ticking off the boxes as he went, but never really diving into the rich deep murky waters that can very often be the feminine energy.

He experienced life as many men do in this society and culture. Numbing out in order to avoid the emotions that had been suppressed and buried over the years. A story we’re all too familiar with at this point.

Until, of course, a course altering time in his life presented itself and he was forced to face pain in a way he never had before. And thus began his dark night of the soul and the catapult that launched him into the work he’s doing now and his latest book Man Uncivilized.

But, as it goes, Traver tells this story much better than I do. So tune in and buckle up.

Your Host - Katie B