Subscription Box Basics

Sell More Boxes

Julie Ball Episode 54

#054 - After years of coaching new and aspiring subscription box business owners through Subscription Box Bootcamp, we found that most subscription business owners get to a certain point where they grow and grow but then all of a sudden they plateau. They get stuck at the same subscriber or revenue numbers for a couple of months in a row. It's normal. Most business owners go through this. And that's why we created this next level program to help you get over that plateau. It's called Sell More Boxes.

In this episode, Julie officially launches Sell More Boxes and dishes out all the details about this new game-changing program.


  • What is Sell More Boxes?  (00:02:56)
  • What to expect in Sell More Boxes? (00:04:08)
  • Walk through of the 8-week plan (00:08:36)


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So you want to launch a subscription box and don't know where to start? Girl, you are in the right place. I'm Julie Ball, a subscription box coach and your host here at Subscription Box Basics, a podcast for new and aspiring subscription box entrepreneurs that want to avoid overwhelm. So grab a coffee, some pen and paper and let's have some fun!

Hey everybody! Welcome back to Subscription Box Basics. Thank you for joining me on another episode. What a pleasure it is to have you listening. I love nothing more than talking shop and I get to do that every week with you guys. So thank you.

If you haven't already, please rate and review. It helps get this podcast into more hands so I can help people sell more boxes. And that's what we're talking about today. So today I'm going to talk about a new program that we're offering.

I am so excited. My team and I have been working on this forever. It seems, and I am so excited to finally tell you about it. It's a new coaching program called Sell More Boxes. Now I want to give you a little bit of the backstory first, and then I'm going to tell you all about the program.

So as you know, if you've been listening and if you've been following along, I teach new and aspiring subscription box business owners how to launch and grow a profitable subscription box business. So most times we're starting from scratch. We are starting at the idea stage and I help you carve out that concept, figure out what the competition, what the landscape looks like, and then put together all of the pieces in your prelaunch so that you can have a successful launch. Now that is all covered in my new book, Subscription Box Basics. That's covered in this podcast. And then it's covered in depth with tools and templates and support in my signature program called Subscription Box Bootcamp. You can get all that information at

But what we were finding is after a few years now of doing this coaching thing, people go through these basic steps. They go through the bootcamp program and they come out the other end with a profitable subscription box. They, most of them get to a certain point, then they plateau and that is totally normal. I went through the same thing. Many of your colleagues are going through that and a plateau by that. I mean, where you grow and you grow and grow, but then all of a sudden you're stuck at the same subscriber or revenue numbers for a couple of months in a row. And you're like, what am I doing wrong? Or what am I missing?

How do I get over that plateau? And that's why we created this next program called Sell More Boxes. A lot of our subscription box bootcampers were coming to me and saying, what's next? How do I take this to the next level?


So Sell More Boxes is a hybrid coaching program to help you break through to the next level in your subscription box business, to get over that plateau. It's part one-on-one. It is part cohort where you're with a very small group and it is eight weeks long, includes training and implementation.

So the program itself is really geared toward goal-driven subscription box business owners. You guys have to be willing to put in the work. And the sweet spot is if you have at least a hundred subscribers, but no more than a thousand, kind of in that middle stage between a hundred and a thousand subscribers on a regular basis, and you must be ready to dive deep into your numbers, get serious on your goals and really be willing to put in the work.

In the program you're going to be working with not only myself, but also my leadership team for Sparkle Hustle Grow. That includes Amy, who is our operations gal and Renae who's our director of customer experience. So she deals with customer service, customer experience, email marketing, social media. So you have access to all three of us during this eight-week intensive coaching program.


You are going to get customized strategies and support to identify areas in your business that are holding you back. Those things that are keeping you on that plateau. We're going to give you laser focus on what you need to work on, how to get through to the next level. And we've even built in implementation weeks so that you don't just get all this information and then get overwhelmed with, "Okay, now I have to get to work and put all this stuff in place." We're actually going to hold space for you in certain weeks as implementation and keep listening. I'm going to walk through the entire eight week experience here shortly.

Some other things that you can expect in the program we are going to do. I said it was kind of a hybrid program. So we are going to do five zoom calls, and those are going to be 45 minutes. And you're going to have direct access to your coaches. And these zoom calls are going to be with your cohort. Your cohort is going to be chosen based off of an application that you two, yes, you have to apply for the program and you will be chosen specifically to work with a cohort that is at your same level and has a lot of synergies. And why we're doing this is because we want to create a business relationship. A group of colleagues, a cohort that can work together, learn from each other.

On the zoom calls, you will hear your colleagues getting coached. You will be coached in front of your colleagues. And it's so impactful when this happens because you get to learn from things that they're going through, that you might not be going through yet, or you might have the same problem, and you're going to get some answers through that. And then the other part about this cohort is after the eight week intensive coaching, we are going to provide you with the tools and support to continue on with your cohort and a peer-led mastermind.

I am currently in a peer-led mastermind with a couple of friends. You might know them, Jessica Principe from All Girl Shave Club, Abby Bartholomew from Smartass & Sass and Betsy Wild from We Craft Box. And having this small peer-led mastermind with the four of us has been so refreshing, so game changing. I have felt so much support and we just share what's working. What's not, "Hey, what do you guys think about this?", "Hey, what do you do when this happens?" It's been amazing.

And so after this coaching program, we are going to give you support and tools and resources to help you continue on with this peer-led mastermind because after eight weeks, we don't want you to be like, "Now what?" We want to provide you with that support to help you continue to move on. And then lastly, one of the things to expect I'm really excited about this is we are going to have a virtual event in October 2021, and it's going to be exclusively for Sell More Boxes graduates. So this is going to be an opportunity to network with other high achieving subscription box business owners that have been through the program. It is going to be jam packed with all kinds of amazing content, but opportunities to network. And it is going to blow your mind.

It is going to be so much fun. And when you join the Sell More Boxes program, you automatically get a ticket reserved for that virtual even. So now that you know kind of what to expect, you want to probably figure out like, "Okay, what am I going to accomplish?"

After the program you'll have fixed some of the major issues holding you back. So depending on your situation, maybe that's your margin needs improvement, or maybe you're stuck because you don't know how to market your box. Maybe you have a dangerously high churn and we can help you fix that. Or maybe you just need some help with your operations. Wouldn't you like a little bit of space? Wouldn't you like a little bit of your time back? 'Cause I know as a subscription box business owner, we wear a lot of hats and this might be the moment for you where you start carving out all of those SOPs, those standard operating procedures in anticipation of delegating it, hiring people, making your first hire or making your fifth hire, whatever it is. We are here to support you. And you're going to get clarity on exactly what you need to do.


Now, let me walk through the eight week plan. So you know exactly what to expect. And remember you have to apply for this program. This is not one of those programs where you join and you're in, you have to apply. We're going to ask you some basic questions about your goals, about where you're at right now and what you hope to get out of the program. So in any case, let's look at the eight week plan.

So the first week, week one, you are going to meet your new coaching team and we are going to deep dive into your business. So you're going to meet me and Amy and Renae, and you're going to meet your new cohort virtually. We'll do this over a zoom call, and you're also going to complete an online audit.

It's going to be basically a survey and it's going to dive deep into your numbers so that my team has a holistic view of your existing subscription box business. Like it or not. We need to know your numbers to help you fix some of the problems. And this might be something that you're already doing. It might be really easy, or this might be the first time that you really dive deep into those numbers to see what's going on under the hood. We are going to take the time to get to know you and your business and your goals in this first week. So we can tailor our coaching to best support you. As I mentioned, this is part one-on-one. So we have got to get to know you and your business really well so that we can provide you that support.

In week two, you are going to have a group call with me. I'm your head coach. And we are going to discuss the big picture. I have this firm understanding of the subscription box world, and I have this unique ability to find creative solutions. And I will be able to identify the key areas that you're going to focus on during the coaching program. Meeting as a group is going to strengthen your relationships between you and your colleagues. But you're also, like I said, you're going to learn so much while you watch them get coached. And this is a great time for our Q and A and as you guys know, I don't do one-on-one coaching anywhere else. So this is a huge opportunity if you've ever said, "Oh, I just want to pick her brain." Guys, this is your chance. During this cohort call, you'll have an opportunity to present your questions. So we will absolutely carve out time for Q and A.

In week three this is one of those implementation weeks that I talked about. I'm going to prepare a custom video for you to go over your strategy. Using the information covered in this video and in the calls that we've had so far, you'll use week three to plan out and start implementing some of those strategies, getting the pieces into place. And yes, we will hold you accountable. We're going to provide support via a Slack channel where all your coaches and your cohort will be in there to have a safe place, to ask questions and to get accountability and support.

In week four, you are going to have your cohort call with Amy Lochran, who is our operations coach. As a group, you guys are going to meet with Amy, and she's going to train you on setting up your systems for success, which not only make your business run more smoothly, but also what's going to help you free up your time, get some of your time back and you will be able to step into the CEO role.

That is part of what we want for you. We don't want you to always have to wear all those hats. We want you to step into that CEO role and this training is going to help that. So this operations training will be customized based off of the needs of you and your cohort. So the call with Amy might be different for your group than it might be with a different cohort. And then did I mention, we're only going to run one cohort at a time. That way we can get laser focused on supporting you and your cohort for success.

We do not want to be spread thin. We want to make sure that we can show up for you and all your colleagues. And I'm really excited about that because again, I don't do one-on-one coaching anywhere else. And this is a very unique opportunity to get coached by the entire Sparkle Hustle Grow team. And as you guys know, we are a multi six-figure subscription box business, and we've won words. We've been nominated for some amazing things. We have done the work and this is a way to tap into that knowledge base.

Okay, moving on, week five is implementation week. Your operations coach, Amy has prepared a custom video for you to go over your operations strategy. This is amazing. This is something that does not come naturally for most people to do this operational side. You are going to benefit so much from having Amy in your corner. So during this week five, implementation week, you are going to use the information that she prepared for you in the video. And of course the calls that you've had to date, you're going to use this week, week five to plan out and implement your operations strategies. And of course, we're going to provide you support and we're going to hold you accountable in that Slack channel that we talked about earlier.

Okay, moving on to week six, you get your cohort call with Renae, your customer experience and marketing coach. She is going to help you identify areas where you can improve your customer experience. You can come up with your marketing strategies and she's got to focus on the needs that you have, but you'll also get to again, listen in on the training tactics she has for your cohort colleagues too, because again, this is one of those cohort calls. Those zoom calls, where you're going to be with not only your coach, but also your small group. It's going to be amazing. Renae has been with Sparkle Hustle Grow longer than anyone else. She was my first hire. She has been my right hand gal, my hype girl, my rock throughout this subscription box business journey that I call my own. And you are going to learn so much from her in week six. I am so excited for you.

Of course, seven, as you guessed, it is your implementation week. Renae, your customer experience and marketing coach has prepared a custom video for you to go over your strategies. And then of course in this week, you're going to use that information to plan out and implement your strategies. We will hold you accountable. We'll provide your support in that Slack channel through every single one of these weeks. But I think in these implementation weeks, I would imagine that there's going to be a little more chatter in there. You know, asking questions again, during the zoom call, you are going to have an opportunity to ask Renae questions. It's some really, really good quality time with her that you can pick her brain, ask her questions and get the support that you need.

And then moving into week eight, we are going to celebrate your wins. That is so big. You have been through so much over the last seven weeks. And so in week eight, we want to celebrate your wins. And we want to send you off with everything. You need to continue your progress. We're not only going to make sure that you have the resources that you need for your own success, making sure that you have all of your videos, any resources or other deliverables, you know, replays of the zoom calls, all that stuff in one place that you can refer back to at any time. But we're also going to provide you with details on how to turn your cohort into a peer-led mastermind.

As I mentioned before, this is a game changer. This is going to give you long term support. We're going to provide you with the resources. So you know exactly how to structure that.

And I am so excited for you because man, it's just made such a difference in my life to have that peer-led mastermind. Plus people pay $10,000 for a mastermind like this. The ones that you guys are gonna run yourself with very, very little effort, you literally have to show up and use the resources we'll provide you with and you're going to get so much out of it.

So that is the breakdown of the eight weeks. Again, you're going to have multiple weeks with zoom calls. You're going to have multiple weeks for implementation, plenty of time for Q and A, a Slack channel to stay connected with both your coaches and your cohort. And I just know that this is going to help bring you to the next level.

So as a reminder, this is geared toward the goal-driven subscription box business owner that has between a hundred and a thousands of subscribers.

And again, when you apply, if you get accepted into the program, we are going to strategically put together cohorts that will work well together. Meaning that you are at similar stages in your business. You have personalities that are going to mesh well together and that you are all ready to show up and do the work. This is a one of a kind coaching program. You're not going to see this type of program with most business coaches, but especially in the subscription box industry, you know that there's not a ton of coaches. There's not a ton of courses or programs out there. So we wanted to build something that was going to be really impactful in those timeframes, in those seasons or stages where you are so ready to scale, but you're getting in your own way or you just cannot get over that plateau.


So you can find more information about Sell More Boxes program. If you go to Of course, we'll put that in the show notes. You can also find it on the homepage, just scroll down to the sell more boxes area. And you can read a little bit more about it, but also you can apply for the beta. We are doing our first cohort in January and we are taking applications for the beta right now.

If you think that you might want to do this in 2021, I encourage you to apply early. When we have these cohorts filled, we have them filled. We are not creating more. We're only going to do a few in 2021. I think we have it scheduled where we're going to do four to five cohorts. And then again, in October, we're going to have the virtual event for all of the Sell More Boxes graduates. It's going to be amazing. And I hope that you look it over and decide to apply.

If you have any questions, hit us in our DMs over on Instagram, find us at Subscription Box Bootcamp. And I cannot wait to have a conversation with you to see if you are a good fit for this. But again, I encourage you to apply for the beta so that we get your application in and we can consider you for 2021. It's going to be amazing and I hope you're here for it. So there you have it. Sell more boxes is officially launched. We cannot wait to support you in this next stage of your subscription box business.

Thank you for listening. Thank you for tuning into the podcast today. And again, hit us up in the DMs with your questions or head on over to Thanks guys. And we'll see you in the next episode.

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