Subscription Box Basics

Behind the Scenes with Lo of Passion & Growth

Julie Ball Episode 67

#067 - Julie is joined by Lorena Hixson of Passion and Growth subscription box.

Lo is a start student of Subscription Box Bootcamp. She is an ER trauma nurse turned subscription box owner.
She launched Passion and Growth to help women fully accept, embrace, and love themselves unapologetically.

Tune in to hear Lo's inspiring journey on personal development and how her experience led her to launch Passion and Growth.


  • Introduction of Lo (00:01:21)
  • Launch Story of Passion and Growth (00:04:59)
  • The biggest challenge in starting Passion and Growth and how she overcame it (00:19:21)
  • Favorite thing about being in the subscription industry (00:28:21)
  • Advice to new and aspiring subscription box owners: "You don't have to be able to see the entire staircase. You just have to be able to see the first step." (00:29:23)


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So you want to launch a subscription box and don't know where to start? Girl, you are in the right place. I'm Julie Ball, a subscription box coach and your host here at Subscription Box Basics, a podcast for new and aspiring subscription box entrepreneurs that want to avoid overwhelm. So grab a coffee, some pen and paper and let's have some fun! Hey everybody, and welcome back to Subscription Box Basics, the podcast. I'm your host Julie Ball. And there's nothing I love more than talking shop with my bootcampers, and I have a very special guest today. I would like you to welcome Lo Hickson from Passion and Growth. Welcome Lo! I'm so happy to have you.


I am so happy to be here. Julie and I were just talking before we started recording this about, you know, I've been a bootcamper for a while now over a year, and this was the first time we were really like connecting, like face-to-face getting to meet each other. And I feel like I'm kind of fan girling.


It's so funny too, because we were talking before we started recording and we're like, let's just catch up a little bit 30 minutes later. We're like,"Oh, we're supposed to be recording a podcast right now." So Lo is so much fun to chat with. And so a lot of people will be meeting you for the first time. So why don't you go ahead and tell everyone a little bit about yourself and your background?


Sure. So as you said, my name is Lo. And so I started my subscription box in 2019, which is when I connected with Julie but some of my background actually is my career. Prior to this, I was an ER trauma nurse. So I did that for eight years. I have absolutely no business background. I don't even think I took a business class in college because I knew I wanted to be a nurse. And that was the path I took. So all the business things I've had to learn has been very new to me, but I transitioned, I'm actually into doing my business full time now. But it was thank goodness for Julie and her bootcamp because I'm so glad you had the little things such as how, like, what do you do? Like an LLC or a sole proprietorship here's links to find out because I looked at that stuff and it might as well been written in a foreign language. So thank goodness you have the foundation for people who might not have any business background, because that was me.


Awesome! And so you're, you're based out of Austin, right?


Yes. So Austin, Texas


Never been to Austin and I'm dying to go. And I know Cratejoy is based there. So I foresee when travel gets a little more flexible, I foresee a business.


Oh, come on. That would be so much fun. Come take a trip. We can go like tour, Cratejoy. There's some other, I know like established boxes here in Austin that are founded here. So we could have a whole subscription box, little thing here in Austin.


Fun would that be. Okay, so you are a former nurse, you had no business background. And I think, I remember hearing you tell the story of like, you got your idea and I want to hear your launch story in a minute, but you got your idea and you decided very quickly to join bootcamp and to move forward. Right? So like you're super fast action taker.


Oh yeah. I don't like to, I'll say this. I don't like to fiddle fart around. I like to just do it.


I love that. And I think that's super relatable. There's so many ambitious women that, you know, I always say don't sit down, sit on a moneymaker idea and let someone else get there first. And I do also think there's room for, for everyone. But man, when I get an idea, I'm like you, I just like to run with it. So, okay. Tell everyone about Passion and Growth, your subscription box and specifically who you serve and what problem you solve with it.


Awesome. So, like she said, I am the founder of Passion and Growth. And so our box is a monthly subscription box for women. And our mission is to help them in fully accept, embrace, and love themselves unapologetically. So all of our items in the box, are geared towards like personal development and self care. So really we're helping women just take that time to remind themselves that they, first of all are a priority and they deserve to take time for themselves. And secondly, to help reprogram our minds into thinking and knowing that we are enough, I know us as women's struggle so much thinking that we have to do everything for everybody else. We lose our identity a lot of times, and we certainly most definitely don't think that we're enough, we're worthy, we're lovable. And really this box is designed to be that monthly reminder that you are good enough and you are worthy. And that is everything we do is really for that message right there. Just to remind that woman that you deserve this.


Yes. Like I have chills here and I just want to like shout it from the rooftops. I love that so much. It is so important in no matter what way you look at self care, cause there's a lot of different angles you could take it. I love the fact that you are baking in the personal development part of it too, because I think that's a really important to take care of your mindset. And it's not just taking a bath or it's not just, you know, having a beautiful notepad or whatever it is that is in the box. So that's a good, good segue. What do you put in the box? Give us some examples of items.


Yeah, of course. So we always have some kind of book. So usually it's a personal development book or, an autobiography from some like influential women. So we've had Chrissy Metz from This Is Us. And then we just recently had our box with, autobiography about Drew Barrymore. So they're usually one of the other. So they're usually autobiographies a fantastic empowering women who have overcome a lot of obstacles to get where they are, or they're just personal development working on, you know, mindsets. You know, we had a funny one in January that was talking about someone who went on a journey where every single month she read a new like self-help book and try to implement it and the disaster that happened. So that was, you know, there's lots of different books that all kind of with this sounding theme of empowering women and really improving our mindset and then other items, how to include a lot of different affirmation with lifestyle items. And so we recently just had some socks in our box and the affirmation on it was"Never Give Up". And it's just those simple reminders we've sent, art prints in boxes. I have one of my office over here and it says,"Love your body." And this is a beautiful picture of a woman. we have different, we've had jewelry in our boxes. We have I guess so I can tell you what our January box had, our January box was"Goal Getter." And so that was such a great box. We had our book, we had a planner, which was fantastic. I had a lot of inspirational quotes in it. We had markers that had make your Mark girl on like a set of five. We had a notebook, that said big goals. And it was just beautiful and pink. And just reminder that you can set big audacious goals. We had an eye mask, it was a beautiful silk eys mask, it says"Dream big." And we had a papaya facial cleanser from Hawaii. And so it's just, it kind of varies every month, every month as a surprise. And we always, you know, put the items in there surrounding a theme. But yeah, it's really all items that are really going to you just make, hopefully this woman's stop and say,"Hey, this is my box that's for me. And I deserve to take a minute and really appreciate who I am and where I'm at and just love on myself."


I like that love on myself. That's a good way to put it. Okay. So tell us your launch story, you know, how did you come up with the idea and why is this so important to you?


Yes. I love this story. Okay. So a lot of my struggle in my box is I created this based on really my own personal struggles. So I, when I was a baby, I ended up, I had a tumor very young on and I had surgery, when I was three months old and I continued to have like major reconstructive plastic surgery until I was 21. Like every year I would have these giant surgeries. And it just, which now you can probably understand the whole nursing thing, very comfortable in hospitals. That was just, that was part of my normal. Nursing was a natural path for me. but throughout a lot of this, I felt very different and I got of course, a lot of like stairs and a lot of questions about why looks different and why do you have this scar on your face? And I started to develop a lot of self-limiting beliefs about myself. And so from a very young age, I felt, I didn't worthy. I felt like I wasn't enough. I felt like I was different. I felt like I would never amount to anything because I was so different than anybody else. And I also, unfortunately in where I grew up, it was also very much of the mindset. You, you know, grow up, go to college, find your husband, make sure we have a stable career. And then yeah. So there was no grow up and be the badass woman that you were meant to be. So I very much felt held back in that mindset, but then also compounded by the fact that I had such low self-confidence and no self-esteem in myself. And so, I really started to discover this, like in my twenties and late twenties and in the midst of there, I did get married and divorced and there was just a lot of personal struggles. But in my late twenties, I really hit this low point in my life where I knew something was not right. I felt just so terrible. I would wonder why do I have all these thoughts in my head? Why do I constantly feel like I'm comparing myself or feel not good enough or feel unlovable? I remember when I finally did go through with my divorce, it took a very long time, but I remember one of the big things holding me back from leaving a relationship that I was not happy and was because I would look at myself in the mirror and think you're lucky that somebody loves you. And what if no one loves you again. And it's that. I still can't say it without like tears coming to my eyes because now, like, I would never say those kinds of things to myself. But then in those moments, I didn't know. I did not realize that I have control over these thoughts that I told myself. And it was just so ingrained in me that that was constantly what was going through my head. So no wonder, I felt so held back and, loathed at myself. And so late twenties, I started going on my own personal development journey, and I really wanted to figure out why is it, why do I feel like this? Why do I feel like every day I'm just not good enough. And I am not happy even on the outside. I mean, I am a very bubbly, exciting, fun, like person, but inside the thoughts that were going through my head was just, it was terrible. And so that's where I started. I started reading personal development books. I started just like researching other people in this. I didn't know what is was called at the time, but like the personal development industry. And I started really learning that I could change the thoughts that were on replay in my head that I had complete control of it. And suddenly it felt so freeing suddenly. Oh my gosh, I can control the thoughts that are constantly on a loop in my head. I can, instead of telling myself that I'm not worthy, that I'm not lovable, that I'm not pretty. I can tell myself that look at everything you've overcome, you know, and I certainly didn't jump to these negative thoughts to,"Oh my gosh, you're the best human ever." It was a slow transition. I mean, it was look at what you've overcome, look at what you've done. Look at all the adversity that you had in your life, and you've come out on top. And so starting to realize that my accomplishments and what I've achieved, and then, you know, I got into therapy and I really started understanding some of the emotions and a lot of the emotions that I've buried deep down. And I learned to just understand myself and I, after probably, I think it was like two years, I've really been on my own journey and I'm still very much in the thick of it, but I felt so free. I suddenly, I remember one, one day standing in the kitchen with my partner and my best friend and I stand in there and I had this thought and I said,"I'm made for more, I can do, I can do more than what I've been doing now." Not that I haven't had like a great successful career in life so far, but there's more here that I can do. And then there was that look and they were like,"Okay." Like I could, I think they could see the shift. And I was scared to say that I was scared to say that to people who are very close to me, because what did that mean? What does that mean? I've always held myself back. I've always played small. What does I am made for more mean? And this was January of 2019. And so I knew I wanted to do something I wanted to help women. I, during my journey, I felt very alone. I, of course, like, I don't think these topics are talked about a lot. So I knew I wanted to help women in some way with the same journey that I had went on. And so ideas rolled around my head. I was subscribed to your box Sparkle Hustle Grow. And so there was that entrepreneur spirit kind of, I think, growing, what could I do? What kind of business could I create? And I, and I really didn't know. And then one day in September of 2019, we were at the winery, we were drinking bubbly and we were overlooking the vineyard. And I sat there with my friends and I had been writing, you know, a couple of blog posts talking about being vulnerable with my story. And I had just received one of your boxes, Sparkle Hustle Grow. And I, it lights me up. I mean, every time I got a new box, it just, the joy it brought me. It was for me. And it was something that I can enjoy and appreciate. And so I sat there thinking, and I told them, I was like,"What if I combined a subscription box with personal development?" And they just kinda looked at me like,"Okay, yeah, yeah, that sounds cool." What do you mean? It's genius!


I think so many businesses start with that same conversation. What if...fill in the blank?


And it was, you know, it was like what you guys are feeling this million dollar idea. And I was like, I don't care. And I came home. I kid, you not came home Googled, how do I start a subscription box? So at this time I was in your group though for Sparkle Hustle Grow subscribers. And I was like, Oh, like the natural place would be, let me go look there and see if anyone has started a subscription box. Or if there's some kind of resource, I did not know Subscription Box Bootcamp existed. And so I Google in there about it and then Subscription Box Bootcamp popped up. And I was like, what? There's a whole course on just starting a subscription box on it either that day or the next day. Like I thought about this idea around in my head. And then I was like, fine. And that was the first purchase I made. And it perfectly laid the foundation for exactly what I needed. And it walked me through for the person who has no business background, no knowledge of anything. It took me from an idea in September of 2019, to me doing my launch to my VIP list at the end of December 2019 to fully launching to the public in January of 2020.


So you shipped your first boxes then January 2020.


Actually we shipped February 2020.


February 2020. Wow. So as we record this, we're like one year out. I know you just celebrated that one year anniversary. Congratulations!


Thank you.


You are such an incredible story. And I'm just so, so proud of you. Bravo!


Thank you. I look back on the person. I was a couple of years ago and like the person I am now and it's, you know, and, and building this subscription box to serve women who were in similar situations to me and feeling just not good enough to look at where I am now and to look back on how much I've grows also. This is not just for the thousands of women that we impact. This has also helped me, you know, and I have moments where I, I just sit here in honestly, like I'll cry thinking about what we have created and the movement that's happening, because I feel like because I've been vulnerable and willing to share my story, it's helping other women now share their story. And other people are coming out of their shell and stepping into the woman that was always there, but maybe, subdued due to society or other people's thoughts or the, or other people's beliefs that we have taken on and made our own and seeing myself and other people step into who they've always been is, is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. And I'm still doing that as well. And so I've had so many moments this month that, yeah, just like you said, celebrating my first year, celebrating how much we've grown, all those things that wow. Had I not allowed myself to really step into this person and this woman, I wouldn't be here. And that is so cool.


I, a hundred percent agree with you when you were saying that, that a lot of it is because you're being vulnerable or authentic in front of your audience. And you just even said too, that you're in the thick of it. You're doing this journey with them. And I can liken that to my journey with Sparkle Hustle Grow. I am my target audience and every single month I'm going through the books and the trainings alongside my subscribers. So we get to grow together. And it's really fun that you can create a business where you're like right in the middle of it, like right in the journey alongside your customers. And I think that helps us as business owners to know like what they need and how to serve them. Best of course the best thing to do is ask them what they need and how we can serve them. But we can just relate so much to our audience because we are our audience.


Right. I think that's, you have such a good point there. And I think that has made it a lot easier in our messaging because we can relate to how you feel the audience would feel and what they need and what they like. Cause I I'm with you. I read the books every month and you know, I'm like,"Oh, would I like this? Would I have liked this?" You know, especially when I was starting my journey, yes. And so I really try to put items in there that I use. I tend to put a lot of affirmations in my box because for me, like, that was important. For me, my like, why, like I just discussed my mindset was in a totally dark place. And so for me seeing these affirmations everywhere, I mean, you can actually see in the back of my camera here. I mean, there's affirmations everywhere. I mean, that is just all affirmations because I still use them to this day because I think it's important to remind yourself. And it's important to flood yourself with good thoughts about yourself, because it's easy to forget. And that's why I pour into affirmations in my box, because I want other women to have that reminder. What if we're the only thing that month that reminds them that they're good enough. That's why I do that because I'm the only person that's telling them, you're enough, you're worthy. You're beautiful. You're awesome.


Love that. And to our listeners, you know, put yourself in those shoes and say, what if, what I send them is the only thing that helps them with the XYZ problem. I love that point of view. Thank you for sharing that. Okay. So let's talk a little bit about, you told us how you came up with the idea and when you launched. What were some of your big, your biggest challenges and how did you overcome them?


Oh boy. Probably the biggest challenge was marketing. You know, I was so confused with that and marketing is one of those things. It's, it is such a learned kind of I don't what to say behavior, but a learned skill. It takes work and it takes time and it is not natural and is not easy. And so that was probably my biggest struggle was how, like A what's the appropriate way to market. How do I reach people? How do I get people to follow me on social media? How do I get people on my email list? Oh, well they're on my email list. What do I do? So now I have to send newsletters and engage them. And, that for me was probably the most challenging part. It felt very unnatural. You know, we don't necessarily learn marketing in nursing. I have a lot of great communication skills with nursing and that has helped tremendously, especially with customer support, but marketing is not something that was in my wheelhouse. And so I think luckily, I get, I had your program to walk me through some of the basic steps and some of those basic steps were set up your social channels. Even if you don't have anything ready for your box yet. Anything I knew was who I was targeting. I knew the types of women I wanted to reach. And so I started just posting. This is what I plan on doing. This is what's coming. And I took them. And this is all advice from your course, but I took them on the journey of creating this box and I showed them logos and I showed them colors. And I also just show, shared my story and really just took everyone, from the journey from starting the idea to launching. And that's kind of the journey I took them on in my email as well was I took people along that journey. And then in addition, I share just tips and value. So that was the hardest thing for me. It, it felt very weird and very unnatural for me to quote"market". And that's been something I've had to learn and I've learned by doing, I mean, it would be interesting to go back and look at some of the first emails I sent or if you're more than happy to go to PassionGrowth.comor Passion Growth on my Instagram and scroll to the very beginning of my Instagram, by all means, if you're listening and uncertain where to start, go scroll to the beginning, it's a hot mess.


Oh, mine was too. Yeah, it was, you know what though? I, a hundred percent believe in, progress over perfection and just do it anyway. Like if you're afraid, do it anyway. I love what you were saying is like learn by doing, learn by watching, learn by investing in courses that are going to teach you like the people who are one to 10 steps ahead of you can help you. Not only do it well, but save you time and save you headaches by, you know, making the mistakes that they made.


A hundred percent. Yeah. I, I've definitely taken that motto. Do it anyway, even if I don't know how to do it, but I would say about a hundred percent of what I've had to do with this business. I have had no clue how to do it.




And you just have to just, like you said, invest in yourself, invest in your business. I could not have done this as well. I mean, I guess I can't say I never could have done it cause I might've figured it out, but I certainly would not have done it as well without investing in a course in guidance and other people who have taken the steps before me. And even though, yeah, I was not good at this at the beginning. I was not good at marketing. I was not good at advertising. But I did it anyway. People always ask me all the time. So I do use Facebook ads pretty consistently for my business. And a lot of people will ask me, like how I do it and how did I teach myself? And a lot of people get frustrated because they've spent money and they don't get anything back initially. And I want to, I was talking to someone who I'm coaching the other day and I actually went through and I told her, I was like, here, I'll give you some of my good campaigns that are wowing and great. And oh you spent this and got four times ROI on it. Great. I was like, let me tell you about the ones that have gotten$0. Let me just share those with you. I like, because if you go through my history of the last year, looking at my Facebook marketing and my ads, I was like, there are more campaigns that did not do well versus the ones that did.




The things you have to teach yourself. And now I know, do I still launch ad campaigns that totally stink? Yeah. And you know what? I take them down after a day or two just testing and it's just learning and it's just doing, and if I had stopped after my first one that did not do well, well then I wouldn't have the success that I had now because I wouldn't be good at them now, but it took a long time and it was painful. It was painful learning Facebook ads. I will be the first one to admit it. But again, this comes from, I invested in myself by buying your subscription box. And you had a training in there one month about Facebook ads. That is how I taught myself. I took that training. And again, I implemented to a tee what they said, and it was from what Facebook ads club. I think.


Successful ads club.


It's Successful Ads Club, that what it is. I implemented that exactly what she said. I watched the video, I would pause it. I would do it. I would watch it pause, do and set it up exactly how she said. And that is how I learned.


That's awesome. It just like came full circle for you that right there.


Yeah. Yeah. I forgot that. That is exactly the course I took. And so...


Even if you do get really good at Facebook ads, it's still a hard thing to do because they change. It seems like the algorithm every other week or month or whatever. So where they add a new feature that you can test out. And I'm like, if one more platform and one more feature rolls out, my head's going to explode.


Literally explode. And as we were recording this right now and February 2021, Facebook, yeah. There's lots of changes right now going with the Apple iOS state. And there's lots of just confusion and, ads. I feel like we're kind of volatile right now.


They are.


It's a very confusing platform right now to be using. And so it's, it's just part of it. Marketing is forever changing at how marketing was 10 years ago versus marketing now. I mean, 10 years ago, ads didn't exist.


Clubhouse. We know that people are using that as a form of marketing because they're developing real relationships and having big conversations over there. So, you know, I have a love-hate relationship with Clubhouse, but maybe you might find listeners. You might find me and Lo hanging out together on there sometimes. Right?


I have to do that. I have currently I have a love-love relationship with Clubhouse, but I, I liked the audio only kind of like drop in and chatting. It kind of feels a very natural like this. I mean, I would say marketing on Instagram is still hard for me. I have not got on that train LinkedIn. I am like not really on that train. And so there's, there's so many different avenues and I think this is also great to bring up. It's it's impossible to be everywhere. You can't be everywhere because if you're everywhere, then you're not executing all of those, you know, extremely well, especially if you're a solopreneur or if you have a you and a small team. I mean, I have me and two people on my team and we still can't be everywhere. And so we really had to pick and choose the platforms that we're going to be on. And so for us, ours is Pinterest, Instagram. and that's really it right now. And oh on Facebook. And then I personally am on Clubhouse. But we, we could not be everywhere. And I, and I hire someone else to do my Pinterest. So that's actually another like third party I use to do that because one person or two people or three people can't run everything successfully. So don't feel like you have to be everywhere, really think about where your target audience is going to be. Maybe pull them. I'm actually getting ready to send out a survey to my customers right now and ask them some of these questions. Also, where are you hanging out on social media? Where did you hear about us to get you, to make sure that we're actually on the right platforms that we need to be on and where our audience is. Yeah. So I just wanna bring that up to you because when I started, I felt like I had to be doing everything and it was, it was a nightmare trying to be everywhere at once.


I agree. And you get spread thin.


Yeah. You only have so many hours in a day and you want to make sure that what you're doing is actually bringing you like a return on your time. Your time is valuable.


And you want to have a life outside of your business too.


You want to have a life outside of your business. You want to be able to go to the wineries and sit bubbly and come up with ideas.


Nice. Nice. Okay. So what's, what are your favorite things real quickly about working in the subscription box industry?


Oh my gosh. That's a great question. And one of my favorite things, I like curating the boxes. That's, it's so much fun. Especially because again, I am my ideal client and getting to connect with other vendors and get samples of products and just curate this experience is hands down my favorite thing. I love spending and just like searching products and ideas. And it would be lovely if we weren't stuck in a pandemic and we could be out and about at market.




You know, doing a lot of in-person stuff, but it's fun. It is fun to curate a box. And that has brought me the most joy with this progress and to think about how the items you select are going to impact other people. There's nothing like it. It's amazing.


It's like shopping for your friends.


Yes. Yes. You're constantly curating just like the perfect gift to give to your friends.


Exactly. Okay. Last question. What is one piece of advice you can share with new and aspiring subscription box business owners?


Oh yes. I honestly would say my advice is if you have an idea and you, the need is there, don't wait, don't wait. You do not have to have a plan perfectly executed. You do not have to have the next months planned out, the next year, the next two years. I heard a wonderful quote the other day that said you don't have to be able to see the entire staircase. You just have to be able to see the first step.


I like that.


And that's what I would encourage you to think about. Because as an entrepreneur, there are going to be a million things that you do not know how to do. And that is okay. That is what the journey of most people. So all you have to do is what's the next step. So kind of figure out for you what that is. If you have an idea you're thinking about this would be a good idea. Maybe you do some market research, you validate that idea and then you figure out what your next step is. What is your next step? Do you buy domain? You create your business and then just move forward. Do not think you have to have a whole plan laid out. You don't need the whole staircase. Just the next step.


I love that quote, we'll definitely put that one in the show notes. So, all right, wrapping it up. Where can people follow you online? Where do you hang out? I know you said you hang out on Instagram a lot. So, tell us where they can find you.


So we on every platform, an app, passion and growth. So we're on Facebook at passion growth, Instagram at passionate and growth. and then me personally, if you want to follow me and like behind the scenes and my journey, I am@theLoMichelle on Instagram and that's where I hang out the most. Also at Clubhouse@TheLoMichelle.


Okay. Yeah. And we'll be, we'll share, all that in the show notes. And where can they sub you said passionate, right? Is the website.






Yes. Website is And currently we are running a promotion that you can get your first box 50% off if you subscribe to a six or 12 month plan.


Ooh, I like that


With Valentine's day coming up, which I guess by the time this airs Valentine's day will be over, but that's okay because there is always time for you to love your damn self.


That's right, girl! What a good note to end on. That is so, so true. A ll r ight. So thank you Lo so much for hanging out with me for sharing your incredible story and just inspiring others. I'm sure. After listening to this, there's going to be some action takers, like movin' a nd s haken. So thank you for that.


You're welcome. Thank you so much for having me on this. This was absolutely perfect.


Yes. And you are one of my star students in Subscription Box Bootcamp. So thank you for that. And for always sharing about that. All right, friends, I hope you enjoyed this story, this podcast, and you're feeling inspired to take some action. I've got an action you could take, you could go over and subscribe rate and review this podcast so we can continue to reach more people and inspire them to start their own subscription box. Thank you as always for joining us and we'll see you on the next episode.

Speaker 4:


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