Subscription Box Basics

Shipping from home? You need this!

Episode 156

This is a video about Shipping from home? You need this! 

Get the DIY Warehousing workshop for only $25 at then click on Workshops.

--Details on the essential supplies you need to run your warehouse PLUS quick links, saving you hours of research

--Training on the ins and out of receiving bulk products at your home-based business. 

--An entire module dedicated to staying organized in your packing and shipping workspace

--Tips for a smooth and efficient shipping process PLUS my secret weapon to keep shipping costs down.

--Lifetime access to your student portal

--Bonus 1: Interviews with successful sub box owners that DIY their box fulfillment: Take a peek behind-the scenes for inspiration and helpful advice.

--Bonus 2: Inventory Spreadsheet template -  Use this to manually track loose inventory in a streamline and sharable  doc. Perfect if you want to sell excess inventory in bulk to other box owners. 

--Bonus 3: Packing Day Checklist -  Use this for organizing your  workspace for packing day! Available as a PDF download and an editable Canva template. 

--Bonus 4: Vendor Tracker:  Use this template to track your favorite vendors all in one place. It will be a great go-to doc each month when you are ready to place product orders. 

--Bonus 5: Monthly Product Planner:  Use this for organizing your game plan for each box. Available as a PDF download and an editable Canva template.

Enroll now at then click on Workshops.

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Hey everybody. I'm welcome back to subscription box basics. I'm Julie Ball and today's episode is for you. If you are running a subscription box business, and you want to set yourself up for success in your own warehouse, be honest, is your fulfillment a hot mess? You're picking, packing, shipping. Like, is it a hot mess? If, so this is the perfect episode for you. I've been through quite the journey with a variety of warehouses and doing it myself. So I've got a lot of experience when it comes to outsourcing it versus DIY. And I'm going to share some of that with you. I want to tell you about this new workshop that we have that I think you're really, going to love. It's called the D I Y warehousing workshop. And in it, we talk about receiving and shipping and staying organized. And by the end of the workshop, you're going to have your own plan for basically setting up and running an efficient home-based warehouse. There's PDFs, there's videos, and of course bonuses, which I'm going to tell you all about shortly. And you're not going to believe it, but this workshop only costs $25. If you didn't know already, we have a series of $25 workshops. That are meant to help you in those early stages where you might just be on the struggle bus a little bit. We know what it's like. We've been there. Trust me. So we have these $25 workshops, which are a low price point for you to get some of the help that you need. Okay, let's start talking about this with what is DIY versus what's outsourced. And so when I think of DIY, I think of basically home based, or maybe you rent a facility, a storage facility or office space. But you have full control. You get to call the shots and you have to do all the work. Whereas if you outsource it to a three P L, which stands for third party logistics partner, or in other words, a fulfillment center or a warehouse. Someone else picks packs and ships, all your boxes for you, basically taking that off your plate. So in this workshop, we're focusing on solely doing it yourself. First, let me give you a little bit of my background. So that you can understand where I'm coming from when I put this together. So since 2016, when I launched sparkle hustle, grow my subscription box for female entrepreneurs and side note, I sold that box in August of 2022. But back in 2016, when we first launched, I fulfilled my subscription box at home. We were living at a 1200 square foot home rental home, and there just, there wasn't a lot of space. And I was working in the sunroom. I was working in the laundry room. Like literally products in every nook and cranny and corner of the house and crinkle cut on the floor using our dining room table. You probably can relate to all of that. And so this was a small house and that was one of the big reasons why I eventually took that first step and moved into a local warehouse and they were not fancy at all. It was a small mom and pop warehouse. They didn't have any fancy software. It was literally like my baby steps with warehousing. And so we manage the entire process. Through Google sheets. I would list incoming products. They would let me know when they got there and they would share photos with me, just, they would text me a picture and when they arrived and they would share photos with me on packing week. So I could see how they were packing the boxes. It worked. It was great. It fit the budget. But then as I continued to grow the business, I decided to move into a larger regional warehouse. And one of the reasons I did that was because after every packing week I would drive to my local warehouse, which was only about 25, 30 minutes away, which is great, but I would gather all the excess inventory, bring it back to my home and manage that. Basically shipping all of the one-time shop orders. So when I was at that local warehouse, it was sort of a hybrid. They were packing all the batches, like the big batches. But I was managing all the excess inventory so you can see how it wasn't a hundred percent ideal, but it worked. So moving to a regional warehouse. Allowed me to be completely hands-off with the products with the batches and with the one-time product sales. Now, there was definitely some pros and cons to it, but in the end we ultimately moved back to home-based fulfillment because we were in a position where my husband could do that. Part-time and it was going to save us tremendously when it came to costs. We had a two car garage. That we basically converted into a warehouse and it just made. So much more sense from us from a profitability standpoint and from a manpower standpoint since my husband, could you, the packing for me? And so I wanted to tell you that again, that warehousing journey, so you could feel confident that I'm the right coach to help you with your home-based fulfillment, your DIY warehousing. I'm experienced and I can help you streamline your operations to be simpler and more efficient. You don't need to Google it anymore and piece it all together from unreliable sources. I got you. So let's switch gears. And talk about the actual contents of the DIY warehousing workshop. So there's four modules in the first module, we talk about the pros and cons of DIY versus outsourced. How to know when to outsource, if you're even considering that. And then we cover the essential supplies. So in order to prepare yourself for a successful warehouse workspace, there are some essential supplies that you'll need and I've carefully chosen these items based on necessity. And experience, and it will eliminate your research time because you're going to find the entire list with purchase links in a PDF. In addition to the video training. So then in the second module, the short training video focuses on receiving which refers to incoming products, which you're going to have a lot of, if you are DIYing, your box fulfillment. So you're going to want to have a game plan in place or else things will get chaotic, but this video covers it for you and you'll get a product and vendors tracker, one of your bonuses. In the third module of the DIY warehouse had workshop. We're going to talk about staying organized. In order to prepare yourself for success, you need to stay organized in your packing area. And this video will help you do just that. You're also going to get a bonus template for an inventory tracker, a monthly product planner. And a link to my favorite online resources to make custom calendars, to keep you organized. You are going to feel so organized after going through this module and using all the resources. And then in the last module of the workshop, we cover shipping, which is one of your most important jobs as a subscription box business owner and DIY Warehouser . This module will walk you through ways to make it easier, more efficient and to keep all your customers happy. On Top of the video training, you're also going to get a bonus packing day checklist. To make sure that you have a smooth packing day or a smooth packing week, however long it takes you to fulfill your orders. So those are the four core modules you're going to find in the workshop, but let's talk about the bonuses as you probably heard me sprinkling them in already. You're going to get an inventory spreadsheet to track loose inventory in a streamlined and shareable document. Perfect. If you want to sell excess inventory in bulk to other box owners, which is a really, great strategy for excess inventory. You're also going to get a packing day checklist to organize your workspace for your packing sessions. And a vendor tracker so you have one go-to dock when you're ready to place your product orders. You're also going to get a monthly product planner to use as a game plan every single month for putting together each box. But the bonus that I love the most are my interviews with other successful box owners that also DIY their box fulfillment. You get to take a peek behind the scenes with photos and Q and a that you're not going to see anywhere else. You're not only going to learn from them and their mistakes. But you'll also feel that inspiration of if they can do it, I can to listen. If you have already launched and you are struggling with the logistics of receiving. Packaging shipping, staying organized in your workspace. Then this is the workshop for you. Again, it's part of our$25 workshops series. Seriously guys, $25. You've spent more on coffee this month than that. And this. We'll actually make a huge difference in your business. I mean, don't get me wrong. Coffee is important. But does it help you streamline your operations? Doubtful. You can find the diy warehousing workshop and our other amazing $25 workshops on our website subscription box then just click on workshops I know you're going to love it and it is going to be the best $25 that you spent on your business this month. I can't wait for you to dive in and to improve your operations. Well that's it for me today guys this quick episode was just to again to provide you with a, another one of the many resources that we offer here at subscription box basics. Thanks for listening today and i'll see you in the next episode Bye.

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