Real Rebel Podcast

Audie Coffee: Energetic Presence in Chaos and Creation

Katie Buemann

In this episode of the Real Rebel Podcast Audio Coffee edition, we talk about how our energetic presence influences the world around us and the world we create.

Now is a time of creative expanse. In front of us is a new year, new energy, and limitless potential. The energetic volume of the world has been turned up drastically. Which means we have to be even more mindful of the part we play. We can choose to let the chaos of these times send us down a rabbit hole of defeat and despair, or we can choose to side with love.

Either way, with the creative space ahead and the power of the energy here now, we are in a prime position to create whichever reality we choose to focus on. The question is, will you allow yourself to believe in the possibility you hold? And will you trust that it is safe to side with love? Or will you slip into the opposite?

As always the choice remains entirely your own. 

Your Host, 

Katie B