AXSChat Podcast

AXSChat Podcast with Naz Senoglu​, Executive Director of Blooming Genius and Nancy Doyle founder of Genius Within.

Antonio Santos, Debra Ruh, Neil Milliken, Naz Senoglu​, and Nancy Doyle


Genius Within CIC is a social enterprise established by Dr Nancy Doyle in 2011 to help neurominorities unlock their talents, whilst acknowledging and celebrating that this diversity forms part of the rich tapestry of human experience.


Genius Within is aware that many Neurominority children and their families remain unsupported. For this reason, they created Blooming Genius, an independently run subsidiary of Genius Within CIC.


The team behind Blooming Genius come from various backgrounds and experience, but they all share the hope and passion to support neurodiverse / neurodivergent youth in the UK.


Blooming Genius wish to support neurodiverse / neurodivergent youth to reach their full potential at any level of education, and to lead healthy, successful lives. Blooming Genius also aim to help parents/carers and professionals create a secure and inclusive network of support for every child or young adult.


Before Blooming Genius begin supporting the community, they are asking those who are neurodiverse / neurodivergent and under 21 years old, or their parents/carers/guardians/SENCos/advocates, to complete a short survey that will highlight the priorities for Blooming Genius to include in their work.



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00:00:02.820 --> 00:00:13.110
Neil Milliken: hello, and welcome to AXSChat i'm delighted to welcome NASA no glue and Nancy Doyle nancy's a repeat offender I mean repeat guests.

00:00:13.799 --> 00:00:27.840
Neil Milliken: To access chat we're here to talk about something that's close to my heart and close to nancy's and as as to which is the brilliant genius Foundation, which is an offshoot or.

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Neil Milliken: An idea that has come from genius within so it's really exciting it's something that i'm not best place to talk about, which is why Nancy and Nancy and in fact NASA probably best place to evolve, but town.

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Neil Milliken: So over to you and, as in Nancy if you'd like to explain a little bit about who you are what you're doing and what is blooming genes.

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Naz Senoglu: Of course, so like I had.

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Neil Milliken: This didn't.

00:00:55.860 --> 00:00:58.680
Naz Senoglu: Work yes so whoa blooming genius actually.

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Naz Senoglu: needed itself, years ago, a good friend of nancy's set up a kind of initiative, mostly on Twitter and.

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Naz Senoglu: For certain reasons it didn't bloom into what blooming geniuses trying to be now, so it may stagnant for a while and then.

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Naz Senoglu: We managed to pick it back up a few months ago, we started talking about it Nancy introduced that idea Whitney Isles, who is non executive director also and justin good.

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Naz Senoglu: And we had a chat about it and we thought you know what let's let's try it but we've got some funding we've got a lot of passion, I was invited onto it which.

00:01:41.280 --> 00:01:52.590
Naz Senoglu: I have a lot of passion, so we thought let's let's have a go so we're still in the initial phases of setting it up, and we are running a survey at the moment sort of doing like a listening exercise.

00:01:52.890 --> 00:02:02.760
Naz Senoglu: To understand what the Community needs so we're very new but we're excited to kind of pick up where it was left off and take it somewhere that.

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Naz Senoglu: We can't predict right now, but we know we're going to support young neuro diverse and neuro divergent children and young adults throughout school general life as well and college, etc, so that is blooming genius.

00:02:16.920 --> 00:02:28.260
Neil Milliken: So to expand upon that a little bit for our audience genius within Is this the parent and it's a Community interest company, so the profits or a large part of the profits of the.

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Neil Milliken: organization get plowed back into doing Community work and plumbing genius is essentially that element of Community work so and the idea is to support neuro divergent.

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Neil Milliken: neuro minority kids in particular so so mentoring.

00:02:47.220 --> 00:02:48.090
Nancy: from their families.

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Neil Milliken: And of course yeah that.

00:02:51.360 --> 00:02:53.280
Nancy: You know, and I know this is sometimes.

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Nancy: This can be a bit of a thing in the neuro diversity Community you know centering the parents needs above a disabled child.

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Nancy: Can you know, is obviously not ideal, but I feel very strongly that you can't support children without supporting their their immediate family circle and so sometimes that's where the support needs to go, because there is very little support for families and.

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Nancy: And yeah the island that having twins So when I had twins and they were three months old and they hadn't had one two hours sleeping in one go.

00:03:24.960 --> 00:03:33.690
Nancy: For three months I learned very quickly that a child's most important resources its parent, and if that parent is not functional then that child is at risk and off.

00:03:35.430 --> 00:03:42.150
Nancy: So yeah a strategy was formed and said parents got some sleep and said parents became a much better parents.

00:03:47.910 --> 00:03:50.700
Neil Milliken: So just to dig deep and.

00:03:52.260 --> 00:04:01.830
Neil Milliken: What what what really sort of triggered your interest in engaging with the initiative what brought you in.

00:04:02.490 --> 00:04:21.210
Neil Milliken: To obviously been working with Whitney eyes and whitney's been working in the in the trauma and justice space, so I know from working with a little bit, so what what wasn't trying to be working in sort of in the space supporting your giant virgin kids and their families.

00:04:22.230 --> 00:04:35.430
Naz Senoglu: So i've always wanted to and that's the thing Whitney was kind of my catalyst into it, and she was my way in, but I have been trying for years to get into what somehow working with children or in schools or even behind the scenes, you know.

00:04:36.750 --> 00:04:51.120
Naz Senoglu: Because I I grew up seeing so many of my friends and close family members struggle so much and and they still are, I won't go into too much detail, but a cousin of mine who is my age 23 and.

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Naz Senoglu: grew up from what they used to name as aspergers syndrome, or you know currently we call it, but autistic spectrum condition.

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Naz Senoglu: And he had such a difficult time growing up and not enough support, and that is chasing up with him now.

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Naz Senoglu: And that seeing someone who I love so much go through so much stress and struggle and his parents as well.

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Naz Senoglu: And and it's still ongoing, you know he's still not where he could have been if he had that support and that really has kind of fueled me for life, you know I am.

00:05:26.070 --> 00:05:35.640
Naz Senoglu: angry, I am passionate and I really care, and I think that's why i'm here I haven't studied I haven't got any professional background or previous experience in this kind of world.

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Naz Senoglu: I came, you know, I was a personal assistant, a lot of corporate companies, for years I haven't got the experience, but I have.

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Naz Senoglu: The passion and I think that's why i'm here now and i'm kind of behind blooming genius because I think genius within is so established that helping people in the workplace, but.

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Naz Senoglu: To get to the workplace, you need to have that support at school, and I think that's really important so that's what brought me to the team.

00:06:00.540 --> 00:06:05.820
Debra Ruh: I can't can we back up just a little bit because love the conversation but.

00:06:06.750 --> 00:06:13.770
Debra Ruh: Many of us, I think, in the United States are not going to be able to follow this, and so I think what we should do if everybody doesn't mind.

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Debra Ruh: is maybe have Nancy talk a little bit about genius within reminding people, because the mcs been on the show multiple times and we love her we love the work and how wonderful now to meet you nas and I just want to make a quick comment.

00:06:29.220 --> 00:06:35.670
Debra Ruh: I have found that people that are executive assistants or administrative assistants are some of the most organized smartest.

00:06:35.940 --> 00:06:43.770
Debra Ruh: People in the world and often entrepreneurs and CEOs so, especially as women will do some of those jobs early in our career.

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Debra Ruh: And you will be so successful just because you've got everything you need so I just want to say kudos to Nancy Percy and the genius with new but.

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Debra Ruh: I think it would be helpful for people if we could just step back and remind people who Nancy is and the amazing work she's done, both in the UK in the US.

00:07:03.990 --> 00:07:12.420
Debra Ruh: And then Nancy can then pull it into you know what you're doing with the children, because I agree with so much are saying, including.

00:07:12.780 --> 00:07:26.100
Debra Ruh: I am neuro diverse myself, but I have a daughter that's neuro diverse and when Nancy said I needed help I continue to need help, and now you know my husband has a brain issue and so.

00:07:27.000 --> 00:07:32.910
Debra Ruh: Making sure the families know what to do and how to support it is so important, but if we do not prepare.

00:07:33.360 --> 00:07:40.800
Debra Ruh: You know neuro diverse people for the workforce society loses and we continue to do that, so I was just wondering for.

00:07:41.160 --> 00:07:52.920
Debra Ruh: US Americans if maybe you couldn't wrap your hands around a little bit more, because I think you'll know a lot about this in the UK, but we need to have all over in the States doing this as well if if you don't mind.

00:07:53.220 --> 00:07:56.670
Nancy: By the way, Deborah genius within is working more and more in the States.

00:07:56.790 --> 00:07:57.240
Debra Ruh: I know.

00:07:57.450 --> 00:07:57.810
Debra Ruh: I know.

00:07:59.100 --> 00:08:03.540
Debra Ruh: People know what we're we're replacing the conversation if you don't want.

00:08:03.870 --> 00:08:10.170
Nancy: yeah so so so genius within this trajectory 10 years social enterprise as Neil said.

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Nancy: In the UK we have a legal structure, that means that we sit between a charity and a limited company or.

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Nancy: So we, we are not a charity we charge for our services we're not doing things that don't have value, and so we expect either the taxpayer all the quarter or corporations is brown work.

00:08:28.560 --> 00:08:42.690
Nancy: But equally we, we are not trying to profit on disability so we're sitting somewhere in between that and 65% of our net distributable profits each year gets reinvested in our Community and services for our Community.

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Nancy: So we've been doing that kind of unofficially, for the last 10 years and we did invest in as an as explained.

00:08:50.610 --> 00:09:06.300
Nancy: In a colleague of ours, who explored the idea of working with children using genius within models for poaching workshop assessments, you know delivering services to support your minorities to discover their genius within to find that potential to come into.

00:09:06.360 --> 00:09:09.030
Nancy: Their fulfillment and so she explored, you know how could we.

00:09:09.030 --> 00:09:16.380
Nancy: do this with kids could we do it with kids and we funded her to do that for a while and there were lots of ideas that were that were floating around but.

00:09:16.680 --> 00:09:23.640
Nancy: It just didn't seem like the right time and it didn't seem like the right approach to have that be a professional services.

00:09:24.120 --> 00:09:35.550
Nancy: And so there's something for me that's really powerful about nasa's lived experience you know her own experience of having a newer diverse profile has experience of having people close to her and her family who are.

00:09:38.130 --> 00:09:44.160
Nancy: You know, having need more support in order to be at their best, and for that kind of very.

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Nancy: authentic experience to be to be to create a to to co produce a service that is both of the Community and for the Community and and so with with.

00:09:56.430 --> 00:10:09.090
Nancy: With the maturation of Venus within our 10 year anniversary we decided right net profits, each year, we can have a certain amount of money that we give every year services for young newer minority people.

00:10:09.480 --> 00:10:13.710
Nancy: i'm not going to do it i'm a work psychologist by training is io.

00:10:14.220 --> 00:10:20.610
Nancy: You know, industrial organizational occupational psychology i'm a psychologist that is trained to work in work, the workplace.

00:10:20.940 --> 00:10:30.210
Nancy: And I believe really strongly that we shouldn't practice outside our competence if you're a workplace specialist you should practice in the workplace, if you're an education specialist the practice and education.

00:10:30.450 --> 00:10:38.520
Nancy: If you're a clinician you practice in healthcare settings and if you're going to come out of your specialism you need to get the right training and competence practice.

00:10:39.000 --> 00:10:44.760
Nancy: And, but also personally I don't want to do it and to be perfectly honest with you guys, I am, as you know.

00:10:45.300 --> 00:10:51.150
Nancy: And you're a diverse woman i'm ADHD and I am still personally traumatized by my experiences in high school.

00:10:51.630 --> 00:11:06.660
Nancy: And I found my school incredibly traumatic I didn't go I did actually receive a clinical diagnosis of school phobia when I was 14 which I thought was great because that means i've meant I didn't have to go anymore, and I didn't go anymore.

00:11:08.400 --> 00:11:08.670
Nancy: But.

00:11:09.720 --> 00:11:17.250
Nancy: You know I still managed to pass my exams, I still managed to I had a big wobble but I did manage to get to university eventually.

00:11:17.700 --> 00:11:26.430
Nancy: And and kind of you know, create a career for myself, but i'm really aware that, with the level of truancy that I experienced from about 11 onwards.

00:11:27.030 --> 00:11:35.400
Nancy: If I had, I mean, I was in a very big large inner city school with lots of different things in it and I had two parents with degrees and white skin.

00:11:35.940 --> 00:11:45.150
Nancy: And i'm just really, really aware that there, but for the grace of God go I do you know what I mean if there was so if there was anything different about my demographic.

00:11:45.570 --> 00:11:51.120
Nancy: Instead of having a school phobia diagnosis and being allowed to take home work home and do it in my own spare time.

00:11:51.690 --> 00:12:00.570
Nancy: I would have been in a pupil referral unit, a special school my parents would have been prosecuted for truancy you know that there was there was a trajectory that I was going to be on.

00:12:01.230 --> 00:12:12.060
Nancy: With this brain in a different body and the different family I would be on a different trajectory so I feel very personally triggered to support kids, but I also feel that.

00:12:13.470 --> 00:12:25.590
Nancy: makes me too angry, I just want to go be mean to the teachers that have been made and tell them all, I mean they are and be rude and swear a lot and it's not an appropriate thing to do, so I can't do it to someone else to do it so.

00:12:26.760 --> 00:12:45.780
Nancy: So, having the blooming genius led by nas, who is a young woman herself who is closer in age to the people that we need to support and have now supported by those of us who have professional experience and experiences of parenting is.

00:12:46.980 --> 00:12:56.220
Nancy: is, I think the perfect example of co production it's it's keeping the pete you know, keeping engagement from all of the stakeholders, whose views, need to be included.

00:12:56.550 --> 00:13:00.990
Nancy: But where we're at right now and what nas will tell you about I think in a minute is.

00:13:01.860 --> 00:13:12.480
Nancy: You know, we need to know what services are required, so we don't have a fixed idea, right now, do we know about what's required we don't want to reinvent the wheel we don't want to come in over the top and say.

00:13:12.900 --> 00:13:18.390
Nancy: You community, you need these things so yeah so as you want to say what we're doing and why we're doing it.

00:13:18.810 --> 00:13:34.050
Naz Senoglu: Yes, exactly, so we obviously are everywhere, we know that children are unsupported at school, we know that there are gaps to fill, we know that local local authorities can't fund those gaps and fill them.

00:13:34.410 --> 00:13:39.480
Naz Senoglu: But we want to understand the specifics and how that crosses over between.

00:13:39.780 --> 00:13:47.850
Naz Senoglu: You know, at the moment, the UK and different regions so even within London, there will be different areas that receive more support or less support.

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Naz Senoglu: or certain demographic certain people that aren't receiving the kind of support that they'd benefit from and again with the actual support.

00:13:55.800 --> 00:14:07.680
Naz Senoglu: What is it is it that kids need I don't know some assistive technology or a laptop or do the teachers at that school need some coaching to understand how behavior works, and I think that's that's the.

00:14:07.980 --> 00:14:21.510
Naz Senoglu: One thing that will definitely focus on regardless of our learning exercise but teachers need to understand and i'm saying goes, they need to that special educational needs coordinators and people that work with special educational needs.

00:14:21.750 --> 00:14:32.970
Naz Senoglu: Children need to understand how behavior is impacted by being neuro diverse and how to there's easy adjustments to go about that just changing your language.

00:14:33.390 --> 00:14:43.770
Naz Senoglu: or doing you know something slightly different or or understanding that you don't have to make eye contact to be listening, you know small things like that is where we really think.

00:14:44.430 --> 00:14:56.070
Naz Senoglu: That that could you know that we could give some support to help schools understand that, for example, and that's one thing, but the rest of what we need to understand is all specific and it's every.

00:14:56.550 --> 00:15:03.210
Naz Senoglu: Mother every mother or father to a neuro diverse child they all have different experiences.

00:15:03.600 --> 00:15:14.670
Naz Senoglu: And we'd like to hear as much as we can, so we are, we are really extending our call to to ask people to fill out the surveys and to really understand the needs, because.

00:15:15.240 --> 00:15:24.720
Naz Senoglu: Even if we had that survey running for five years, there would be different responses and we'd like to understand as much as we can, before we begin delivering services we don't want to.

00:15:25.470 --> 00:15:31.620
Naz Senoglu: You know, as Nancy said reinvent the wheel and start saying oh will help you do this when that's actually not.

00:15:31.980 --> 00:15:42.870
Naz Senoglu: Is not what's going to benefit those children and young people, and again we say children and young people under 21 is our is our kind of age bracket but below 21 it could go to.

00:15:43.350 --> 00:15:52.530
Naz Senoglu: one years old, you know there's there's no kind of limit on the underside because early help is obviously essential for these children, and we really need to get in there before.

00:15:53.220 --> 00:16:02.370
Naz Senoglu: The schools begin to traumatize them essentially so that is yeah I think how where we're going with with understanding the needs of the Community.

00:16:06.330 --> 00:16:14.280
Nancy: yeah, this is a very much Community lead exercise for us, you know genius within does its work in supporting government services and supporting.

00:16:15.240 --> 00:16:27.090
Nancy: Businesses and I think i'm just always really aware that the adults, we work with needed the support that we offer when they were seven 610 you know I mean it's.

00:16:27.990 --> 00:16:36.030
Nancy: If you can get in there first then i'm genius within works in prisons, for example, we work in prisons, with people who have really competence abilities in.

00:16:36.330 --> 00:16:43.080
Nancy: visual spatial reasoning it building things and they leave school with no qualifications and they think that they have no value.

00:16:43.710 --> 00:16:54.990
Nancy: And that that psychological damage of thinking that you have no value because you're not good at it, to see if you can't sit still and concentrate and an example is such a waste of human potential.

00:16:55.920 --> 00:17:06.390
Nancy: And, and so I think yeah that the, the idea is to is to instill a bit of hope as well for kids and for their parents is if the parents are struggling to have that kind of hoping.

00:17:08.550 --> 00:17:17.640
Nancy: belief that their children's future can be somewhere that you know, a positive happy experience for their child, then those parents are going to be really depleted.

00:17:21.450 --> 00:17:29.610
Antonio Santos: Families teachers have been overwhelmed over the last couple of months know everyone is asking them to do things to learn things fast.

00:17:30.150 --> 00:17:39.810
Antonio Santos: Teachers are basically almost forced to go out there and learn things by themselves what How do you propose to it to engage with parents and teachers.

00:17:40.260 --> 00:17:47.910
Antonio Santos: Knowing that they're already overwhelmed with so many things that they need to learn what what is it out what's your plan to succeed here.

00:17:48.960 --> 00:18:00.630
Naz Senoglu: I think the way that would approach that is a kind of hands on in person kind of interaction with them, so one of the people on our team Paul.

00:18:01.740 --> 00:18:12.570
Naz Senoglu: Paul Stevenson, he has tourette syndrome and he has always wanted to try and speak obviously not many people will understand how tourette syndrome and works and.

00:18:13.440 --> 00:18:22.050
Naz Senoglu: You know, teachers, as well, for example, a child in class has ticked and said something that the teachers, most likely to just throw them out.

00:18:22.710 --> 00:18:30.300
Naz Senoglu: So he would want to his plan in the future is to go to a school actually speak with the teachers and with the children together.

00:18:30.630 --> 00:18:36.000
Naz Senoglu: And I think that would be the different approach to it that would actually work because you'd be working together.

00:18:36.240 --> 00:18:42.990
Naz Senoglu: In one space, rather than being on zoom or being in a conference or where the screen and telling you know, showing them a.

00:18:43.350 --> 00:18:52.830
Naz Senoglu: A sign on a wall and saying this is how it works, I think it actually needs to be a lot more interactive and I think the most important thing to helping the teachers.

00:18:53.370 --> 00:19:03.570
Naz Senoglu: is to actually speak with the children as well, and let the children be more involved in their assessments and let that and kind of raise the child's awareness of themselves.

00:19:03.960 --> 00:19:11.160
Naz Senoglu: Because if a child, you know if the teacher understands that's that's cool, but the child also needs to understand, so they can work together.

00:19:11.430 --> 00:19:20.220
Naz Senoglu: And once everyone's on the same page that's the way, I believe that these things you know this, this will move forward and blue moodiness will achieve success.

00:19:20.760 --> 00:19:26.610
Naz Senoglu: In in the school setting and educational setting because everyone will be on the same page, and I think.

00:19:26.970 --> 00:19:40.170
Naz Senoglu: Instead of just telling teachers hi we're here to help you this is what you're going to do, I think they need to understand that it's not just them, and the work can be kind of split across the families, the children and themselves.

00:19:41.670 --> 00:19:50.670
Nancy: lovely cabanas and I think one of the when we were we looked at this before we did a lot of teacher training and a lot of awareness training for schools and teachers.

00:19:51.030 --> 00:19:59.430
Nancy: And antonio's right, you know people are overloaded their their best brain space is kind of full of all the things they've got to do.

00:19:59.760 --> 00:20:06.090
Nancy: But one of the things about working with the children live and doing things there with the kids and the teachers in the same space.

00:20:06.390 --> 00:20:20.910
Nancy: is about demystifying how easy it is to be inclusive, in the way that you organize without it having to be this massive additional extra burden, you know I when i've got i've got do you mind if I just tell to very quick anecdotes.

00:20:21.870 --> 00:20:31.200
Nancy: Okay, so two in British skulls these are two friends of mine, with both of whom have autistic kids and in British schools school one.

00:20:32.070 --> 00:20:44.280
Nancy: The Sankoh calls the parenting to discuss the fact that child 14 year old child cannot read them cannot write his handwriting is appalling and the CINCO wants to know what the mother is going to do about that.

00:20:45.090 --> 00:20:50.070
Nancy: In the meeting also objecting to the fact that the child keeps taking his tie off.

00:20:51.240 --> 00:21:05.160
Nancy: To British children have to wear uniforms and ties and said autistic child has a verbal reasoning skills IQ on 120 you're 120 plus you know top 5% of the population.

00:21:05.730 --> 00:21:12.480
Nancy: and has motor control difficulties and the bottom 5% of the population, so really kind of diverse.

00:21:13.290 --> 00:21:18.540
Nancy: range of their ability and so of course handwriting is going to be a difficult and, of course.

00:21:19.050 --> 00:21:27.660
Nancy: with sensory issues like that, as well, wearing a tie, is going to feel constricted, and so the same code was kind of really wrestling to get this kid to.

00:21:28.080 --> 00:21:33.150
Nancy: Practice more handwriting age 14 and really wrestling to get this kid to have to wear a tie.

00:21:33.690 --> 00:21:41.430
Nancy: And I just said to it, you know, there are no workplaces, where this would happen, though, you know in workplaces, we would give that kid technology, he would he would have.

00:21:41.940 --> 00:21:48.960
Nancy: He would have speech to text software he'd have a scribe pen he'd have an iPad he would be he wouldn't be acquiring to hand right.

00:21:49.320 --> 00:21:57.060
Nancy: And there are no workplaces, where I where you could make someone wear a tie at all that would that just wouldn't happen, it makes them uncomfortable he feels.

00:21:57.540 --> 00:22:08.700
Nancy: Can we not have him concentrating on what he's there to do, which is you know engaging in the in the literature and have you was we know what happens if he what happens if he gets to play by Rule that all the other children.

00:22:10.200 --> 00:22:22.230
Nancy: don't you know, and so they were battling the attitude, so that story one and then story to is another friend of mine and a different part of England, with an autistic child and their Sankoh calls.

00:22:22.830 --> 00:22:39.630
Nancy: My friend up and says we've noticed that let's call the child jack we've noticed that jack has a real difficulty engaging with the curriculum on Wednesday afternoons and Wednesday mornings, and not refusing to join in not begging heels in.

00:22:39.960 --> 00:22:42.990
Nancy: But having a difficult time engaging with the curriculum which.

00:22:43.020 --> 00:22:45.270
Nancy: Is the priority right engaging with the learning.

00:22:45.690 --> 00:22:55.230
Nancy: So what we thought is and we do sports we do team sports on Wednesdays, and what we think is the anxiety of team sports is overwhelming jack and that's why jack can join in.

00:22:55.560 --> 00:23:02.220
Nancy: And so what we're wondering if it's alright with you, if that doesn't do team sports, because what we were thinking is while we're in sports hall, we could just give.

00:23:02.700 --> 00:23:13.110
Nancy: fantasize video or you know a little exercise video and they could just do their own thing, while we will play dodgeball or whatever it is they're going to play.

00:23:13.890 --> 00:23:22.680
Nancy: And my friends, is a great idea, have you asked jack oh no we haven't asked jack yet you're absolutely right, why don't we ask jack first i'm sure john will be all right with that, but will call you back if there's any problem.

00:23:23.100 --> 00:23:32.940
Nancy: So, none of the things that we're asking for in this example, none of the adjustments, none of the accommodations cost a lot of money, these are all fairly easy things to.

00:23:33.180 --> 00:23:42.900
Nancy: be yes, you can say don't wear a tie, and that just takes out a layer of discomfort and need yes, you can say don't join in with sports we'll just watch that little video in the corner.

00:23:43.230 --> 00:23:50.610
Nancy: doesn't require extra personnel doesn't require cost, I mean a bit of assistive technology might require a bit of costs but it's minimal minimal.

00:23:51.030 --> 00:23:59.940
Nancy: And and and so actually this idea that the reason educators aren't able to support children because they're so stressed and underfunded and underpaid.

00:24:00.330 --> 00:24:08.220
Nancy: I just think it's nonsense I think it's kindness and I think if you just if we have these experiences where we're just showing how easy it is.

00:24:08.760 --> 00:24:26.580
Nancy: This behind and allow rules to be flexible, as opposed to insisting that education equals compliance, then we could take out such a massive layer of need in the special educational needs system that we'd have that part of funding left for the kids who really need it.

00:24:27.900 --> 00:24:36.180
Nancy: Because there are kids who need one to one there are kids who need that stuff there are kids who are going to need to be shown how to do more basic things like.

00:24:36.960 --> 00:24:48.990
Nancy: You know cooking and and boiling kettles, and making beverages, so if we know we need that money for those kids but the kids who could be doing absolutely fine if they just were allowed to not wear a tie.

00:24:49.230 --> 00:24:55.740
Nancy: And didn't spend their entire time battling their teachers, because they want to wear sunglasses because light make them feel overwhelmed.

00:24:56.040 --> 00:25:02.730
Nancy: If we could take those kids out of the out of the system for needing expensive diagnosis six.

00:25:03.030 --> 00:25:18.690
Nancy: professionals to validate that the thing they're asking for is a real thing and they haven't just made it up if we could just trust children to tell us what they need, and then we would just be live, you know we will free up all of these resources, yes i'm done with my band Neil.

00:25:19.500 --> 00:25:21.480
Neil Milliken: Good excellent well not good, but anyway.

00:25:23.820 --> 00:25:27.750
Neil Milliken: couple of things i'm having spent a long time in the.

00:25:27.960 --> 00:25:36.270
Neil Milliken: further education sector provision of assistive tech it's clear to me that you have to have a certain level of privilege.

00:25:37.560 --> 00:25:50.040
Neil Milliken: To even get through the education to get to the point where suddenly there's provision available which seems NUTS so i'm really pleased to see you know it, you aiming.

00:25:51.630 --> 00:25:53.970
Neil Milliken: much earlier ages and then.

00:25:56.010 --> 00:25:59.160
Neil Milliken: Secondly, I think i'm really.

00:26:00.720 --> 00:26:08.790
Neil Milliken: interested in this sort of idea that we've discussed and not on here yet, but we've discussed about the fact that.

00:26:09.960 --> 00:26:12.120
Neil Milliken: There is no accountability.

00:26:15.180 --> 00:26:18.300
Neil Milliken: For schools to really provide this stuff because.

00:26:19.560 --> 00:26:26.010
Neil Milliken: Because of the structure in the UK where where it's very difficult for parents of.

00:26:27.060 --> 00:26:38.970
Neil Milliken: Your divergent kids to be able to really hold stuff to account, because, is it the Board of Governors is the Education Authority is it the teacher.

00:26:39.660 --> 00:26:50.130
Neil Milliken: That that kind of thing it allows people to fall between the gap, so I know you're asking a couple of questionnaires and as Is this something that you're seeking out.

00:26:51.120 --> 00:27:07.800
Neil Milliken: The opinions of the parents and the individuals in your question is about where where they're going for help and whether or not there, they know how to hold people accountable, because it seems to me that it's really easy for.

00:27:08.820 --> 00:27:11.910
Neil Milliken: People to shirk their responsibility.

00:27:13.740 --> 00:27:19.080
Naz Senoglu: Exactly, and we are asking those questions, but the feedback we've had so far is that.

00:27:19.440 --> 00:27:26.760
Naz Senoglu: The parents actually one of the surveys at the moment, the question is, they are anonymous so you don't need your name you don't need an email address now.

00:27:27.150 --> 00:27:34.470
Naz Senoglu: we've had people coming back to us saying can when can we leave our details with you, we want to speak more so, what we're planning to do eventually.

00:27:35.010 --> 00:27:47.490
Naz Senoglu: pretty soon, hopefully, is to hold some focus groups with these parents and invite them when they're available, maybe in the evenings to a zoom call to just discuss these points and to see what comes up in those sessions.

00:27:48.270 --> 00:28:02.370
Naz Senoglu: So we can get an actual understanding with some you know some depth to it, rather than do you agree, yes or no tick a box in the questionnaire so that's how we're we're aiming to to truly understand their needs and and how they.

00:28:03.120 --> 00:28:08.190
Naz Senoglu: You know what what is frustrating them and how we can help their children because.

00:28:08.670 --> 00:28:16.350
Naz Senoglu: The question is going to give us the the main kind of information we need, but we need details and we need to really understand what.

00:28:16.680 --> 00:28:21.270
Naz Senoglu: What is causing them stresses, every day, and you know if a if a parent is.

00:28:21.660 --> 00:28:29.190
Naz Senoglu: stressed out and exhausted by the system, and you know, the local authorities and doing anything, how are they meant to support their child efficiently.

00:28:29.550 --> 00:28:38.880
Naz Senoglu: So that's that's the goal to to really speak with them, and to do a lot of research and to kind of take it slow and yeah to invite them to some focus groups.

00:28:39.240 --> 00:28:46.980
Naz Senoglu: Just some sessions, maybe an hour or two in the evenings to to have a discussion with them and let them actually you know, have a one to one with us.

00:28:47.400 --> 00:28:49.080
Nancy: evenings or early mornings.

00:28:49.200 --> 00:28:50.640
Nancy: I know a lot of parents with.

00:28:51.480 --> 00:28:58.320
Nancy: kids who have special educational needs to actually be evening, as the worst time because they've got kids you find bedtime really, really difficult.

00:28:58.710 --> 00:29:10.290
Nancy: And then they finally get their kids to sleep of midnight and then the kids sleep hopefully through till eight nine o'clock and I know a lot of special ads especially parents who get their best work done at 6am.

00:29:11.940 --> 00:29:12.360
Nancy: yeah.

00:29:12.900 --> 00:29:19.350
Debra Ruh: I will also say that because I know that we are saying this, but something for everyone to remember.

00:29:20.010 --> 00:29:26.640
Debra Ruh: Because I was one of those children that could not never sit down to this day I dread being on a long a long.

00:29:27.330 --> 00:29:38.670
Debra Ruh: airplane right because I can't sit still I can't you know, yes grandmother, I do have ants in my pants but I mean I just cannot it's not how I made but.

00:29:39.240 --> 00:29:48.330
Debra Ruh: What I love about what you're doing, and the work that it the way you're listening to the individuals to the teachers to the parents all of everybody right the individual.

00:29:49.320 --> 00:30:03.690
Debra Ruh: If we don't step in to help the children now, then the children will be damaged, as we have been damaged as Neil was damaged, and you know I mean we all have grown up to be great adults, we figured it out, but.

00:30:04.170 --> 00:30:10.860
Debra Ruh: We bought into what we were being told that we were and I won't speak for y'all but I bought into it.

00:30:11.700 --> 00:30:19.860
Debra Ruh: Why was I, the only kid in the room, that if the teacher said, one more person says one thing and I start laughing I mean I just.

00:30:20.310 --> 00:30:28.290
Debra Ruh: But I knew that I knew I was curious and innovative, but at the same time, I was pretty much told to just shut up.

00:30:29.070 --> 00:30:40.560
Debra Ruh: and stop acting like a clown so my self esteem was attacked now I believe it's made me a much more empathetic person, but I just want to point out to everyone.

00:30:40.890 --> 00:30:46.980
Debra Ruh: that the reality is if we don't do this if nasa's efforts are not really successful.

00:30:47.280 --> 00:30:58.140
Debra Ruh: Then the society loses because if we're not making sure that we're telling people when they're little little people to when they're little kids that you're not broken.

00:30:58.380 --> 00:31:05.670
Debra Ruh: This is an amazing way your brain works, so your brain doesn't work like jimmy's brain or susie's brain it works like your brain so.

00:31:06.000 --> 00:31:16.530
Debra Ruh: I think rethinking it all this is the time to do it and so it's got to be done, and we have to join, we have to help his Community because.

00:31:16.920 --> 00:31:30.600
Debra Ruh: Otherwise we are damaging human beings that we then have to undamaged when they go into the workforce, who cares if this little boy wears a tie, I remember my son has been in the field, and he was.

00:31:31.440 --> 00:31:43.320
Debra Ruh: A preschool teacher for little little babies with autism and stuff where they were so cute and there was one little boy that did not like his hat, but his mother wanted him to wear the hat, so he would take this hat off.

00:31:43.680 --> 00:31:49.290
Debra Ruh: And so the mother came to my son, one day, and she said, who took his head off was at the bus driver.

00:31:50.220 --> 00:31:54.870
Debra Ruh: And my son just could not understand why this mother was so.

00:31:55.320 --> 00:32:03.060
Debra Ruh: hell bent on having this little boy wear the hat he didn't want to wear the hat but it's like it's so complicated the point that's the point i'm making so.

00:32:03.450 --> 00:32:16.230
Debra Ruh: We really need to get in and start understanding what's happening and helping all these people in these teachers, because the reality is otherwise we're damaging these human beings and their hopefully going to find their potential.

00:32:16.860 --> 00:32:19.950
Debra Ruh: But it's going to take a lot longer so just wanted to.

00:32:22.200 --> 00:32:32.550
Nancy: and businesses can help by making donations to the blooming genius foundation genius within will be contributing, but will also be talking to all our corporate partners who are.

00:32:33.120 --> 00:32:44.760
Nancy: currently doing their actual level best to find ways to be neuro inclusive and wouldn't it be so much easier to be neuro inclusive if you had those specialist diverse brains without the trauma.

00:32:48.150 --> 00:32:48.780
Neil Milliken: Wilson.

00:32:51.150 --> 00:32:52.410
Neil Milliken: know if you want the last word.

00:32:55.800 --> 00:32:57.600
Naz Senoglu: i'm not sure what to say is the last word.

00:33:00.420 --> 00:33:01.830
Neil Milliken: Okay, so let's yeah.

00:33:02.880 --> 00:33:05.100
Neil Milliken: let's thank our.

00:33:06.180 --> 00:33:07.920
Neil Milliken: sponsors our friends.

00:33:09.810 --> 00:33:13.950
Debra Ruh: and make sure that people know their website or social media mass.

00:33:14.880 --> 00:33:18.690
Neil Milliken: So who should who should people be following on Twitter.

00:33:19.440 --> 00:33:28.260
Naz Senoglu: So on Twitter, we are at blooming underscore genius or instagram we're at beaming genius no no underscores involved.

00:33:28.680 --> 00:33:47.520
Naz Senoglu: And and yeah i'm at NASA or glue on Twitter I don't tweet that much i'm not the best at that, but I am running the remi genus account and we will be posting a lot more on social media and in the next couple of weeks, and so yeah that's where you can find us.

00:33:47.820 --> 00:33:59.100
Neil Milliken: Excellent so just remains for me to say thank you to My Clear Text for helping us with the captions and to Barclays Access and Microlink for continuing to support us. Thanks everyone.

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