Anchorpoint Radio

God's Good News - Marvin Derksen

March 26, 2020 Marvin Derksen

According to the Bible, the good news of the Gospel involves four basic truths. And what wonderful truths they are! First, we have an interest expressed on the part of God Himself.Yes, it all starts with ‘God so loved the world”. Secondly, there was the will of God put into action – that is, a plan was made from eternity past to deliver men and women from the bondage of sin. Then, of course, there was the price paid - the Saviour was sent to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself. Lastly, the gospel involves the invitation going out worldwide for all men to repent and believe what God has done. All of these gospel truths, my friend, are what God has done. There is nothing for you to do but to come to Christ and trust in His already accomplished work. Will you receive Him today?