Subscription Box Basics

Launch Your Own Subscription Box

Julie Ball Episode 38

#038 - Julie talks about how you can launch you own subscription box business with Subscription Box Bootcamp. In this episode, Julie outlines what's included in the bootcamp and some of the bonuses so you'll know immediately if it is the right program for you.

Subscription Box Bootcamp is coming out September 17th. Make sure to sign up for our waitlist and you will get a special opportunity to save $500 on enrollment.


Sparkle Hustle Grow
Subscription Box Bootcamp Waitlist 

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Julie (00:01):

So you want to launch a subscription box and don't know where to start? Girl, you are in the right place. I'm Julie Ball, a subscription box coach and your host here at Subscription Box Basics, a podcast for new and aspiring subscription box entrepreneurs that want to avoid overwhelm. So grab a coffee, some pen and paper and let's have some fun!

Julie (00:22):

Hey guys, welcome back to Subscription Box Basics. I'm your host Julie Ball. And I am a subscription box business coach and founder of Sparkle Hustle Grow my multi-six-figure subscription box business and online community for female entrepreneurs. I was able to grow this box business to a full time income within nine months of launching. And now four years later, I want to help you launch your subscription box. So I know you, you are ambitious, but feeling stuck. You are so ready to finally launch your subscription box without the overwhelm. You want to help others through your box business, and you don't want someone else to beat you to it. So day after day, you had to Google for more searching. You've probably been researching for weeks and maybe even joined five new subscription box Facebook groups in the past week alone, you were so excited to launch your subscription box idea, but just got stuck in the decision paralysis of all the moving parts.

Julie (01:22):

And there are a lot of them. I mean, tech, products, margins, seriously, you probably feel overwhelmed. Might have lost motivation and feel stuck. I get it. I've been there. This was me in mid 2016. When I also was piecing together the business model in the same way. I know that you've read the blogs and you've watched a bunch of videos and might feel more confused more than ever. And you're trying to piece together how to do the sourcing, the box design and all the marketing on your own. And then of course, you went down the software rabbit hole. It might be awhile before your family sees you again. I seriously know exactly how you feel you're done. You're over it. You've probably feel defeated. Do you wish someone which is take you by the hand and guide you through each step in order making the big decisions easy?

Julie (02:15):

My friend, you are not alone. In fact, I know a lot of people just like you, you probably have a lot of questions. And if you're looking at this business for the first time, if you don't have a plan to follow, it can be really easy to make some critical mistakes and get off track and then pump the brakes and quit before you even send out those first boxes. You're right. Without any guidance and support, it can be really difficult to make any progress at all. And that's why I put together a Subscription Box Bootcamp for you. So you can start planning your subscription box on paper and finally create the box business. You've imagined I'm here today to tell you that you can definitely do this. Just imagine what it's gonna feel like when you've shipped your first boxes and finally get to deliver absolute delight to your new customers.

Julie (03:06):

Imagine the excitement of amazing reviews on your first box and imagine the feeling of earning an income from your box idea. There's no doubt about it. The subscription box industry is hot. The market's healthy. It's experienced some great growth recently and just like clockwork demand peaks around the holidays. So if you've got an idea that you think could make it, don't miss this chance to make your dream come true. This is truly a great time to launch. So it's up and running before the holidays. So I decided to create this online course subscription box boot camp. It's an online course and community because the question I get more than anything else is how do I start a successful subscription box. Subscription Box Bootcamp will teach you how to start and grow a profitable subscription box business, and you won't have to do it alone. Boot camp opens on September 17th, 2020, and Mark your calendar.

Julie (04:06):

And if you join our wait list at, you can actually save $500 on your enrollment. And it's only available for a limited time though, and I'm only gonna make this offer one time a year. So go get on the waitlist now. I'd like to take a few minutes to just outline what's included in bootcamp. So, you know, immediately, if this is the right program for you, I don't want to waste your time. And I know you don't want to waste your money. So the boot camp core training is built in a way to help you get from point A to point B as quickly as possible. The training covers topics like wholesale buying and product sourcing, prelaunch and all the way through scaling. We talk about marketing and retention and systems. The curriculum itself includes 60 lessons over the five stages of your subscription box journey.

Julie (04:56):

And those five stages are the idea stage, prelaunch, launch, systems and the scale stages. Each lesson includes short, actionable videos, demos, and resources like templates and swipe files. And for more details on those five stages that I just talked about, check out my last podcast episode, where I go into a little more detail. So here's a breakdown of the resources included in subscription box bootcamp. One of the best parts is the videos and software demos that walk you through the actual steps of launching and running the business. I don't just tell you what to do. I actually show you, you get access to a private mastermind community to lean on for support, accountability, and feedback as you work through the bootcamp. You will be able to connect with one another. Ask questions to peers who have been down your same path and just use it as a sounding board for new ideas.

Julie (05:51):

My team are in the group almost daily, meaning you'll have exclusive access to ask us questions as needed. Plus, it's a great place to sell excess inventory and find your box bestie. You'll get tools and tech so that you don't waste hours and hours of research doing free trials and changing your mind. I want to help make the big decisions easy, and I've done the research so you don't have to just follow my roadmap. You'll get social media templates so you can start promoting your box right away. Posts like spoiler alerts, a launch countdown and theme announcements. You'll get swipe files for email marketing, things like scripts of what to say to vendors and email copy to welcome new subscribers, just copy paste and customize with your own information. You'll get access to our dream team, which is a pre-screened list of vendors we know and love in categories like graphic design, custom boxes and Facebook ads. This dream team is intended to save you hours of time, researching who to hire for things that you might not be able to do.

Speaker 3 (06:56):

We have a Q and A vault to help answer common questions along the way. And I'm so excited about our new peer sourced vendor list. This list will be a great place to start as your product sourcing in different categories, and we'll save you hours and hours of research and back and forth with vendors. Also, you'll be provided with resources and systems so you know your priorities each week to stay on track with sourcing and replenishing and shipping on top of everything, you'll get lifetime access to all the course materials, and that includes updates and new materials as they become available. Guys, Subscription Box Bootcamp will allow you to ramp up significantly faster than you could on your own. So let me tell you about some of the bonuses that you just can't find anywhere else. The first bonus is a DIY photography course by backup bond of subscription box photography.

Julie (07:50):

One of the most important factors in your new product based business is beautiful photography. You'll learn how to set up a DIY studio at home and how to automate your social media imagery with subscription box photography. And this is $150 value. The next bonus is a training to teach you how to build a viral giveaway. When you are the new box on the block, it's hard to get people to notice you and register for your email list. So this training will provide you with the tools and easy steps to build a viral giveaway. This type of marketing campaign can be really impactful for building your prelaunch list, but it also can be implemented at any stage of your business to boost your list. This training is a $100 value bonus. Number three is a professional box critique. So you've been putting together your box for weeks and months now, carefully trying to choose the best box packaging and products for your customer.

Julie (08:47):

It's been a labor of love, and you're probably super excited to ship your boxes, but at the same time, it's really scary. Are you wondering what your customers might think this professional box critique can help? You can send your box to me and I'll provide you with invaluable feedback via a private video unboxing, along with recommendations regarding packaging, perceived value and overall experience through this, you will be more confident and improve your product. And this is another bonus valued at a hundred dollars and bonus. Number four is actually four months free of the Cratejoy software. Cratejoy is an all in one software to run your subscription box business and our preferred platform. Normally you can expect to pay about $39 a month to use it, but this bonus will get you through those first few months where the budget is tight and can be quite a relief.

Julie (09:40):

We may or may not have some surprise bonuses at launch. So you definitely want to get in on our by being on our list too, you'll get a chance to save $500 on your enrollment. This is the full package guys. This is the training and roadmap. You need to finally launch your box. Don't take it from me though. Here's what some of my bootcampers are saying. Jen, from the mama needs box says taking this course was the only reasonable way to launch my subscription box business. I seriously don't know what I would have done without it. Katie from year cheer box says we've launched. Thanks for all of the ideas and support from Julie Ball and others in this group, Beth Ellen said, I have loved having this course as a guide. I would have given up long ago if trying this on my own.

Julie (10:31):

Can you relate to that one? Another bootcamper shared. I am so grateful for this community and Julie, I have worked the lessons and leaned in taking in all the feedback and posts and it's paying off. I am so excited and absolutely loving this process. So a common thread here is how grateful they are to have the support training and a community to lean on. If that's what you think you're missing. I encourage you to enroll in subscription box bootcamp, September 17th. When we opened the doors would love to be that support system that you so need right now. Guys, if you didn't already Mark it on your calendar, do that. Now September 17th is when we opened the doors to subscription box boot camp, 2.0, it's only gonna be open for a short time and I'll only offer this $500 off deal once a year. So head over now to subscription box Thanks for listening to another episode. It's my hope that I've earned your trust through each of these podcast episodes, where I coach you through your subscription box journey, and honestly share the behind the scenes of my own subscription box business. I don't do consulting or one on one coaching. So if you want access to me and my team subscription box bootcamp is your jam. Hope to see you on the inside and I'll see you in the next episode.

Julie (12:03):



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