Subscription Box Basics

Create your subscription box business plan

Having a business plan laid out neatly has so many benefits. It gives you clarity and builds a solid foundation on which you can grow. It helps you stay focused on the big picture plan, and it's an absolute necessity if you're seeking an investor or some other kind of funding.

It's baaaack....Introducing Box Business Plan Live: A Five-Day Virtual Workshop To Get It Done. And you are invited. This is for you if you don't have a business plan for your subscription box yet, or if you're just in the idea stage. We’ve designed this workshop to get you results without overwhelm. 

The party starts Monday, January 16th And in just five days, you will have your very own subscription box business plan. 

The live program includes the following: 

  • 5 days of core training
  • Bonus mindset training
  • Pop-up Facebook group to connect 
  • Live office hours for Q&A (replay will be available)

The transformation you’ll experience: More confidence AND a business plan by the end of the week. 🔥

It's our hope that this program lights a fire for so many of you to take that next step. It's going to be so much fun. 

Get more details, FAQs, and enroll at

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Hey everybody. Welcome back to Subscription Box Basics. Renee and I are here today to talk to you about one of our favorite workshops that we do. It's one of the most successful ones for our students and one that we love. So much. And so I wanna introduce to you the box business plan. We like to call it B B P. So B B P is this five day virtual workshop to get your box business plan done. So often we launch without a plan. It's okay, I've been there. But what I find is that if you have a plan, things go a little smoother, right? Renee? Things are a little more organized, so, Absolutely. Yeah. And we are all about the plan here at subscription box basics, and we understand that sometimes you're just rolling and you're like, next thing you know, you're like, what did I do? But we're here to bring you back and get you together with the plan. Yes. So you are invited. This is for you. If you don't have a business plan for your subscription box yet, or maybe you're in that idea stage. We designed this workshop to help you get your business plan done in five days flat without the overwhelm. So again, you're in the idea stage and you're thinking what next? Or. Maybe you've launched and you're having a hard time focusing. Maybe you launched to crickets. Maybe there's something, some steps you feel like you've missed. This might be a good place for you to kind of just take a step back, get that clarity through your box business plan so that you can move forward with more success. So let's, first we're gonna paint a picture of your live experience, and then Renee and I are gonna talk through each day like what's gonna happen day 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. So the party starts on Monday, January 16th. That is the first day of box business plan. And then that entire week we're gonna work together using audio training, a pop-up Facebook group, as well as some daily homework. So you will have your very own subscription box business plan. Neatly laid out by the end of the week. This actually has so, so many benefits. It's gonna give you clarity, it's gonna help you build a solid foundation in which you can grow. It's going to help you stay focused on the big picture plan. And quite honestly, it's really a necessity if you are seeking any sort of funding or an investor. We're really going to take this business plan that can be so overwhelming, and we're gonna make it super simple for you because Renee, you and I, we like to do things simply. We like to have fun. We promise this is gonna be fun. Now, don't get us wrong. Running any kind of business is going to require hard work, dedication, but with this box business plan framework, you're gonna actually enjoy putting it. So this is one of those workshops that you can do on your own, but a couple of times every year we do it live and we find it to be so much more impactful because you not only get access to us, but you get access to other people in the same stage of your business. And you know how we feel about this by now? Like, we believe that you should start a. Being surrounded by support system and community. And so a few words from people who've been through this program before. Danielle said, homework done. That was a very easy one today. Thanks for making this whole process so easy and straightforward to do. She said . I am so, so happy. I had the best week. It's been so good. And then there was Samantha that said, all done today was a lot less painful than I thought it was gonna be. This is the hardest piece for me for a number of reasons. Thank you for making it so easy. Short and sweet. And then there was Alicia that said that was so fun. Clear and quick. I am complete. Aw, I love that. I just, it makes me so happy to see people taking. So let's just take a minute to walk through what to expect in the live version of the box business plan, or what we're gonna call again, B B P. So each day throughout the program, you are gonna learn about and create one section of your subscription box business plan. So there's five sections. We're gonna do one a day. We're gonna start with the audio. Podcast episode that we're gonna provide you so that you can understand the who, the what, where, when, and why. After you go through the short training, you're gonna have homework each day, and that homework is actually a lot simpler than what you expect, and it's fun to go through. The homework is just to answer a set of questions related to that day's business plan section. And the really, really cool thing about this, Renee, this is one of my favorite parts. All of the answers to your homework are gonna be sent to you from day one through day five, and together they make up your business plan. How cool is that? You create a business plan without even knowing it. I love it. I really think that's the best aspect of all of this. You're doing the work little day by day, and then by the end of the week you have a business plan. So let's talk about the five sections of the business plan and what we're going to go over. So on day one, we're gonna cover your business and objectives. We're trying to get a high level summary on what your subscription box business is all about, why you're starting your business, and what you hope to achieve. So that's day one, but I forgot to mention that sprinkled in there before you even start, there is some mindset training. We know when you're about to do something big, there can be some imposter syndrome, there can be fear, there can be some really scary things. So before you even dive into day one where you're talking about your, your business and your objectives, we're gonna help you tackle some of those other things that might be kind of creeping in and making you feel less confident. So then on day two, we're gonna talk about your target customers. Here we're trying to help you get clear on your ideal target audience. It's just so important to carve out who your target customers are. We're gonna get really deep on this. We're gonna figure out. Who they are, what their name is, where they shop, what keeps them up at night. All these little things about your target audience is going to help you build your marketing message. And day three we're gonna talk about competitive research and market analysis. We want you to. Really dive into your market, the key players that are, might already be in your industry, and how you are prepared to compete within this market. This is not scary at all. This is not, about scarcity. This is about, there's room for you in this market. We just wanna see who the major players are. and day four is one of my favorite days because we talk all about sales and your marketing plan . So after you fully have a grasp on what your business is and who you're serving, what your competition is doing, we really start to dive into your marketing plan. We're trying to help you understand how to plan. Your best plan going forward so you can in attract and engage with your customers in order to achieve your business goals. And then on the final day, day five, we'll talk about your operations plan. you'll detail how your business will operate when it comes to fulfillment and shipping. So often you move forward without really talking about the day-to-day and what operations will look like. So on day five, you'll have that covered. I think it's really important too, because there's a lot of moving parts to a subscription box business, and as I talked to boot campers, one of the things that they said was before they had any support, they felt really overwhelmed trying to figure out all those things that they didn't know. And a lot of it was about fulfillment, how to do renewals, when to do them, when to ship, all that stuff. So these five days are gonna be filled with. They're gonna be filled with office hours for q and a. Yes, you can ask us questions and we're gonna have a private pop-up Facebook group so that you can connect not just with me and Renee, but also with others that are participating in Box Business Plan. Who knows? You may meet a great accountability buddy. You might even meet your next box bestie. So let's recap the program real quick. Here's what your days are gonna look like during the five Day Box business plan event. This live version that we're doing January 16th through the 20th. First, you're going to listen to the audio training of the day, where we're gonna cover one section of your business plan. Step two, you're gonna answer the questions of the day, your homework, and together your answers through the week, create your business plan for you. And step three, you can join us for office hours in our Facebook group to ask questions and connect. And then if you can't make it live, don't worry. Of course the replay will be available so you can catch it later. After day five, you'll have a nice, neat business plan and do not worry, if you need to change things as you develop your business, you can go back and customize this as much as you need. I am so fired up for this next round of box business plan live. Enrollment is now open, so join us if you go to box business You can enroll any time from now until the 15th. And as always, we are available for questions if you reach out to us via email or dms at subscription box basics on Instagram. We are there for you. This, again, is one of my favorite workshops that we do all year, so I really hope that you decide to join us. It's my hope that this program lights a fire for so many of you to take that next step in actually launching your subscription box in 2023, it's going to be so much fun. Join and we'll see you on the other side. Thanks for listening today, and we'll see you in the next episode. Bye bye.

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