Subscription Box Basics

πŸ“¦ The New & Improved Subscription Box Bootcamp πŸ“¦

β€’ Episode 149

Subscription Box Bootcamp is a course and community to provide you the step-by-step training, templates and support to finally launch your subscription box! Its helped hundreds launch their box! Join at


The NEWLY UPDATED course includes:

πŸ”₯ Over 60 short, actionable video lessons (available in browser or our new app)

πŸ”₯ Worksheets to build your business, step by step

πŸ”₯ Templates and checklists for creating your systems

πŸ”₯ Marketing swipe files and templates to make it easy

πŸ”₯ Private online community for connection and support 

πŸ”₯ Resources like planning calculators and vendor list to cut your research time dramatically


 Plus amazing BONUSES!

πŸ’₯ Bonus 1: Welcome Box (over $100 value)

πŸ’₯ Bonus 2: DIY Photography Workshop ($150 value) 

πŸ’₯ Bonus 3: Build a Viral Giveaway training ($100 value)

πŸ’₯ Bonus 4: Private Pro Box Critique ($100 value)

Check the website for more surprise bonuses!

The course is self-paced and most launch their business within 3 months! Can you imagine!? 

Jan 2023 Updates:

- Course has been moved to Kajabi, allowing you to access via app

- Live Chat support during business hours

- Software module including a new bonus from Subbly

- Guest expert training on affiliate marketing from Share a Sale

- Master checklists

- Timeline - to-do list 

- More Digital worksheets

- More examples

- More calculators

- Accountability checkins via email

- Box Business Plan framework

- Mindset training

- Super special VIP upgrade now available that will give you one on one support during your first 3 months

Join at

Support the show

Welcome back to Subscription Box Basics. I am Renee Gonzalez, your marketing coach, and Julie is back with me. So Julie, hey guys, is here and we are talking about something really exciting this week. And we're gonna do an interview style because we are talking about Subscription Box Bootcamp. We are opening up enrollment again soon. But wait, there's more. Julie has been working so hard behind the scenes on new updates for Subscription Box bootcamp, and you guys are going to blow your mind. So Julie, let's talk about some of the updates. Woohoo. I know, I'm so excited. Well, first of all, if you're new around here, subscription Box Bootcamp is our signature course. It is a course and community to provide you with a step-by-step training templates and support to finally launch your subscription box. Like that's what Subscription Box Bootcamp is. It has helped hundreds along the way, and we are reopening it on January 20th at a discount. So save the date January 20th through the 25th., I feel like I'm gonna talk really, really fast cuz you guys, I am so freaking excited about these updates and I think I wanna start Renee with like, why we're doing the updates. Yes, please tell us why. Okay. So every couple years we, we update the course. This course has been tried and true over the years and things change along the way. New softwares emerge, new trends happen, and we wanna make sure that we're on top of that. So that's one of the reasons. Decided to update subscription Box bootcamp. And if you're listening and you are a current boot camper, don't worry. As a boot camper, you get automatic access to all these updates for life, like you get lifetime access. So that's a huge bonus. But the other reason is just like any good business owner, I started taking a deeper dive into customer feedback, into student feedback, and I actually got on a ton of, , video calls, private calls, where we could just talk very candidly about the subscription box bootcamp experience, asking students questions like, what were some of the challenges, what. Made you decide to want to start a subscription box, and why did you choose bootcamp? What were your favorite things? What were your least favorite things? And we took all of that feedback to enhance the experience and make it better. And so that's what we're gonna talk about today, these updates, what bootcamp is and what you can expect. I think it's so important we tell people through the podcast and while we're coaching to ask their subscribers for feedback and to take the good and the bad. And I love, you spent a lot of time doing this, jumped on a lot of calls. I, I think it is definitely. You didn't take this lightly and we gathered all the feedback and, and came up with some really good updates that you've been working on. So I wanted start with maybe the software moving platforms. Yeah, yeah, that sounds good. So currently Subscription Box Bootcamp is hosted on Kartra platform, which is great. We've loved it. It's worked really well for us. It's one of those all in one softwares for course creators and marketers. We decided to move to Kajabi. So if you're a boot camper now, we're gonna merge you over to bootcamp over the next say, 30 to 60 days on Kaja. and if you're new and or if you're going to enroll in January, you'll, you'll immediately get enrolled in our Kajabi platform. And one of the reasons that we did this was it's a better user experience for the students. And one of the biggest things about it is it has an app. So you will be able to download an app. on your phone and go through the subscription box bootcamp experience. It makes it easier to listen to videos, to listen to audios on the go. And if you're like me, when I get a course, I like to kind of listen to the whole thing at upfront, like at least a module at a time where there's several lessons. I listen to see, okay, what are we gonna be covering? What's the big picture? And then I'll go back and do the work. So that's gonna allow you to do that. Kajabi's app is super easy to use. It is free to use and it's just going to be a better experience for our students., I cannot wait. And, but besides being on the app now, if they want, they can do the course on the go. They can do it from their laptop like they did before too. Mm-hmm., one of the biggest pieces of feedback that you got was the need for live support while in there doing the course. Mm-hmm.. So I know we're adding something to help our boot campers with that too. You wanna tell us about that? Yes, I am pumped about this because I know what it's like to go through a course that is pretty much, you know, self-paced like a D I Y style and lack the support that you need to take action, and we decided to add a live chat function. Not only on our website, but inside the course. So if you have a question, all you have to do is open up the live chat and shoot it over to us. It's going to come to either Renee or I, it is. If it's during business hours, we'll get on there and we will, you know, go through the, the questions and answer for you right in that chat. You don't have to schedule a call, you don't have to pay anything extra. This is going to be built in live chat., we obviously have to have some boundaries. So this is gonna be during business hours during the week, but you can still leave a message for us any time of the day.

If you are that person who is up at 3:

00 AM working on your personal development, working on your business you can send us that message and we will get back to you quickly with an answer. So we can help you with tech support as far as the new Kajabi app or, you know, accessing anything. We can help you. Actual questions about the content, we will make sure that you are not left high and dry with questions on what do I do next? And we've created the bootcamp with a roadmap too. So this is a really intuitive self-paced course. We have it broken down into, uh, five stages, which is the idea stage, the pre-launch stage launched systems and scale stages. And so, If you're hearing about bootcamp for the first time, if you are in the idea stage or the pre-launch stage, that is what this course was primarily made for. Some people will join after they've launched because some of the things that maybe have missed or if they've had a failed launch, but most of the people that will join bootcamp will start in that idea or that pre-launch stage. So you're gonna have that live support via chat in the course itself, which I'm super, super excited. That is such an amazing new feature. And let it be known we, or we have a private Facebook group for boot campers too. Mm-hmm., if you're listening or if you're a current boot camper, do not worry that is not going anywhere. This is just in addition. We will now have that live support too. So if you are, like Julie said, you're uh, in the course. Working real hard and something comes up and you feel like it is a, something you need a quick response from. If it's during business hours, Julie and I will be able to help you right there in the actual course. And then you'll also have the Facebook community too to, to really help you grow your idea. Stage two. Yeah, I'm, I think it's gonna be something that's, , unparalleled. You don't get live chat support in most D I Y courses. Most courses that you're kind of self-paced and so this is just gonna bring it to another level in a time. Of your business journey, that can be really scary and overwhelming. So the, the Facebook group is still gonna be there, like you said, it's gonna be there for support. It's gonna be there for questions if you like to ask in a group environment. And also to meet fellow boot campers. You might even, you know, meet someone that you can be accountability partners. So, Ooh, that's a good segue to how business I was gonna. Speaking of accountability and support, we are adding a brand new v i p upgrade. Can you tell us about that? Yes. Okay. So as part of bootcamp, you're automatically going to get. email check-ins. So that's one level of accountability. So we're gonna check in on you in different times throughout your journey, but if you need a little bit more handholding, if you feel like you need someone to talk to more on the regular, we are adding a level of V I P support... this is a V I P upgrade that And it is going to be live office hours via Voxer. If you haven't heard of Voxer, it is a walkie-talkie style app. It's a free app. It allows you to send text messages, audio messages, or video messages, and that you go back and forth with the person on the other side, and the person on the other side is gonna be. You and me and me we're ah, and so we are gonna be your coaches walking you through three months, the first three months of your subscription box bootcamp journey, because that's the time you're gonna be in pre-launch. That's the time where you're gonna need pep talks, that that's the time when you need that accountability. And you might have some questions. And so you're going, you can learn more about that when you enroll. We'll have some details on the website at subscription box bootcamp dot. So you can learn all about that. But essentially we're gonna have office hours a couple times a week for those people who choose that V I P upgrade. I'm so excited to get to know some of our new boot campers on a deeper level through this and to provide that. Unbelievable level of support that you would probably find something like this in a group coaching program. But for the price of a D I Y course, and when you and me were brainstorming and really putting this together, I think we pulled from being able to one-on-one coach. Now we have learned so much as coaches from that experience that we're, we really. Able to provide more support. Mm-hmm., whether it's Boxer, boxer, which it will be in this case or Zoom. It's really helped us learn more about our students and our boot campers and having that support right from the get is so beneficial for us to carry them through and really help you on your journey. Building your. But so beneficial. If you're just starting out, I feel like so many times you have this idea, whatever it be, whether it's building a box or or doing something else, but then you kind of get stuck or you, or you question yourself. Mm-hmm., and you're like, mm-hmm , is this really, should I really take the next step? So having the support from Julian myself for those first three months when you're questioning yourself because you really shouldn't be. But just. Reminders every, a few times a week to to help answer questions or help get you in the right mindset again, is just gonna be priceless to help you move forward when building your box. And it's gonna be office hours with access to both of us. Mm-hmm.. And so that's, I cannot wait. Yes, I know. I'm so excited. It's crazy because Renee, as we were talking about, okay, how can we provide another level of support for people who need it? Some people don't need this, but some people do. We were thinking about what do we use personally, you know, when I feel stuck or if I'm staring at a blank slate on my computer and I'm like, okay, I just need someone to help me get started with something. Or I just have a quick question., this is really another perk is like you just wanna throw an idea against the wall and see if it sticks. That's not efficient. You really need to talk through some of that stuff. And so I cannot wait to share more details about that upgrade. And one of the reasons we added that is with all those calls that I did with current students, That was a recurring trend that was saying I really wanted more support in my pre-launch phase. And an another thing was more examples, and so that's something that I've added to the updates With bootcamp, we are adding more examples. So that you feel inspired, I just added a whole video about packaging inspiration so you can see how people have used, uh, stickers and stamps to, to customize their brand packaging if they're not ready for custom boxes. And so I'm really excited to feature some of our boot campers with their examples in the updated version. And I let it be known too. I feel like we've always gotten such good feedback from bootcamp, like as is if the, if the course just kept rolling as is without any of these updates. It is such a loved course and something that has really helped people start their box business and get it out into the world. And ah, these updates, I just. I'm so excited. So we are, if you are listening to this live, we are relaunching. Will you tell us again, I know you said it at the beginning. Tell us dates, tell us a little more detail about when this will all roll out. Yes, so we are reopening Bootcamp at a discount on Friday, January 20th through Wednesday, January 25th, and it's gonna be a $300 discount. So the regular price is $1,497. That gives you lifetime access to the course and community, including updates in the future to the course and after the 25th of January, 2023. It will go back up to full price. You're not gonna see the savings opportunity very often, so don't miss out on your chance to save and get that support that you need, that you're craving. The course includes over 60 short actionable videos., most of these videos are gonna be five minutes or less because we don't need all the fluff. We need you to learn and we need you to take action, and you're gonna be able to access those in your browser on any. or on that new app that we talked about through K. It's going to include worksheets to build your business step by step. And it's gonna include templates. So many templates. And I'm working on today actually, Renee, I'm working on a checklist, a master checklist, and gonna be in a Google sheet. And each of the tabs is going to have a checklist. So for example, we're gonna have a pre-launch checklist. Oh, we're gonna have a launch day checklist because it's, it's a little bit scary, like launch day, what do I do? Then we're gonna have a packing day checklist. We have all these great little checklists for you, and they're in digital format. You can just make a copy and put them in your own Google Drive. And what's super fun about 'em? I love a checklist. I don't know about you, but it's so satisfying because when you check off each little box, it turns green. And so you have this great visual. Things are, I'm moving forward. I have accomplished a lot and sometimes Have you ever, have you ever like made yourself a to-do list or a checklist and then added things to it that you've done so you feel accomplished? Oh, and then you go back and cross 'em out almost on a daily basis? Yes.. Well, , we're gonna have this checklist times of your subscription box journey, and all you have to do is look at the checklist and you know exactly. What needs to be done. I'm super pumped about that. So, you know, those types of checklists, those types of templates are there for you. Other templates include Canva templates for your pre-launch Canva templates, for social media. We're gonna include swipe copy, so you know what you need to email someone when they join your list, when they become a subscriber. We have so much swipe copy. And if you're not familiar with swipe copy, it's literal. text cut and paste, and then you tweak it to add like your box name in there and your name in there and any specific dates. It just makes it so you don't start from scratch and with a blank sheet of paper, you know what you need to communicate. So of course, as we mentioned in, in subscription Box Bootcamp includes our private online Facebook community for connection and support. It is so fun because we have hundreds of people in there who've gone through the bootcamp program from time to time. We invite guest experts in there as well. The collective wisdom of that group and the generosity of the people in it just blows my mind when you ask a question in there, you get not only answers from Renee and I and our years and years of experience, I feel like we've literally seen everything in this industry, but also other points of views from people who might be one or two steps ahead of you. And so I love spending time in that community and. The bootcamp also includes other resources like calculators that are going to cut your research time down dramatically. It's going to cut out that analysis paralysis and, and you're probably thinking like calculators. What do you mean? There's calculators in there? Listen, do you know what you're gonna price your subscription box? We've got a calculator for that. Do you know what it's gonna cost to run your own warehouse if you were to hire staff or to outsource it? Yeah, we have a, a calculator for that too. Like we've built these calculators so that you don't have to scratch your head and say, okay, I'm not sure about this. All you have to do is plug in your numbers and it's going to spit out some answers for you. Our goal here is to make things simple and to remove that analysis paralysis that you get from deep diving on Google and YouTube and trying to piece it all together. I'm, I'm like over here getting so excited as you're talking about everything that's included and then I realize we, that all of that is included. Even if you just used pieces of that, even if you didn't fully deep dive into the course, it's like, holy, my, like, Mind blown emoji in my head going off right now. But you didn't even talk about the bonuses yet. I what? Tell us about all of the bonuses. We have hand selected the bonuses that over the years have been the most impactful, and those are the bonuses you're gonna get. Plus we're gonna sprinkle in a little bit of fun. So the first bonus you're gonna get is a welcome box. And yes, it's fun to get a little Happy meal, but this box has so much purpose behind it. It is a teaching moment. When you get this box, you're going to be able to experience a few things. And there there's actually going to be a video to go with the welcome box because we've created. A curated box of tools and fun stuff to help you in your subscription box business. So, for example, we have a measuring tape in there and you're probably like, why do I need a measuring tape? Oh girl. Have you ever imagined getting the most amazing product for your subscription? But it doesn't fit well. That's why you have a measuring tape. When you're out product sourcing, you take that in your purse, you measure things. Trust me, a measuring tape is going to be one of the most used items in your toolbox. We are gonna have some fun things in that welcome box, and you're also going to see how you can brand a plain box because your welcome. Is not custom printed and that's on purpose. Guys. We want to teach through examples, so you're gonna get this box in your hands so it's a goodie box for you, but also an opportunity for you to grow in your knowledge of subscription box world. Bonus number two is a D I Y photography workshop. We realize that you may be starting on a small budget. I did too, and you definitely need really, really good photos of your new subscription box. And so I interviewed Becca Bond of subscription box photography, and she is going to teach you how to manage a in. Photo session for your new subscription box. We're gonna talk about lighting, we're talking about placement, different types of pictures that you might want. And this is really important because you're gonna use those in social media. You're gonna use those photos in on your website. And having poorly lit and amateur photos is not gonna help you with your sales and converting people to customers. So we include as your second bonus, A D I Y photography. So the third bonus is build a viral giveaway training. List building cannot be overlooked. And one of our favorite ways to build a list is through giveaways and we use a software called King Sumo. And in this bonus we're gonna teach you exactly how to use it. Renee, I can't tell you how many times we've used King Sumo for Sparkle Hustle grow in the past and for subscription box bootcamp. Isn't it just like the easiest way to grow your list? It, I absolutely love it. It's, it's so user friendly, especially with. This bonus, and it is really, I feel like. Shopped around, for lack of better words, with a bunch of different giveaway softwares, and it's really the one that we keep coming back to because it makes it so easy for the person on the other side who's entering the giveaway for them to share it too. So it is, it's a great. Platform. This bonus is a huge bonus. One of my biggest things when people are in pre-launch that just hurts my heart, is when they haven't grown their list to before they launch. And they, they have a amazing, amazing product, but when they launch, people just don't know about it because they don't know about them. So it is something that we stress before you launch, is to really work on finding your people and growing your audience and. Building with a giveaway is a fantastic way to do that. Mm-hmm.. So you're gonna learn how to And then the fourth bonus is a private professional box critique. And that means that when you are ready to launch your subscription box, you can send me a sample of the box and I will do a private video unboxing for you. And the reason we do this private is because I wanna be really candid. About where you are doing amazing, where there's room for improvement and just give you some ideas without the added pressure of sharing this with the world. So we do this private video box critique, and it is invaluable. I share lots of resources. I kind of play that devil's advocate role about have you thought about this? And I get to just tap into my years and years of experience about what works and what doesn't. And so as that fourth bonus. You get to do a, get a private professional box critique from yours truly, and h for you having that box in your hands too. I feel like you're able to add so much more critique and, and feedback and value to people rather than just seeing it over a computer screen too, right now. I totally agree and I love it. It it gives you the confidence too. If you send it to me in pre-launch, it gives you more confidence for when you actually do send out those first boxes and trust. it is scary to send those first few boxes. I would, I mean, five, six years in, I still got nervous when I would send out a box because there's that validation where you want to make sure that you do surprise and delight your customers. And so this is gonna give you that kind of one up on making sure that you get it. You send out the best possible version, and you're gonna change your box over the years. But that first founding member's box can really help lay a great foundation for good customer service, for good reviews, just for your confide. I cannot believe all of those bonuses are included. And the bonuses alone I feel like are such a good value. Everything that is. Already in the program. Such a good value. These updates literally just like at a loss for words. Mind blown. Is there anything else you want to tell everyone that we haven't mentioned yet? Yeah, there's a few other updates that we haven't mentioned yet. One of the things that I uncovered during those student calls was the lack of confidence and some mindset issues during pre-launch. And for that reason, we've added mindset training to help make sure that you have your mindset right now in bootcamp, we've always had a couple of pep talks in there and a couple of mindset trainings, but we've identified a few other spots where we felt like there was a gap and so. Up the ante there. We've added some additional mindset training and. We've added some additional software training. So in the past we have always trained primarily on the Cratejoy software. And while Cratejoy is still a very viable offer for your subscription box business, there have been some new softwares that have popped up that are major contenders for your business to run your subscription box business on. And one of those is sub. And as we've gotten to know the team at Suli and the software at Suli, we realized that this should not be excluded from our course. So we have added in some information about different software platforms, including Suli. and the guys at Suby are going to be involved in our subscription box Bootcamp community. So you'll actually have someone from Suby in that group to tag if you have questions or concerns or need support. We are gonna be working with them to do some live q and a. They are going to be adding. Bonuses as well that we can't talk about quite yet, but you will see at when we launch. But trust me that there are some really great softwares out there for subscription box businesses, and Suby is definitely one of them. So we're really excited to put that into the mix of subscription Box Bootcamp. And then finally in our scale stage modules, we, I. Different marketing tactics that you can use to scale your business. These are trainings that you get to choose, okay, , what do I want to pursue as far as this marketing channel? Do I wanna try this? And so one of the marketing channels that's working really, really well these days is affiliate. So we've partnered up with the team at Share Sale to get a little extra training on that. So the affiliate training is definitely gonna be updated, and they've got some special offers for boot campers as well. And so as a boot camper, not only do you get all the course and the training and the community and now the live chat support and the app, all that stuff. Some of our vendors are giving you deals and that is so important during that pre-launch stage. So I'm really excited about that. I wanna reiterate that this course was made specifically for that person who either, either is in the idea stage where it's like, okay, I. I think this, this could work. I have an idea for a subscription box business, and I'm not sure where to start, or if you're already in pre-launch where you're like, okay, I'm starting a business and you're starting to move forward. But you need the systems. You need someone to tell you exactly what to do, then this is made for you. If you are launched already, then I would recommend that you reach out to us on Instagram, just DM us, talk it over with us. This may or may not be the right course for you, but we are gonna point you in the right direction if your. Launched already, and a lot of this is already in your rear view mirror. We have resources and other coaches in the industry that we can point you to, or maybe some of our own programs might be a better fit for you. So I encourage you to either, you know, chat with us on the website or DM us on Instagram. So that you can make a decision that you feel really good. And I love that you said that out in to everyone too, because I know when you and me decided to relaunch as subscription box basics. Mm-hmm., that was really a main focus for us, was not to serve everyone. We want everyone to do well and everyone to succeed, but we really know that to be the best coaches that we can be. There are people that are in specific stages and need specific things that we can really go all in on and, and that is, I mean, all of these, the time that you've spent behind the scenes too, but just all of the energy that we will have spent and will spend moving forward, we really wanted to be the people that help you make that a success. Cuz that is, I feel like, As coaches and, and just as, as humans, we want to see people be successful, I feel like you and me are the ultimate cheerleaders when it comes to, to female entrepreneurs and just people building their dreams in general, and I feel like. The amount of time and love that you've poured into this course and continue to pour in this course and will continue to pour into the course truly is for those people that we know we can't help everyone. That would be amazing. That would, that would be amazing for our families in our, in our pocket books. But that is, that's not what we're after. We're after really helping the people that we can help the best way possible. Yeah, and that is working with the as new and aspiring subscription box business owners like that is our sweet spot where we can best help people. And I'm telling you what guys, you're gonna get a seven day refund policy with Subscription Box Bootcamp, but . I am so confident that you won't need that because this is gonna be like Olympic level course experience.. I'll just leave it at that. Just bring in it. So mark your calendar That's when we open enrollment at the discount, the $300 off, we will have a payment plan. Yes. And if you check it out and you go to the website and you're like, I have questions, message. Live chat with us again. We want you to feel good about your decision, , about your investment. I'm so excited. I mean, if you are someone who is serious about starting a subscription box, this course is a no-brainer. The value I, I'm literally squirming in my seat with excitement and then I know I was behind the scenes and I've. Put these ideas together, but the value is just, it's there. I mean, whether it's running through the whole course, having Julian me in your back pocket ah, I'm, I'm excited for people to start their box. Yeah, and if you're that kind of person that needs proof or wants to hear some testimonials, there are so many. Overall subscription box, you can read their stories, you can hear directly from them via video., and I think you're gonna feel really inspired and maybe even feel like you can do this too. All right. I, I feel like that's a perfect place to wrap it up Again, we are available at subscription box Basics is our Instagram. The live chat will be on our website, so we cannot wait to talk to you guys. Do not hesitate if you have any questions. Julie and myself are here to help answer them and help you make a decision that you feel is the right decision for you, and we'll be back next week. Yep. Cannot wait to see you guys on the inside of Subscription Box Bootcamp, and we'll see you next week. Bye bye.

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