Anchorpoint Radio

God's Great Banquet - Tom Hoy

Tom Hoy

There was a story that Jesus told about a man who prepared a great banquet feast – and the invitations all went out. “Come for all things are now ready!” But there were many refusals. A lot of them! Jesus said the man became angry and sent his servants out to bring in other people to his banquet instead. Well, His point was simple. The gospel message goes out to all – but then the refusals come in - excuses that will not hold up when placed before God. You see, God has also prepared a tremendous banquet as it were - filled with good things – eternal life, the forgiveness of sins, a life with Christ, peace, purpose, endless fulfillment and joy – to name a few! We hope that you will not come up with excuses for rejecting the call of God for salvation.