Anchorpoint Radio

A Gospel That Transforms - Micah Hackett

Micah Hackett

This week's message is all about the transforming power of the gospel - the power to transform lives as well as destinies. Micah Hackett, a young man who we featured last week on our broadcast, looks at this transforming power in three aspects – the power to change the sinner’s condition before God, to change the sinner’s relationship with God, and to change the sinner’s position in God’s reckoning. In our helpless and hopeless state, this is the power we don’t have, but it is the power readily available to us through our Lord Jesus Christ. Though Micah is not with us anymore to proclaim the gospel personally, we trust that the recorded words of this young man will convince you that salvation is real and that it’s something that you, if you don’t know Christ already, desperately need. Receive the grace offered to you through Christ, even today. Tomorrow may be too late.