The FASD Success Show

#058 Nancy Lockwood: Practical Tools and Tips for Caregivers and Advocates

Jeff Noble Episode 58

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Like a few of the guests I have interviewed for the FASD Success Show, our professional lives have intersected at various points. I first met Nancy Lockwood eight years ago when I was invited to present at the Ottawa FASD Caregiver Group. A lot has changed in the last eight years. 

Nancy has been living and working in the FASD world for a lot more than eight years however – it has been over 25 years. Her interest in the field was sparked while supporting loved ones with FASD, and then grew through her role as an educator supporting individuals with special needs including brain-based disabilities.  

“I became aware of how my actions and reactions were influencing people (with FASD) and if I could stay really calm and patient and listen, that they were giving that back to me.”  

From 2015 until recently, Nancy was Manager of the Fetal Alcohol Resource Program (FARP) at ABLE2, formerly Citizen Advocacy Ottawa, a program she helped to design and launch in 2015 in collaboration with Kids Brain Health Network, CHEO and the Children’s Aid Society of Ottawa. 

We talk about her roles and responsibilities with ABLE2, which I know will inspire you as to what can be accomplished by a dedicated group of advocates, as well as: 

  • Practical tools and tips she has learned over the years – some may be familiar and to others it may be the first time hearing them. 
  • Advice and best practices for moving beyond volunteer advocacy to building an organization in your community. 
  • COVID and its impact on her organization, how it pivoted and impacts on families; she shares four key results of a recent research study.  

Nancy’s passion is bringing together collaborative partners to develop innovative ways to support people with FASD and their caregivers. She also shares with us how she arrived at her decision to move on in her career to become an independent FASD Consultant. 

“A key thing that worked for us – bringing together partners. You can’t do it alone.”  

I think after listening to this episode you will understand how Nancy can build teams and moved FASD to the forefront in her community of Ottawa and beyond. She is well-spoken, knowledgeable, friendly, and passionate. All key ingredients for success. I hope you will find something to spark you in this podcast and join me in wishing Nancy well in her new endeavour and welcoming Manon Kelso to her new role. 

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