Subscription Box Basics

That's what she said

September 21, 2020 Julie Ball Episode 40

#040 - In this episode, you're going to hear from a handful of Julie's successful Subscription Box Bootcamp students sharing about their experience with the bootcamp.

Subscription Box Bootcamp is a popular online group coaching program that has helped hundreds of aspiring subscription box entrepreneurs. It provides you with the tools, templates, and support you need to launch and grow your own profitable subscription box business.


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Subscription Box Bootcamp

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Julie (00:01):

So you want to launch a subscription box and don't know where to start. Girl, you were in the right place. I'm Julie Ball, a subscription box coach, and your host here at subscription box basics, a podcast for new and aspiring subscription box entrepreneurs that want to avoid overwhelm. So grab a coffee, some pen and paper, and let's have some fun. Hey everybody. And welcome back to subscription box basics, the podcast. I'm your host Julie Ball, and I'm also your coach at subscription box bootcamp, which is open for enrollment right now. I'm so excited if you're listening to this on the podcast date of September 21st, you only have two more days to enroll. It closes on the 23rd. So make sure you go check it and fun fact. Tomorrow's my birthday. I'm so excited. And it's also the autumnal Equinox, which means the first day of fall sweater, season boots season.

Julie (00:59):

I love it. I just love the fall weather, the crisp cold air. And you can cozy up to some hot chocolate or coffee. I know. Yes. Some of you are shaking your heads. Yes, girl, you feel me bring on the fall. So today's episode is called. That's what she said. And I named it that because you're going to hear from a handful of my subscription box bootcamp, students straight from them about their experience with bootcamp. And I thought it would be helpful for a lot of you who are maybe on the fence to hear from someone other than me about what the experience is like. So I am going to pass the mic and you get to hear directly from some of my bootcampers.

Sandra (01:43):

Hi, I'm Sandra Burley. Um, I own self care Sundays box, a curated eco luxury at home spa experience. My target audience is women in their thirties and forties and subscription boot box boot camp really helped me to get past the point where I was just at the idea, but I didn't know how to take it further than the idea. I thought, great idea. I really think this is going to work. What do I do next? Um, and I was kind of stuck. I think Julie Ball uses the term, um, analysis paralysis or decision process a lot. And that is what, what I experienced, uh, frequently. And as I went through the course, I thought, right, okay, they've done the research. I don't actually have to make all these decisions. I can choose this option, or she's just said, this is the best one. And it just made it so much easier. So I really enjoyed being a member of subscription box booth.

Katie (02:39):

Hi, I'm Katie Richardson, founder of year cheer. We're a subscription box that helps busy families decorate connect and have fun for holidays. Throughout the year, I came to subscription box boot camp last summer when I just had the idea to fat to launch your cheer. And I knew I wanted to launch a subscription box, but wasn't sure where to start. I'd spent hours searching different resources online and just wanted someone to give me step by step instructions of how to make it happen. Even though I came to subscription box bootcamp with over 20 years of retail merchandising experience at big companies like target gap, old Navy and under armor, I still found the tools and trainings that Julie provided extremely helpful in helping me break into this niche market and do it efficiently while I was still, while I'm still at my corporate job. The things that I really love was Julie gave really specific tools and templates that I still use as I'm running my business today, as well as the supportive community that have your back and are cheering for you every step of the way. So I can't recommend subscription box boot camp enough. Even if you have experience in retail or a different niche, it's still a great solution for those who want to break into this market and do so really efficiently.

Latanya (03:52):

I'm Latanya Williams, founder of renew box. We help women prioritize holistic self care through a seasonal subscription of wellness products and activity recommendations well alone Manny's and Petty's sometimes self cares about the hard stuff, creating a budget, healing Oh wounds, or seeing a physician and our products and activity guides help you with the wide spectrum of self care, the Zen relaxing moments and those activities that feel tough but will serve you well. Overall, I am so glad that I found subscription box bootcamp. Yes, you can find tons of info on starting your soap box for free on Google, but that can quickly become information overload. SVB gives you the info and the tools in bite size pieces. So you can actually put your learning into action. And the SVB community is like no other. The sharing of ideas and encouragement have really helped me get past learning and into execution. What that subscription box boot camp. I'm pretty sure I still be researching and stuck in analysis paralysis.

Melissa (04:59):

I'm Melissa with my favorite happy box. My favorite happy box is a subscription box delivered each month. The self care and happiness for women. I'm proud to say that each month I donate a box to a mom of a special needs child. Joining subscription box boot camp has been the best decision yet before I had no idea where I was going. And Julie has guided me through each step to set up my own business and is always there. When I have questions, the support and community she's built is invaluable. Thanks Julie. Hi everyone. This is Flava Gabriel. I'm the father of the fabulous planner and the fabulous splinter box, which is a monthly subscription for planners and stationary. This subscription box wood camp helped me so much when I was first starting out. I actually found out about Julie and her classes a little bit after I, um, but it was great anyways, because I was missing the marketing foundation emails and all that good stuff to bring in more people. So it really, really helped me and my business to thrive. Uh, so I'm really glad I found her. I found her classes and I would definitely recommend for anyone, especially if you're brand new and you're still like are in the beginning stages. It's going to help you for sure.

Jocelyn (06:32):

Hi, my name is Jocelyn misRahi and my subscription box is dog mom lifestyles. And I serve all dog moms who really want to have a special ritual subscription box that comes monthly so they can bond with their dogs more. And you know, in this journey, I have to say that without Julie's class on subscription boxes, I really would have been lost. It. It really helped with having structure and a process to follow, instead of just all this stuff that you can think about what might need to go into a business, blah, blah, blah, but she made the world of difference. Thank you, Julie.

Duffy (07:20):

Hi, my name is Duffy Betterton. I just wanted to share with you a little bit about our subscription box. It's called the ballroom box. It is a quarterly subscription box for ballroom dancers that is filled with tools and goodies to inspire and equip dancers. And we just wanted to say a huge shout out to Julie Ball for helping us pivot and transition and an unusual year as business owners, we have dresses for ballroom dancers and I've had this idea of a subscription box, but didn't really know where to start. And Julie ball's core subscription box bootcamp has been a lifesaver. She helped us know all the details about when and where to order boxes, how to, um, curate your box, how to advertise your bags, how to get it listed, um, in different places. So many details that I didn't even know that I needed to know Julie ball's course was, um, just wonderful and also the online community that continues is definitely worth it. So thank you. Subscription box bootcamp for helping us start the ballroom box.

Ashley (08:28):

Hi, my name is Ashley Wiener and I am the creator of counting our heroes home, which is a monthly deployment countdown box for military kids with a deployed parent. I am a military spouse and mom of five, and I actually came up with the idea for counting our heroes home during my husband's 13 month deployment, which we recently completed subscription box boot camp was offered to me at the best time ever, because I already had the idea of what I wanted to do, but I kind of needed the knowhow of how to walk from step a step a to really start and get the business off the ground. So I would definitely recommend subscription box boot camp to anybody who's really looking for all the tips, tools, tricks, and secrets to really getting your subscription business off the ground. I felt like somebody was holding my hand as I walked through each of the steps of the process and I actually followed it to a T and was in each stage of prelaunch and launch at the same time as I walked through subscription box boot. So it was the best thing for me. It is a little nerve wracking to make the investment, but I promise you it is worth it.

Julie (09:29):

Well there you have it friends. These women are changing lives, not only the lives of their subscribers through their product, but also their own. A lot of them had to make a pivot in their business because of 2020. That's all I need to say, right? Because 2020, but they're also changing the trajectory of their life and their families. And it's just so inspiring. I hope you enjoyed hearing from some of my star students. I am so super proud of them and inspired by them every single day. Gosh, I just love my job. You guys make it so awesome to do what I do. So thank you. Thank you for listening. Thank you for considering subscription box bootcamp. I really hope to get a chance to work with you guys. If you have any questions, hit us up over on Instagram, just send me a DM with your question or your concern about bootcamp.

Julie (10:24):

I'm happy to answer those questions. It's going to be either me or my team, and we'll send you an audio message back. We will send you a text message back, whatever it is you need, we're going to help you out. So hit us up in our DMS. Otherwise I hope you go over to subscription box, check it out, see over $500 in bonuses. See some more testimonials of people building the business of your dreams through this program. And as always, thanks for spending time with me here at subscription box, basics the podcast, and I'll see you in the next episode. Bye guys.


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