Anchorpoint Radio

Christ in Psalm 23 - Sandy Higgins

Sandy Higgins

The book of Psalms is one which Christians love to turn to for comfort, strength, and encouragement. Every human condition from despair and failure to joy and adoration can be found there. What a solace the psalms have been to Christians down through the ages! I’m sure that every Christian is familiar with David’s word in Psalm 23, “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.” As familiar as we are with this psalm, there are many wonderful truths buried there for us to discover with each and every reading. Today's focus is on Psalm 23 as it relates to the different New Testament appearances of the Lord Jesus Christ. The truths in each of David’s statements is lived out by the Lord Himself in His post-resurrection appearances as He deals with His own beloved followers and disciples. This message takes us to the very heart of Christ Himself!