Subscription Box Basics

What To Do with Excess Inventory

May 17, 2021 Julie Ball Episode 74

#074 - In this episode, Julie is joined by her box bestie Jessica Principe from All Girl Shave Club to talk about what to do with excess inventory. 

They share four tactics to offload excess inventory and get that cash flow moving.


  • Tactic #1: Email marketing (00:06:44)
  • Tactic #2: Surprise packs and bundle deals (00:12:09)
  • Tactic #3: Selling to other subscription box owners  (00:17:36)
  • Tactic #4: Secret subscriber sale (00:21.06)


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So you want to launch a subscription box and don't know where to start? Girl, you are in the right place. I'm Julie Ball, a subscription box coach and your host here at Subscription Box Basics, a podcast for new and aspiring subscription box entrepreneurs that want to avoid overwhelm. So grab a coffee, some pen and paper and let's have some fun! Hey everybody! Welcome back to Subscription Box Basics. I'm your host Julie Ball. And I am joined today by a special guest. She is my box bestie, the one and only Jessica Pricincipe from All Girl Shave Club. Hey, Jess.


Hey, Julie. Thanks so much for having me again.


Yes, I'm excited. And this time we are talking about what to do with excess inventory, and I'm so excited to dive into this because you and I did a workshop on this last year and we're going to get into that later, but quick, if someone is just meeting you for the first time, let's give them the quick download of who you are and what you do.


Yeah, so All Girl Shave club is my brand and it is a shaving, obviously shaving subscription service and online boutique. I started it about four and a half years ago, back in 2016 and it's just been such a fun journey, serving women all over the US and Canada.


Love it. And guys, if you want to hear Jessica's launch story and hear more about behind the scenes at All Girl Shave Club, head on back over to episode 31, where we did a deep dive on all things All Girl Shave Club. It's funny too, cause we tell our story about how you and I met. So it's back in 2016 at Christy Wright's business boutique and you and I were both brand new to this business, like fresh. We were just doing the Google search every single day, trying to find what to do next and how to run our business. And it was so nice to meet you at that same stage at that moment in time, because I feel like you and I have grown very parallel together in our business. And it's just been so nice to have that person to ask questions to. So everybody needs a box bestie. Let's just put it out there.


I totally agree, Julie. It was totally a bright spot in starting the business was knowing that I had that partner, that person that I could just talk to and like share ideas and vent to and support, you know, it was just really, really important. I think everybody definitely needs to find their person.


Yay. I'm glad you're mine, Jess.


I'm glad you're mine.


Okay. And we'll get over the gush fest and let's get into the meat of this. So last year it was probably right around this time of the year when COVID was hitting close, things were closing down. A lot of people were panicking about their business. There were so many things as a subscription box business owner that I experienced. And Jess, I feel like you probably did too. And so many of our listeners might have experienced, maybe there were delays in receiving your products. Maybe you saw a slump in your sales was so many things because people were fearful and didn't know what the future held.


Yeah. And also I think you just nailed it on the head is we were uncertain. We didn't know what was going to happen. Were subscription boxes going to stay stable during this time or where are we going to take a big hit? So I think that was a big issue for me personally, was just the mindset around what's going to happen and how am I going to be able to pivot.


Right? And because subscription boxes have that renewing, that recurring revenue and you, you have data like, you know, what your churn is and what your renewal rates are. Usually a subscription box business feels stable and projections feel like doable. Whereas during this time last year in 2020, it was just like, okay, what is happening? We don't, we didn't know what to expect. And so we had a lot of conversations with each other and I had a lot of conversations with bootcampers and other colleagues about, okay, what can we do to keep that cashflow going, to keep buzz around our business? Turns out that subscription boxes were really strong. They grew during last year. It was because people needed to get things sent to their home instead of going to the store to buy them. So, you know, in hindsight, we can look back and be like, yay. It worked out. But at the same time we were, I remember having this conversation with you or I was like, what can we do right now to help people move their cashflow? And so you and I decided to land on this workshop that we did. And we'll give you guys details of the workshop and in the show notes we'll have links to it cause you can catch the replay. All of the information is still highly relevant right now, but what we decided to do was brainstorm an idea, ideas of 20 things to do with excess inventory to help you generate revenue and create buzz for your brand. And so that's what we're going to talk about today. We handpicked two of our favorite each. So we're going to go through four tactics today of what to do with that excess inventory, because I guess let's take a step back just like what's the problem with excess inventory.


Yeah. It's a, it's a huge problem. Especially as you're growing and you have a lot of product kind of sitting on your shelves and you know, we don't intend to have excess inventory. That's not really like our plan, but it does happen and it's part of the game. And so what happens is when you have all this inventory sitting on your shelves, that's your cash, that's your cash sitting right there. It's kind of a bottleneck to cashflow and it can really make it hard to run and grow your business when that cash is tied up on the shelves.


It's so true. And I don't know about you, but it would give me so much anxiety just thinking about what am I going to do with all this stuff? And I've learned a lot since the beginning where, where I would panic when I had 10 extra books or, you know, 25 extra things. Now it's not unusual for us to have excess of a hundred or 200 things. And that's okay because we can get really, really creative with what to do with that excess. And I would encourage you if you're listening to this, try to shift your mindset and think of it as an opportunity instead of a problem. And that simple mindset shift will help you think of your own ideas of like, what can I do with inventory to turn it back into revenue? Whether that means just getting your money back or making money on it, or acquiring new customers using it. And there's just so many ways. So should we just jump right into it, Jess?


I love it. I feel like you've introed us into the perfect segue into this. I love it.


Okay. Why don't you start with your first and I think this one's probably your favorite, cause you're not, you told me which one you picked. So have at it.


Okay. So I pegged email marketing and there are a whole bunch of different ways that you can leverage email marketing to liquidate your excess inventory. But the way that I want to talk about today is by doing what I call spotlight campaigns. So a spotlight campaign is really just highlighting one particular one specific product in your email campaign. And you can get really creative about the segment that you're sending this email to. So for this instance, let's pick that you're sending this to someone who hasn't ever subscribed to your box. So they're brand new to you. This is a great way to not only get a product in their hands so they can have a little bit of an experience of what it's like to be a subscriber with your box. But it's also a great way to recoup some of those costs and to add a little bit of profit margin to your business. So what I do when I'm sending out a spotlight campaign is I pick that one product. And again, the main benefit, the main purpose of this email is to get them to the site to purchase that product. So you're only focusing on the benefits of the product. You're not focusing on necessarily all the features of the product, but you really want to tie it back to that person. What, why would they want to have it? Why, what will it do to help them or to enhance their life? What are the benefits? So for example, with our razors, there are definitely many features that I could list out, you know, that they're made with a specific type of material or that they're long lasting or like all of these things, but that's not really what I'm trying to do in the spotlight campaign. I want to show the benefit to the customer. So I might say something like, you know, meet your new favorite razor. It's going to give you the smoothest shave without the razor burn.


Which is totally totally true.


Thank you.


I know from personal use.


So we're talking about the actual benefit, right? So the thing that's going to get them to be like, Oh, I really need this in my life or peak that curiosity and get them to take that action to click over to your site and make the purchase. So that's really the goal of the spotlight campaigns. And also one other thing I just wanted to touch on is the subject line. So we want to get the email in front of them, right? But we need them to open the email. And so getting creative with those subject lines, I find personally, and this is something that we'll have to test, of course, but for our business, when we use the first name, the first name tag, we see our open rates just skyrocket. So I like to, yeah, definitely like try creative ways to add that first name in that subject line.


Yeah and most email service providers are going to allow you to do AB testing or if you can't do that or don't, aren't comfortable with that. You can simply go back to that email. Say, I don't even know what the standard would be. Would it be like a day later and resend to those who didn't open and you can change the subject line when you resend it?


Yes, definitely. I think that's a great idea too, just to see what happens and to do your own little tests. Yeah.


That's right. So at sparkle hustle grow, we use Flodesk, which is kind of a newer email marketing software. We didn't need anything super robust. We wanted something that was affordable, lean and that it was easy to create beautiful emails because for our audience, they are attracted to shiny, beautiful, great design, that type of thing. So that's why we chose Flodesk. Will you share the email marketing service provider you use at All Girl Shave Club?


Yes, I use Klaviyo and that is an email service provider that integrates really, really well with Shopify. So if you're on the Shopify platform, it has a beautiful native connection and it can do, can do a lot of really cool things like it can take actions based on user behavior. So if somebody is subscribed to a very specific product in your collection or they purchase a product from your store, you can set up automations that will retarget them based on what they're already interested in.


Very cool offer. So we'll make sure to put those links in the show notes as well. So I think email marketing was a great one to kick us off with, thank you for that. It is definitely something that we use all the time at Sparkle Hustle Grow. We send, on a regular basis, we send subscriber emails every Wednesday and that lets people know, you know, what's going on in the past week, what trainings we've done, what Facebook lives they may have missed, but we also do promote excess inventory in there as well, especially if it was a fan favorites and people are asking, can we get more of these, we'll drop that excess inventory, just a quick picture of it or a quick link right directly to it in the shop. And then we also send one to two emails to our leads list. We call our insider scoop. Those are people who've actively opted in, but maybe haven't committed to the subscription yet. So we try to send them things of value all the time. And that might be getting your hands on a product that you maybe didn't get cause you're not a subscriber, but now we have access in the shop.


Yes. I love that. And also like thinking about that unboxing experience too, with just that one product. So maybe it is just in my example a scrub, like a leftover scrub, we send that to our customer or our, our new customer. If they're not a subscriber and include, you know, maybe some marketing material about inviting them to join or even like a QR code with a special video from you about the subscription. So there's lots of ways to leverage it and nurture them into a subscription.


That's super smart because you start giving them a taste of what that surprise and delight is when they get their unboxing, when they get their box for the first time. I love that idea. Okay. So that's a good segue into my next topic on how to get rid of some of that excess inventory. One of my favorite ones that we use all the time very successfully is to do bundles or surprise packs. And that's simply taking some of that slow moving inventory and bundling it together, whether that is a mystery, you know, you don't know what you're going to get. We do that all the time. We say, we're going to, we have a limited amount of surprise packs. You are going to get one book that we haven't featured in the last six months so that, you know, a subscriber might feel compelled to buy it, but not get a duplicate book.




We'll say it'll have one book in it. It'll have up to three office supplies. And it's like, what are you going to get? You never know. And it really is a mix of things. And we just take access to inventory and bundle that together in the mystery pack. And I know you've done mystery bundles too. I think you didn't want around Halloween before, right?


Oh my gosh. Yes. It was a spooktacular events.


It was spooktacular. That's so funny. So you can really do that surprise pack even though they don't know what they're going to get, but you can theme it, you know, like you did for Halloween. We do it for oftentimes with giveaways. We will use a surprise pack as the prize, which means...


So smart.


we're just using excess inventory. So another way that we use that kind of the bundling effect there is to bundle something that's more slow moving. Maybe wasn't like the biggest hit with your subscribers, but bundle it with one of your best sellers, because that's going to drive the conversion. Someone's going to be like,"Oh, I want more of that. And cool, whatever it comes with is fine." You know, and that's just how smart, and it's just a way to kind of, um, grow the value of what that bundle is. And, you know, get some money back for maybe, maybe it's at cost. Maybe you just get that, recoup that money. Or maybe you're able to build a little profit into a product that wasn't like the biggest hit.


Love that, Julie. I think that's such a good idea. And it goes back to kind of what we were just talking about too. It gives them a sample of what it's like to be a subscriber if they're not already.


Yeah, exactly. And so the last thing that we do with these bundles or specifically surprise packs, and this is so easy to do and it's so well received. Trust me, you got to do this, use this as a subscriber perk. For example, we'll say we have 50 surprise packs and we're going to drop link in our secret subscriber, Facebook community on Friday at noon Eastern, the public will not have access to this and you kind of build up that hype and you don't make it a public link. You have it, a hidden link that you only share with your subscribers and maybe you email it out and then you drop it in your private Facebook group. If you have one and oh my gosh, it is crazy. It is just like buyer frenzy. We sell those things out so fast. And when you market it as a subscriber perk, it just makes that customer feel so much better. That like, I'm getting something special because I am a subscriber. And so it's just a great way. It's easy to execute a lot of times, you know, if I'm bundling them at home, I do have some excess inventory still at my home office. If I'm bundling them at home, I'll prep them in advance so that when they all get sold that day we dropped the link. I just slapped labels on them and send them out the door. It's such an easy process.


I love it. And what a fun benefit for subscribers? They're not expecting it. It's just like a fun, little extra add on. I love it.


Exactly. Okay. Last thing I want to say about bundles is if you have a lot of one product, especially if it's something that's like consumable someone that is going to, they're going to use it and run out of it, bundle them in like a three-pack or a five-pack or a 10 pack and sell more at once and get that product into their hands quickly. And I can see that happening with a lot of the stuff that you sell, Jess, you know, maybe it is that scrubber that you talked about, or maybe it is some of the shave butter, you know, get a three pack of shave butter in three different flavors or sense not flavors.


I always call them flavors too cause they smell so delicious, but you're right. Yes. I think that that's such a great idea. We definitely did that in the past too, with excess inventory and it does, it works really well. It's like buy one for yourself and you get a free one for your friend.


Exactly, and that's really good around the holidays too. And you're looking for stocking stuffers. We did that a lot. We would call them team packs, but essentially it was just a bundle and we would sell like three boxes or five boxes and market it as though you know, you could get these for yourself, for your customers, your clients, your friends, colleagues, whatever. And we were just getting more inventory out the door and would do a small discount. The more that you would buy, the more that you would save.


Ooh, that is so smart. I love that idea.


And it works.




Okay. So that's the, that's one of my favorite things is the bundle or surprise pack marketing technique to get rid of that excess inventory.


Okay. So my second tactic is to sell to other subscription box owners. There are lots of different, buy, sell, trade groups and things like that on Facebook, that you can join where you can actually unload some of that inventory to subscription box owners or other boutique owners. So it doesn't necessarily have to be a subscription box. But I particularly love this one because like you said before, Julie, sometimes we do have, you know, one or 200 units of, of excess inventory. And because we're buying in such large quantities, we're able to buy usually at lower, lower than wholesale rates. And so I love being able to pass on those savings to those smaller, newer up and coming boxes, where they can get our inventory at a really low price. But there's just so many different ways you can connect and then you build relationships within those groups with other boxes that, you know, are good fit for the products that you're buying for your box. And you can just start sending your inventory tracking spreadsheet to them directly and sharing the excess inventory that way.


I definitely use that tactic as well. It, we, we do that in our subscription box bootcamp where we have bootcampers selling to other bootcampers. It really is a good way, especially when you're brand new and sometimes new vendors have those minimums, those required minimums and required minimums are basically like, if you want to order from us, you have to spend at least, and for example, it might be$250 on your first order or$500. And I know from experience like I wasn't spending that much on one product in my first month. And so you can really, especially if you're listening to this podcast, if you are, you know, in the early stage of your box business, this is a great way for you to get your hands on really good inventory at cost or at wholesale quickly buying from other box owners.


Yeah. I love it. I think you're, I think you're right on with that. Um, it's just such a great way to be able to get products that you might not have been able to get on your own, or you would have to spend a lot more to get them. So, and you can buy them in the quantity that you need. You don't have to buy them in tons of excess just to be able to include them in your box.


Exactly. I a hundred percent agree and it's, it's easy to execute too. We have a copy and paste kind of format for what, for when we sell in these groups and you know, it has the quantity, it has a little description, title costs, shipping information and a minimum. Usually we ask, um, a minimum of five, just so we're not sending you no one here and two here, whatever. But if you create yourself a little template, put it in your computer notes, copy and paste it, add some pictures.


Yep. Totally. I totally agree. That's exactly what we do too. And we've learned the hard way, you know, from sending one offs here and there.


What to include me too. Yeah. And there's, and you can find groups like that just by searching, writing Facebook for like subscription box, buy, sell, trade BST, they call it. So yeah, it's easy to find those groups, those groups are free to join as well.


Yeah. I love it. And also consider joining other groups within your niche. So if you're selling lifestyle products, you might want to consider joining like a women's boutique buy, sell trade group where you can share your product there.


Yeah. It doesn't have to be just other subscription box business owners. There's a lot of people who have e-commerce stores that will either have access or might buy from you.




Yeah. Awesome. Okay. The last tactic we're going to talk about today is something that we've done in the past called the secret subscriber sale. And this is just one of those sweet spots that we found over the years that works really, really well for our specific audience. And I know that you can duplicate it for any box business and sell to your audience in this way. It's kind of like from what I was just talking about with the bundles and the surprise packs where you can market it as a member perk, we're definitely taking that member park to the next level, with this secret subscriber sale, essentially you are going to have a full-blown marketing campaign, but you're only going to market it to your subscribers. It's a secret sale that will not be available to the public. And we've done it a couple of ways in the past, and I'm not even kidding. We've made sold thousands and thousands of thousands of dollars of inventory within hours because we created the hype for it so much. And we got people prepared. We got them ready to purchase at a specific time. And here's what we did. I'm going to tell you the two different ways that we do it. The first way is super easy. It's the more you buy, the more you save and you give them a very specific timeframe where if they spend say over$50, they're going to save 20%. If they spend over a hundred dollars, they're going to save 30%. And those are just arbitrary numbers. You use what works for your business and your profit margins. But the more that you buy, the more that you save, but you give them a very specific timeframe and you give them very specific codes to use. And you tell them exactly what to do. For example, log in now make sure your credit card is up to date. Make sure that your shipping address is up to date. Though that week, before that you have your actual launch, your kind of dropping, I'm dropping sneak peaks of what's to come, what products are available. And examples of, if you buy these three products, you're going to save this much. You know what I mean? You kind of preceded that. It's almost like you're doing a launch campaign and you use the week before it to get them super, super hyped up about it via email, via posting in your Facebook group, doing Facebook lives in your group, whatever it takes to get them excited, especially during the last 24 hours countdown like mark your calendars, set your alarm tomorrow at noon, this opportunity, this savings opportunity drops. And it's a good time too to add some of those bundles to your website and part of the secret sale. So like a three-pack of notebooks, for example, and give it a steep discount. So that's the one way you can do it is with the more you buy, the more you save, but we've tested this. You can't say this is going to happen for a week like this, your, your savings opportunity is a week. No, you need to make it a very specific timeframe like 24 hours only, or 48 hours only that type of thing. So they have that sense of urgency and that you can move things quickly. That sense of urgency. You have to stick to it though. Like you can't keep that coupon code up for an extra couple of days, because then, you know, you lose your credibility or it's like, what was the purpose of, you know, pushing them to buy within that timeframe.




So you definitely want to use that sense of urgency. Um, the other thing that you can use is limited quantities, which you might only have 25 of those notepads left. And so we share that information. We share with them in advance. We have this discount for you, but there's limited quantities. There's only 25 of these. So if you want this be prepared at noon tomorrow to put this into your cart. So it's, it's like this feeding frenzy, it's so much fun. And we do it probably twice a year, usually sometime in like April or so. And then sometime around the Black Friday holiday shopping weekend.


I love it. And it works. I've seen your people just go bananas over it.


Exactly. And the one that they love the most is the second version of it is where we create these specific bundles. We take things from past boxes and mix and match them up into different configurations than what they got in their monthly box. And that is such a good way to get rid of some of that slow moving inventory. Because again, we pair it up with the best sellers, the things that they want the most, we're going to kind of add two or three of the slow moving inventory in there just to get it out the door.


I love it.


And what we do differently with that one is we take pictures, say we have eight different bundles. We'll take pictures of those eight different bundles. And in that week prior when we're, when we're building that hype and educating our customers about what to do and how to, how to be a part of the sale, we're dropping spoilers of pictures and pricing and quantities, but not the link yet. Those links are still hidden. And when, when noon comes and it's time to start the sale, that's when we drop all the links. And so it, it may sound a little bit complicated. It's we have an entire training for it, where we have all the templates and we have all the like different social media templates you can use and trackers and stuff. We make it super easy and I'll make sure that I include the link to that in the show notes as well. Because if this sounds like something you want to do, it may sound a little bit overwhelming as I talked through it, but we got you. We got the trainings. We got the templates,


It is easy. She has made it super, super easy to replicate.


It's fun. I'm sure from your perspective, cause you're in our Facebook group, just seeing the hyperactivity.


Yeah. People are so excited. They it's almost like you give them the opportunity to really shop and figure out what they want before the links are available. So they know exactly. Okay. At noon on Friday, I know I want this bundle and this bundle and this bundle and I am going to race to get it in my cart. So it's super exciting to watch.


It's really fun as a business owner too. Cause if you get those Stripe or PayPal notifications, once you kind of like release the links to the world, like via email, we send them via email and we post them in the Facebook group at the same time. And we have to keep updating those too. As they're sold out, we'll Mark them in the Facebook group sold out so that people can see how quickly this stuff is going. But as a business owner, it just feels so good to be able to move that much inventory so quickly takes a load off of us, not only from a cashflow perspective, but also a space perspective. If you have this inventory in your own home or your garage, or, you know, in your living room, you know what it's like to get your living, to get your space back. And then if you have a warehouse like we do, we pay for the space that we use. So the more product that we have sitting there, the more expensive it is for our storage fees.




It's just such a win-win situation.


Yes. Excess inventory really does throw a lot of different wrenches into so many different things, not just cash. So it definitely is a good plan to think about maybe even each quarter, if you can how you're going to move your inventory that quarter and kind of make a game of it. Like what kind of tactics can you employ and how can you get creative and double down on what's worked in the past.


Yeah, absolutely. So let's talk quickly about that workshop that we did last year, it's available for replay. You guys will put the link in the show notes, but it's subscription box boot, forward slash inventory dash workshop. And we had so much fun. We go over 20 tactics, 20 things to do with excess inventory. And it's 12 of our favorite tactics to generate revenue and eight of our favorite tactics to create buzz and build brand awareness that, you know, so that you actually are doing something with that excess inventory.


Putting it to work for you. Right. Rather than just letting it sit there. Okay. So also in addition to the video training that Julie just mentioned, we also have included a PDF workbook and it is full of everything that you're going to need. It's a printable workbook. It has over 30 pages filled with resources, templates, swipe files, checklists, just so many good things to really help you implement these tactics quickly and easily. So we also did a Q and A session with our existing students, our first student first group of students, where we got to you kind of talk about all things, subscription boxes, as well as some of the topics that we included in the training. So there's just a lot of extra goodness in there. And we've included that Q and A replay right in the workshop as well.


Yeah. And it's, it was really fun to go through this, the video training itself is only an hour. Like we go through 20 tactics hour and what's cool about it is you just go through the workbook and the training and pick which ones are the low hanging fruit, like, which ones can I implement right now? And you'll easily pay for the workshop itself, which is only$125. So just think about that. Like I know when I buy a course, I'm like, how am I going to make my money back on it? Like, how is this going to help me grow my business? And it's such a no-brainer when you look at these tactics, you implement like one or two of these in the first 48 hours that you get your training, you'll easily make your money back.


Absolutely. And like I said before, if you can just take some time out each quarter to really plan this out, you will definitely be generating money and also building awareness and buzz for your business. It's just really a win-win.


I agree. And so our intention with this little mini workshop was really just to help, you know, take the pressure off of you, help give you a game plan of what to do and to wash your extra inventory worries away. Right, Jess?


Yes, definitely because it is going to be part of the territory. So it's important to learn how to make it work for you and not let it be a stumbling block for you as you grow your business.


Exactly. Exactly. So again, if you head over to, you'll get all the details you can sign up, you'll get lifetime access to all of the content. You'll get it almost immediately. And we've been asked before, is this just for subscription box business owners? Well, it was geared towards subscription box business owners cause that's, you know, that's our sweet spot. That's what we do. But so many of these tactics, nearly all of them could be implemented with just regular e-commerce shops too. So if you are in a position where you're listening, because you think you want to start a subscription box business, you could still use this. If you already have some sort of online boutique or e-commerce shop, the tactics can be used across the board.


Yes. There's lots of goodies to be learned for sure.


Yeah. Awesome. Well, I hope you learned something today. You guys, from the four tactics that Jess and I talked about, as a recap, we talked about email marketing. We talked about surprise packs and bundle deals. We talked about selling excess and inventory to other box owners and we talked about the secret subscriber sale. So, yeah, we're so interested to hear, if you are going to try any of these tactics, you can DM either one of us. And ask us questions about it. I'm at Subscription Box Bootcamp, and Jess you're at?




Perfect. We'll make sure to keep that in the show notes as well. I hope you enjoyed my little chat with Jess, and then you are thinking about how you can offload your own excess inventory and get that cash flow moving again, girl. Yes. Thanks for having me. This was so much fun. I really hope that it inspires you to take some action and make some money. Yes. Thanks as always for listening and we'll see you the next episode.

Speaker 4:


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