Duke of Digital

004 - Everything You Need to Know about TikTok with Roberto Quinn

Brian Meert

People of all ages are flocking to TikTok for video creation. In this episode, the Duke of Digital is joined by Roberto Quinn to discuss the fundamentals of TikTok, strategies for growing your following, and running TikTok ads.

Roberto Quinn 

Brian Meert

Duke of Digital


Brian Meert:

Hey guys today I'm joined by Roberto Quinn to explain everything you need to know about tik tock growing fans and running paid ads raise those pinkies because we're about to get started.


Presented by AdvertiseMint the Duke of Digital will guide you through the rapidly changing landscape of digital marketing social media and how to grow your business online to submit a question for the show. Text 323-821-2 044 or visit to dukeofdigital.com. If you need an expert to fix your ads, the friendly team at AdvertiseMint is ready to help. Visit AdvertiseMint.com or call 844-236-4686.

Speaker 2:

To grow your business here is your host Brian Meert.

Speaker 3:

Alright, I am really excited today because we have an extremely special guest Roberto Quinn the founder of Quinn social. Thank you so much for being on the show. Thanks for having me. I love it. So you know we've had the opportunity to work together a couple of times. Roberto is like the I even know what I'd say Navy Seals o f social media because you know you work with some of the most high profile celebrity accounts, TV shows entertainment projects. Just a remarkable amount of these very high high profile cases. I g uess social media accounts and you know we find stories like t hese o f h aving t o t hree weeks ago we had breakfast over in Beverly Hills with a billionaire. And as we're having breakfast with this individual you know it's just amazing because y ou k now they're running through i t a nd the problems this person i s r un into with social is I need to get more followers I need to have more engagement I need to y ou know those things matter in terms of you know e ntertainment and other y ou k now projects that I'm working on and it's just crazy you know you have that when you're starting your business you have that when you're a billionaire there's still problems that people have. They're like the platforms are changing. They're moving they're adapting. I need to be able to become more relevant make sure that my time is spent doing the right thing. So you know please introduce yourself tell us all about what you've been up to and how people can be in touch with you.

Speaker 4:

Well as you so lovely hearing clearly stated nice. I have been running my own business for the past five years now. I've been in social media for the past 12 starting and publicity and artist relations and kind of naturally shifted into social media over the years. My own business in college and that kind of pushed its way through and I've continued that throughout my career and I've seen platforms grow from Friendster and high five to MySpace and Facebook and now Instagram ticktock all of.

Speaker 5:

All of these different platforms. And it's so interesting to see the trajectory. But at the base of everything it is all about connectivity and being able to interact with one another in a more meaningful way. I work with as you mentioned celebrity clients TV shows films entrepreneurs basically anyone that needs a way to grow their social following. And I do that and we'll dive into this a little bit more. But I do that on the basis of creative content creation and I believe that at the core of any great social media page or anyone on social media the content is what needs to be the top priority. And so that's what I focus on is the creation of creative content and creative content concepts because that's what ultimately drives engagement. And you see that also in ads. Yes for sure for sure that people can follow me on Instagram Roberto Quinn I'm very connected to the business I am kind of the face of the business.

Speaker 3:

And if they want to reach out and do business with me when social dot.com eyes I said All right well awesome Well I am excited today because you know we're talking I want to talk today about a topic did it's funny because in our world this already feels like really old like it's a cosmetic talk's been around forever you know. How does it relate to Instagram and I forget know how many people have no clue what this is and I know it before the show came on I was looking through some stats and we just blown away. And I'm like man this really is. It's a game changer in terms of social media and how people are connecting. So you know let's do this. Walk us through you know what is tick tock in your opinion and what is it for.

Speaker 4:

That's a great question. Tick tock is an app where you can upload short form content and it's used primarily with a younger demographic.

Speaker 6:

However in the past four months we've seen an astronomical growth because they've been onboarding different celebrities and and they've been garnering a lot of press. So I think a lot of different people are exploring it like one of the most popular pages surprisingly as the Washington Post. They have someone there that's been doing tech talks for a long time and it started people started making fun of the account but then really ended up resonated it ended up resonating with people and people really like to follow them. So another one of most popular accounts and there was a whole news story about them like joining ticktock and being part of the conversation. So I think a lot of older celebrities or creators are starting to find their voice on the platform and starting to find the space for themselves. It doesn't quite feel like when all the adults started taking over Facebook but it's reminiscent of that you know older demographic coming in and trying new things and attempting it. Tick tock nice.

Speaker 7:

OK so walk me through for someone that's never used the app before. What are the parameters of creative. Can you upload images videos walk us through you know what. What are the limitations there what are the format.

Speaker 4:

Well it's a video platform primarily. OK. And as I mentioned before the most popular type of content is actually the most popular type of content is actually comedic posts similar to Vine. They're not six seconds. You can upload up to a minute I believe the most popular posts are 15 seconds. Yeah. And I think that the audio also only allows you to do up to 15 seconds in audio that you can select from.

Speaker 5:

However I find that tick tock is mostly trend based. So they have a new trend every couple of days whether it's a dance or lip sinking to viral video. For example last week there was a few kids about Karen the viral video. Oh my gosh. You've got to see it. It's hilarious. Basically there was another public freak out and someone caught it on tape and now the audio is in ticktock. And people love recreating it. So moments like that are what tick tock is about. There are tutorials there are you know people creating art. There's a there's a wide variety of content there. It's primarily for trends like lip synching the songs or to viral videos or comedic sketches with friends. Just as Vine was but what I think the difference is between Vine is now you're allowed to have those sounds have effects have transitions within the app whereas vine never really had that. And I think that that's what's changed in the game for a lot of creators to be able to have that access because not everyone has an editing program. You know I think a lot of the binders that made it big were able to make it big because they were able to create the content and they had a little bit of drive to edit their videos off the app and created something higher quality and I think tick tock allows you to do that now. Yeah.

Speaker 8:

Yeah no I it surprises me how much time I can spend on our on tick tock you know just growing through content that I just find interesting or funny or.

Speaker 7:

Absolutely. There's so many things of whether it's lip singing the same song but you see different people do it. You know people re creating audio clips in their own sort of way which is fine or dance kind of challenges where people be like Watch me do this dance and everyone else is doing and we're even blunt about that.

Speaker 4:

Sorry to interrupt.

Speaker 9:

Jagow Now that more now the tick tock has had more press a lot more celebrities are open to getting on it and there's been a couple of Mariah Carey viral dances to her songs and now she's gotten in on the joke and she's been doing her own viral dances which is funny to see someone create you know a dance based off her song and then she comes in and does the same dance at someone in their bedroom choreographed. So that's kind of a cool moment for that creator and just goes to show that the creators are in a unique space to be able to influence now celebrities. Yeah.

Speaker 8:

Yeah. She is a fantastic point is the connection between everyone is becoming much much shorter.

Speaker 7:

I mean they have the ability to directly make changes or engage with people. OK so let's do this let's move on. You know is one of the big you know I don't know if he'd be myths or things that you even touched on earlier was you know ticktock is for kids.

Speaker 8:

These are what kids are using. And you're now is is becoming more popular. There's other people who are older people coming.

Speaker 10:

I'd say you know at least I don't know one of 10 post I see or someone being like I know I'm old but I'm trying to get on ticktock and you know please like me if I'm like in a nice sort of friendly way.

Speaker 9:

What's interesting about that though is that when you get on the app you have to tell it your age.

Speaker 10:

Oh so I'm seeing that because I'm older. Exactly.

Speaker 6:

So I'm seeing all the old people you're seeing a lot of older content. You're seeing content from older creators. There you go mixed in with some of the younger obviously because it's by reality you kind of push its way to the Discover page for you or the popular page but that's what's interesting about the different age groups that you see on tick tock videos that you're served are very different.

Speaker 10:

Is it just layers because people like I know more of your tick tock I'm twenty five. But you know it just makes me laugh.

Speaker 7:

But there is a lot of those you know these people they have the ability to tell their own story and say hey here's things about me going on in my life and put the captions or little words in the video and I think you know it's fun just watching and discovering these you know what. What is it about this person and be able to you know engage with them or like with them so you know in regards to it being just for kids.

Speaker 4:

What are your thoughts on that it used to be. I think that was the natural transition for when from when it was musically so musically had onboard and a lot of younger kids kind of doing this weird face to camera with hand movement gestures lips sinking and that's all it could ever get to. So I think it was a smart move to evolve musically into tick tock. So naturally when ticktock first were musically first changed into ticktock that's the user base they had and so little by little it started getting more popular with older demographic and the content you saw on tick tock started evolving. And I think now it's safe to say that all age groups are on there but it's primarily been seen as a platform for nine to 15 year olds. But again that's changed within the past six months.

Speaker 11:

Yeah it's changing rapidly.

Speaker 6:

Oh to act extremely rapidly and like I was mentioning you know I think maybe off air it was they onboard did a lot of celebrities in the past few months and so the recognition of the app and the press the app has received of course you know parents are like What are my kids on let me see like tick tock little about so they get on and you know there you see a lot of parents creating content on the app as well because it is diverse enough to be able to lend itself for so many different types of creators. Yeah

Speaker 7:

yeah. Walk me through you know what are some of the similarities and some of the maybe the differences between tech talk and Instagram in terms of the actual app itself or that you know the kind of the layout. You know what we mean even just use cases why what would be. Because I imagine that's a lot of people would say well I'm already doing Instagram isn't that the biggest one what. You know here's another. Do I need to be on tick tock or can I just wait till it becomes extremely popular. What would be your advice there.

Speaker 6:

I think the functionality is very similar but the purpose is very different. And I see that because the functionality of ticktock and Instagram are similar in the fact that there's a popular page there's a Discover tab. There's a profile and then you're allowed to upload content. So in that way it's similar just like any other social media platform but just like the difference between Twitter and Instagram Instagram and ticktock have major differences as well. Instagram has grown to be so overly curated you know in about nine months ago there was an article in The Atlantic that was very interesting that named the death of the Instagram aesthetic because so many people were like I'm an upload three pink photos in a row and three blue photos in a row and it ends up being just this overly curated space and a lot of especially younger creators want to be free of that restriction and they want to be able to have that ability to create content that speaks to them and speaks to their age demographic without having to be censored.

Speaker 7:

I think now it does. And I actually don't know this is there. I don't get into many profiles but is there a feed where your content lives forever or is this story format where it disappears after a set period of time. It lives forever on ticked on.

Speaker 6:

Yeah you're the posts that you create. I don't know. Yeah. The posts you create live on your profile they they live forever. OK. But I think the major difference here is like I was watching Instagram is very curated. Tick tock is is curated in the sense of you have to create the content but it's not overly polished as you mentioned before people put like little text above themselves just like you know pointing upward and they do them in their bedroom without makeup in their pajamas. It's very much a platform where people can feel free to create the content that they want to create without judgment and kind of test out new things to see if like maybe if I do a dance this time around or if I'm normally an artist maybe I do a comedy sketch like there's just so many opportunities because of all the different trends for people to create content that isn't restrictive of one thing. So when you're on Instagram you're a beauty influencer for example or someone that just posts about you don't you have to be a big influencer but someone that just post about beauty if you start posting then about like cars or something else it's going to be a little shocking to your audience and you know the worry is you're going to lose your followers or engagement whereas ticktock is like let's throw things at the wall and see what sticks. Which is great. I think that that you know creates an environment where people are at their most creative.

Speaker 7:

Nice. Yeah. Now you know walk me through you know is is now you work with a lot of celebrities a lot of shows online entertainment related projects is now the time that they need to be moving to tick tock. Is it too late for them. Is it right in the golden age. You know what would be kind of your thoughts there. Because I know there's I see celebrities on it like Will Smith Howie Mandel Reese Witherspoon Jimmy Fallon Miley Cyrus you know I even I think we're talking earlier Bob Saget is on there. So I mean they're starting to see celeb more celebrities show up in the main kind of content it's being curated. What would be your advice for for the other celebrities out there.

Speaker 12:

The advice I always give clients in general is to make sure that a platform makes sense to them especially you know in the time that Facebook was doing well you know Instagram came out. Twitter was doing really well so people were. And then Vine and Snapchat. So there were a lot of clients that were like this came out. We need to be on it. That came out we need to be on it.

Speaker 4:

I think we really need to take the time to make sure that something makes sense and demographic wise as well like if your demographic is 60 year old women you probably don't need to be on tick tock. Just because you'd be creating for an audience of what you know a handful of people. Yeah. So I think it's if you have someone that manages your social or if you're managing your social on your own take a look at the the the audience demographics and seeing what is what your audience is basically and if it makes sense to get on take stock now especially if you are someone that is going to create content on tick talking and make sure that the type of content that you're going to create is going to resonate so you get it. You have to download the app. Look at the Discover page. See what kind of content is there and if that's within your wheelhouse then you know give it a go. But I don't think that everyone should be on tick tock. And I feel like that's the direction we're headed especially with the amount of press that they've garnered here in the last few months. Is everyone's gonna want to be on it but not a lot of people take the time to create the content that needs to be up there.

Speaker 8:

And I like to go back to your point I think that's 100 percent right. I think you know generally you have to look at can you do something well like can you do the page or the type of content. Now a lot of people approach it off well I've done some photo show shoots in the past. I have a couple videos just you put that up there and ticktock is its own little world with how people are creating content. And I'd be like 100 percent it needs to be in line with what should be their absolute. I mean if you just start posting random stuff I feel like that's probably the fastest way to fail at IKEA is that people were like What. What is this.

Speaker 4:

And that's not to deter people from being creative and trying new things. But making sure that tick tock makes sense for them to be on first.

Speaker 8:

Yeah. All right so a big question here that you know I've heard disguised are people you know talk about is you know is ticktock going to be bigger than Instagram. You know is this something is this what's changing what are your thoughts on that.

Speaker 4:

I think they're very different.

Speaker 6:

So who's to say it's not going to get bigger than Siri but I don't think it will overtake Instagram in terms of daily active users simply because Instagram has made it very simple for people to get in and out of the app very quickly. So if you're on the train or if you're somewhere commuting or whatever it might be you know waiting for something waiting for someone in the meeting you can go through Instagram very quickly and without the volume and it makes sense to you and you can scroll through the content and and you can consume it with no problem.

Speaker 4:

Tick tock is very different because you have the time commitment gets you 15 seconds but you have to have that 15 seconds for sure and you have to have the volume on and you have to make sure that the content that's on there if you're in public is fine and not like awkward if you're in a meeting or something else or about to start a meeting. So I think that in that way I don't think ticktock will ever overtake Instagram because of the functionality that Instagram has and the way that people can interact with Instagram. But I do think that it's only getting more popular from here on out. And in terms of longevity who knows. I mean vine seemed like it was going to be pretty long term but because of their interactions with the creators and their lack of tools and things for other creators I think really led to their demise and in addition to that the big difference between Vine and ticktock is that vine really heavily relied on its creators and made them influencers. I mean you see them now those are the influencers we have on Instagram as they've they've kind of moved into that space. So vine created that and created the kind of the monster influencer whereas now tick tock is allowing anybody and everybody to create that content. And in fact rarely shows you someone with millions of followers at least on my algorithm because they want to open up that visibility for a lot of other creators creators talent.

Speaker 8:

Yeah I would say I don't see a lot of the same people ever on tick tock. It's generally always something new. I'm surprised because usually you know my tick tock usage happens you at night. I'm winding down you know jumping to bed and like I said let's play around the phone a little bit for fall asleep and it's amazing how we've seen as a dictator. But like I'll be like all let me just a couple minutes and it'll be like forty five minutes later I'm like Oh man that's what I talk black hole.

Speaker 10:

Yeah. It's like a black hole. I go right in and I'm like man.

Speaker 8:

It's just funny and I'll find you know someone doing a dance or like some dude doing a cannonball challenge you'll see the hashtag and then I'll watch you 10 other people do the exact same thing and it just is really funny to watch different people try their own take on it of whatever I'm interested in to kind of have those variations.

Speaker 12:

One thing I wanted to add here to what's been interesting is in the musical space I mean there have been so many songs that have hit on ticktock that have become popular and created and created careers for musicians. That's fascinating. The old town road song Little Nas that became popular and ticktock there were so many people creating videos around that song that then the radio started playing it because of the popularity that it gained on tick. And now little Nas as a career because of it the Wal-Mart kid. I don't know if you remember him the one that was yodeling. Do you remember that guy. He has a whole career now too here. He came out with songs and music videos and tours and he was brought on to Coachella. They brought him on and I did so I did see yeah. OK so he was popular on tick tock as well. So all of these different musicians have now a creative space to get on and potentially become viral and then people love their songs and start asking for it. Now you see someone like little Nas having a career.

Speaker 7:

How can any musician upload their their tracks or their music to tick tock or is there how do you be able to get those into the app.

Speaker 12:

A lot a lot of people do is they'll play it while they're singing to it or something or you know give it to a friend to do a dance to or something. But you know you can just bring a speaker and it translates into it and then what other people do is they take that audio because you can take someone else's audio and use it. So if it's uploaded in the video it they can use that audio and then do their own version of it or do a dance to it or a comedic post about it. But I find that that's very interesting and I think that that's a that's a great platform for emerging artists to use to make their songs relevant.

Speaker 10:

Got it. Got it. OK so I want to do is a couple of rapid fire Google auto correct questions so these can be quick ones but I got five here no one is ticktock for you to use.

Speaker 11:

Yes. OK. Number two is ticktock the same as Vine.

Speaker 4:

No why not.

Speaker 12:

Tick tock is very different from Vine in the sense tick tock is very different from Vine in the sense that vine really relied heavily on its popular creators and made sure that that was who you were seeing because they thought you wanted to see the same celebrities quote unquote from Vine and when they didn't evolve past that and they didn't come to agreements with their creators who were making their app then they had a big falling out. And then people started shifting into Instagram and to YouTube as well. So that's why you see a lot of people who are popular and vine are now huge on YouTube because people want a longer form content from them in everything. But ultimately vine that was vines demise. Tick tock really puts an emphasis on new creators and they make sure to showcase all the various amount of AGEs demographics content. So it's scrolls through everything from dance to comedy to art to weird I see some weird subsection of like there's this older Chinese lady who cooks and people are obsessed with her as well and all she does is sit outside. All she does is sit outside and cook. And in this giant pan but it's allowing so many different types of people visibility that I think that that's where it differs from Vine.

Speaker 13:

Got it. Nice nice. And just to make sure we clarify Vine was acquired by Twitter was later shut down. There's no more Vine.

Speaker 5:

I think there have been talks of new Vine. Oh really. Yeah exactly.

Speaker 11:

But as of right now there is no no. Okay okay got it. All right. Number three is tick tock Chinese. Yes. So it is owned by Chinese companies. That's correct. OK.

Speaker 4:

Number four is tick tock safe I believe it's safe. I mean it's as safe as any other platform you are posting content on there. You are allowing the app to use it as they see fit. So I think just like Instagram just like Facebook there is no amount of you know Grandma style email chain posts that you can put up that will block anyone from using the content that you upload publicly. So I think you know use use with discretion. I mean I've. Here's something very interesting. About a month ago there was someone from Panera Bread who uploaded a video of how they make their broccoli soup and on ticktock and they had a bag and they ripped it open put it in a thing and microwaved it and then served it to someone there. This is how we make our Panera broccoli soup and the next day they were fired.

Speaker 8:

It went the ticktock went viral the next day where they were fired because everyone thinks it's made in a ball and smoke and they were.

Speaker 4:

I'm sure violating some sort of work NDA or some sort of clause in their contracts when they signed on I 100 percent get that. But yeah you've got to be smart about how you use any app and I think when you do that there there have been multiple situations where someone on a job site there's been construction workers who have uploaded things where they grab onto the little thing that digs and they get lifted from a hole and there's those are Obama violations. Of course if you upload that you're probably going to get fired. So I think the safety and the concern there is just use your own discretion make sure that you're uploading content that is on brand for who you are and you're not putting stuff out there that you don't want someone else to see. Just assume that anyone is gonna see that.

Speaker 8:

That's great. Yeah. Yeah I would say for parents out there I think from some of the content I've seen I would be like you probably need to have a talk with your teens about what they're doing what they're talking about and you know it just you know they've got free reign and generally things that get a lot of attention are things that are shocking or involve less clothing. So yeah I just have your ferret and you're listening. It's worth you know having a talk or sitting down and looking through it to make sure you understand what's what content is going.

Speaker 4:

I think if you're a parent you're listening make sure that you're not just shoving tablets at kids and allowing them to go crazy just to give you your own space. Like I'm not a parent so I can't speak to that I don't want anyone coming after me but I feel like with the amount of things that are out there in general you should have those talks with your kids and make sure that things are monitored.

Speaker 5:

Yeah. There have been some viral songs and content even within the past couple weeks. They say things on there that I'm like.

Speaker 7:

Even for me it's a little like Whoa that's a bit shocking. There's sailors everywhere that are blushing here. Oh yeah.

Speaker 3:

So I read it it's an open platform it's it's entertaining it's fine. I mean there's no rating on there is there.

Speaker 8:

Like there's nothing that. No I don't. I haven't seen any inappropriate like nudity or things like that never happened. So I mean there's got to be some sort of censor. It happens with that.

Speaker 12:

Absolutely there are. I think what's interesting is that the algorithm when you sign when you onboard to the app the algorithm kind of starts to feed you content that's age appropriate. That's the idea at least. But there are a lot of videos that gain vitality that are going to show up in that page that aren't necessarily the best for someone of a certain age. Yeah right.

Speaker 10:

Right. Number five. Last one is tick tock a fad or is it here to stay.

Speaker 4:

That's a tough question. I think it is. It's here to stay. If they can evolve more than find it OK.

Speaker 11:

I like that. I like that. I was looking up some stats. They have. As of right now you know what they put in their marketing deck over one billion downloads app downloads on planet Earth. This is what I found interesting. Twenty million or 20 million were from the U.S. five hundred million from China. Yep. And so this is something that I think you know in the States. Oh yeah. We haven't heard of it much but this is massive in China. And then one hundred and twenty million in India India Yep. The other place that was big. So I mean this is in terms of actual usage and these are I think daily active users that they're talking about. Those are some huge numbers there. Well let's talk you know as we come closer to and here. Let's talk about ads on tick tock. Your advertisers are wanting to run ads. I know the options for ads.

Speaker 13:

You know they appear in video same format. Right in between the content. So it's a native advertising platform.

Speaker 7:

You know it's still very new. You know what have you heard about ads. How do they work. Go for go for it.

Speaker 12:

My experience with tick tock ads has been mostly limited to the tab where you open up tick tock when you first open up tick tock. Those are sponsored takeovers for example.

Speaker 4:

There was one a couple months ago that was my mike keeps going in and out a little bit closer.

Speaker 9:

There was one a couple of months ago that was one of the vine creators actually on there Brent Rivera and they were doing a they were doing a triple play takeover and that was him dancing to this like guacamole song that was viral a few years ago. And this morning I LOVE YOU HAVE ACTUALLY I'M TERRY Cruz is doing a competition so for Wal-Mart. OK. So I see a lot of takeovers in that space and that's where most of my ads have been served.

Speaker 4:

I haven't yet seen any through my content but I'm sure that that's coming very very soon.

Speaker 13:

Yeah yeah. You know we've been talking a lot with their ad team there. You know the guaranteed takeovers we you do that they generally run for a single day. They start in the seventy thousand dollar range and they guarantee about 10 million impressions which would be like the Wal-Mart one that was going on today in the CPM arms that we've seen range about 10 dollars. So you know it's it's kind of comparable with other stuff that's out there. I know there's some you know Facebook Instagram ads that can be less. There's some that are a lot more than that. I'm as eat into pricing in terms of the options for ads on tick talk. You've got two different ones which would be the campaign they call ad campaign heaters or fan base boosters and basically both of them allow you to link to a separate landing page or a separate app and then the fan base booster adds an option where you can then follow whoever is the advertiser so that you can grow your following there. But in terms of you know ad targeting they've got the basic kind of you know targeting options the same way they do it have with Facebook when it first started which would be you know gender age location the OS device and then some basic interest categories of like I like entertainment or I like certain music genres or things like that that people are following within the app but you know it's still it's it's wide open. I mean it's it's very new you have to work with a team. They don't have a platform yet to be able to upload but you know it's exciting. We're getting a lot more interest of people that are talking at least with our agency about how do we get onto ticktock and what are our options and how can we be able to start making that happen. So it's exciting.

Speaker 4:

All right well let's do this you know kind of final words what what should people do you know in your advice to grow their following on tick tock I think number one number one number one that I always drive home to anybody is content if you don't have good content people aren't going to want to follow you. That's the basic basic building block for me and that's why I specialize in that. It's creative content creation and creating content franchises and that's just a fancy word for you know basically motivation Monday flashback Friday. Things like that. Those are content franchises where people know that on a certain day you're gonna be posting certain content and that kind of familiarity with what you're posting resonates with different people. So if it is the motivational side of you that resonates with someone then you'll have an audience based off that. And if it's you know you interview a celebrity every Wednesday or every Friday you go out and do something good for someone else. You know those are the type of things that resonate with different audiences. You know I've worked with so many different types of clients and one of the things that I kind of helped instill especially with celebrity clients is people follow you for different reasons. There's some people that loved this show that you were on. There were some people that love your philanthropic endeavors and there are some people that just think you're attractive and obviously they're a lot more different categories but those are being the basic examples so your appeal if you create content that appeals to each of those subsection of fans that I think you're setting yourself up for great engagement and growth.

Speaker 8:

Nice. I love that I think you know that's a fantastic takeaway and I think you've always been able to go back and focus on content. And really I think I would say the next one that I would add would be understanding your audience and making sure that you're speaking to them in a language of what they want to hear. And we see that so much with with paid ads is a lot of times people think I need to run doing rural run into a room and say buy my stuff buy buy buy buy and all they do is run around and ask people gimme gimme gimme and it's the complete opposite. You know make friends do things that they're doing relate with them on their level provide them content that it's viable and even like with your pulling example like most people know what your poll is and when it dies. But it's something that's like Hey it's fine. There's a song with guacamole and and here it is going you know and now we've got something that's interesting and creative that you've never seen before.

Speaker 4:

It isn't walking up to you saying Give me your money give me your money and I think expanding on that. I think it's important also to try new things and not be afraid of being super restrictive into your audience like still creating the content that that speaks to your core audience but then not being afraid to try a few new things. I think that there are a lot of clients that I have that have been afraid to try new things and clients that are completely open and the ones that are completely open find that something they never in a million years thought would resonate ends up resonating. And I took that when I started that TMC. They basically had a feed of an audio feed of what was going on their site and getting auto published into Twitter and then maybe adding a few like Happy Friday posts or things like that.

Speaker 9:

But when I came on board I noticed that there was a different voice for the TV show than there was the Web site because the website was very serious and serious news with documents backed up like it's it's you know as much as people want to say it's tablet it's not it's it's researched heavily researched and the TV show which is like you know we got so-and-so outside of you know this restaurant is kind of fun and irreverent. So they had two different voices going on. So what I did was help merge both and there were some growing pains because the people that were used to just seeing article links were like What are you doing with my feed and you know if we were to have stopped there we wouldn't have seen the growth that we did. And you know going from roughly 250000 followers to upwards of 3 million when I left. So I think that there's something to be said about that still creating the content in terms of the content franchises making sure that you're creating content that appeals to that audience but then taking a day where you create something that is you know a little bit more risky.

Speaker 10:

Well thank you so much for being on the show. That's it for today but that is everything you need to know about tick tock and what's in the pipeline coming down for that so thank you very much. I will see you guys on the next episode.

Speaker 2:

Thank you for listening to the Duke of digital podcast with Brian Schmidt. Want to network with other business owners. Join our exclusive group at Facebook dot com slash groups slash Duke of digital. Fancy the Duke diva five star review on your favorite podcast app and you could be mentioned on the show. The Duke of digital was produced by advertise mint and recorded in Hollywood California. All rights reserved.