Duke of Digital

008 - How to Use Facebook Ads to Increase Black Friday Sales with Christian Sierra

Brian Meert

Black Friday is coming, and it will most likely be the biggest sales day of the year for your business. Raise those pinkies because in this episode, we’re going to teach you how to make some fat cheddar this Black Friday using Facebook ads.

Brian Meert

Duke of Digital


Brian Meert:

Black Friday is coming. It is the biggest sales event of the year in the United States. Raise those pinkies because today we're going to teach you how to make some fat cheddar on Black Friday with Facebook ads.


Presented by AdvertiseMint. The Duke of digital will guide you through the rapidly changing landscape of digital marketing, social media, and how to grow your business online. To submit a question for the show, text 3 2 3 8 2 1 2 0 4 4 or visit dukeofdigital.com. If you need an expert to fix your ads, the friendly team at AdvertiseMint is ready to help visit AdvetiseMint.com That's MINT.com or call 8 4 4 2 3 6 4 6 8 6. To grow your business here's your host Brian Meert.

Brian Meert:

All right guys I am here today with a very special guest. I'm excited to be able to announce Christian Ciara day. It's great to have you here.


A thank you for having me. Brian.

Brian Meert:

Yeah. Oh yeah. I'll do it again. They're good. Yeah. No worries at all. Hi guys. I am here today with a very special guest to help you get all the tips and advice you need when it comes to running Black Friday ads on Facebook. So I want to introduce Christian Sierra. He's one of our digital marketing managers that works on some of the largest accounts here at advertise mint former New York resident and it has been doing digital marketing for several years and we've just had some fantastic conversations in the past. As we're working through campaigns and and trying to troubleshoot problems. So thank you so much for being here today.


Thank you Brian. It's a pleasure to be here and it's exciting.

Brian Meert:

Nice nice. I'm glad to be able to have you here. Oh one more thing I'd like to throw in as well. You're also blueprint certified which is very critical. Check this out in the mail. He's got his service you know it's like what would you describe this like not metal it's man this. It's a wooden stand with a glass sort of. It's basically what a gram you wanted to be on.


But then they had to dumb it down because it wasn't you know awesome enough. And then here comes Facebook.

Brian Meert:

It's like the Grammy but for a Facebook guy. It's wonderful. Yeah. I mean anyone that doesn't know what blueprint certification is is it's actually Facebook internal program of where they go through and there's study material and a test or a series of tests that you have to be able to take to be able to be certified in running Facebook ads. Yeah.


It's like basically Facebook seal of approval. They trust you with their platform. You know the ins and outs you can troubleshoot and basically get anybody from a new person and get them up and running in a matter of a couple of steps and you know get their business up and running online.

Brian Meert:

Yeah yeah. I mean the process of running Facebook ads involves spending other people's money or running ads on their behalf. So Facebook wants to make sure that people have the certification there. So anyway if you're working with anyone that's running your Facebook ads you should ask them Hey can I see your your Facebook blue print certification. And if the answer is all it's not important or I don't have one it might be time that you start looking in another direction.


I never sent you a driver on the road you want to make sure they have their license the person handling Facebook accounts you want to make sure their blueprint certified it's no other way to be one trust people on the platform.

Brian Meert:

It's so true. Hey I'd like to fly you on my plane but I didn't it wasn't important there wasn't a point have a pilot's license. That's not not critical. Yeah. So it's doubly something that you want to have or that anyone who's running your facebook accounts needs to have and it's surprisingly a tough test. It's difficult.


You know honestly going into it I thought that there's gonna be a breeze I've spent probably three years on the platform before I took the test so I thought I'm going to be able to ace this. And the moment I sort of taking the study material and I started seeing how the what how Facebook wants you to see their platform opposed to how realistically how us marketers view it I think it's completely different. And you kind of have to have a more broader more open minded approach and just let their machine learning and their algorithm kind of like do their work.

Brian Meert:

Yeah. Yeah there's a lot of essay questions so it's not just like true or false is Facebook ads the best. Yes. None of those it'd be more like essay questions where they'll walk through a scenario and they throw a bunch of random facts out there or you know pieces of information and they're like What is you know what is the answer this one question or how do you solve this one problem. And as I go through the questions then you know if you're digging through me like this is a good one. Like I would see they would get tripped up here. People would answer the wrong one here and you just kind of have to you know walk backwards and figure out the answer. But some of the questions are extremely difficult. They have the wrong answers right they're ready for you to pick. So it's it's something that it really tests do you know what you're doing.


Yeah it's the multiple choice questions where like three of them are right and then two of them are like obviously incorrect and you kind of have to decide not to really know your stuff at that point. Yeah.

Brian Meert:

So Stephanie a good way these how they set it up nice night so you know it's awesome. Thank you so much for being here. You know we're excited and to some extent you know the topic of today and what we wanted to to run through is you know the moment of Black Friday which in the world of Facebook ads would you know probably it could be comparable to like the Super Bowl for Facebook ads which is this is the moment when people are buying you know these for e-commerce or people that are selling something. It's the moment of the year that people have been trained for years and years of if you're going to buy something the best deals are now. And it just creates kind of this feeding frenzy where people are like it's the day that you pick stuff up and run to get deals and buy stuff. So I wanted to run through you know for us I mean we talk about this all the time internally and we you know I want to make sure that other people are able to listen in and get some of the tips or the strategies that we use as we're setting up our Black Friday ads and working with clients to make sure that they are getting the very you know the most amount of money that they can. I mean there's a lot of moving parts a lot more than what I think generally people think which is oh we made image there we're done that's it. And there's so much more that goes in on the back end that a lot of times people never see. So I want to be able to chat about that a little bit. Have you fill in some stuff. So you know let's do this you know and in the process of setting up Black Friday ads one of the first steps is you know the custom audiences beginning with who are we going to actually target and why do we go after or do we show ads everyone. Do we show ads only to previous customers. What are your thoughts on you know when you set up campaigns for four or what you set up with custom audiences.


Yeah I mean it depends on the timeframe. But I think going into it at least right now and the time set that we're in basically one week away from like Friday. Right now you should definitely be still kind of ramping back on any kind of prospecting you're doing if you're doing any at all and just trying to put 90 percent of your attention into your middle and bottom of the funnel. I think it's right now to kind of just keep feeding that machine a little less and start warming up your audiences for the sale you're about to have and then you're starting to do that shift getting all your assets ready to do that shit for next week. Basically when you're targeting all your carts or you're initiated checkouts your website anybody who's interacted with your brand and shared any interest in the last one hundred and eighty days going as far back as Facebook lets you just trying to dial in on those audiences now to get them ready for basically next week.

Brian Meert:

Nice nice. And so to back up a little bit to make sure that everyone is on the same page as you know when we refer to the funnel we generally kind of break it down into three to four groups. The first one would be completely new people. These are people that have never interacted or engage with your brand new probably in the last hundred eighty days. And that's what we refer to as prospecting where we have ads specifically going out and there are ads that are designed towards hitting that audience of hey here's a product or service or you know a company that you should know about and why it's it's valuable to you. The middle of funnel is generally anywhere from seven days to probably 180 days sometimes 365 which are people that have engaged or they most likely know about your company but they haven't necessarily purchased the bottom of the funnel we generally do you know one to seven days which means someone's come to your web page they've commented on a product or a video or they've watched a video all the way through you know they've shown some son of a high level of intent and from that in the last week and what we do is generally go very aggressively after those people and you know depending upon the volume sometimes with high volume it can be three days sometimes you know with regular clients generally about seven sometimes if it's a smaller client where we're budgeting as big we can go as far as 15 at the bottom of the funnel to try to reach people within that period of time and then the fourth one would be customers or people that have already purchased in the past. So these are your these are your fans your customers and being able to reach them again. So talk to me about when it comes to Black Friday. Yeah you know which one of those segments are you going after most in kind of what are your thoughts on that.


Man it varies on on each of our clients right now but I think most importantly who are mostly going after it is that hot most hot traffic in the last probably seven to 30 days just people who's been who we didn't drop the ball on in the last two months because if you've been planning for a Black Friday you've been doing your prospecting heavy leading up to this moment and just priming those audiences in from as little as intent as the website visitor just somebody who just dropped on our Web site from seeing an ad. So as people who's engaged with our Instagram or Facebook profiles and just sending those people some offers and stuff getting them ready for the holiday and also even trying to get them in an email newsletter specifically to sign up for when be the first to know for example or when our Black Friday deals drop you know just kind of creating an offer that gets these people in another bucket that you know that these people first serve they're ready they're waiting for your product and now you can just serve directly.

Brian Meert:

Yeah yeah. OFFICER You know it's it's crazy because there are elements I mean especially when it comes a Black Friday. There's I think a couple of things that people should know. One it's an incredible time we're all advertisers are going after and trying to push their ads to the people so when prices of the ads are going to increase to you know I think it's important to stay within those warm audiences and the reason why is is not that you can't get other people out there to purchase but they just generally don't know something about your product. So you want to show the best deal of people that have already shown a level of intent and that's generally where you'll see the better return. It's not that you can't put it out to a wide audience you would just I would generally separate those and make sure that you know the the middle the funnel gets the majority of the budget. Because I'm like I want those people to see the ads for sure.


And you know interesting point on that is it's what's your goal for this Q4. Are you trying to find new customers because even it's still a great moment. I think in just the just like platform itself where everyone there is shopping in 10 is as high as maybe as Google at this point right now on social and everyone's out there trying to buy so you can kind of create start creating massive prospecting lists creating a great offer maybe a free product that gets you a new massive set of people who are interested in your product and giving out that you know lost kind of offer at the beginning knowing that lifetime you're going to be able to make that money back to other kind of retargeting having that list of people who are actually interested in your product.

Brian Meert:

Yeah for sure and I think there's the other element of you know generally what happens in the Black Friday world is the element of deals. Yeah. And the dad is kind of what wows people and it's something I think this has happened a lot through a lot of the big retailers where they generally will have several loss leaders. Meaning get a 50 HDTV for 200 bucks. Yeah. And they've got 10 of them in the store but there's 4000 people that are all run in the same time and then they get in there and buy other stuff so they always have these these sort of incredible loss leaders you know how critical is that do you think in terms of Facebook guys. I mean really structuring the deal I think is is a critical component in Black Friday success. What are your thoughts on that.


Man The deal itself is is where there needs to be the most clarity. I think beyond showing people what your product can offer is showing the communicating how great the deal is because that's what that's what their mindsets on Black Friday and Cyber Monday is known for deals. We're all looking for the biggest deals the biggest the baddest. We want it. And if it's not over the numbers of 20 percent people aren't even looking at looking for the next one. So you kind of have to give them a compelling offer. And just this is your time now to if there's any losses it's OK because there's gonna be a lot of customers lined up and what you can do in your plan of action afterwards is what's going to make sure your voice is there.

Brian Meert:

Yeah yeah. And I've seen a lot of you know if you've got a Web site or any commerce story and a lot of products you can do the same approach of white you know the big retailers do where you have a loss leader product to get people in there and then you can up sell cross-sell you also have them as a customer you can e-mail them again over the holiday season. So there's a lot of different strategies to be able to grab someone's attention. I think another important thing that we see a lot with the successful campaigns is scarcity and be able to say in the same way that you know they do it at Wal-Mart with you know a two hundred dollar fifty five screen TV you can do it with your price for like the first hundred people get this this deal or the first 50 people and you know even if you offer it to more or you have you know two hundred or five hundred available you still create that scarcity online and I think if Black Friday people are they expect and they thrive on that hunt of I got the deal that no one else is going to get. I was only one of one hundred. They actually it's actually like a challenge or like a personal quest of you know I got what I wanted at the price I wanted and they're just in a buying mood of let me do this because it saves money for the holiday season. I'm buying gifts of mine everything I'm ahead of the rush and I'm already off and rolling for the holiday season.


Yeah. It's also been great that sometimes you'll see deals that have been better than the holiday season coming out now Black Friday so people really do understand the way of Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals and they kind of see it hasn't worked against us where they're playing the playing field to make better deals in the holidays. It's luckily we've all understood that we can't offer a 50 percent on Black Friday and then a 60 percent in December then people won't buy up. So since everybody's playing fair is allow people to understand that right now is the time to buy creates more weight around the holiday. And I think that just the buying behavior on that point alone just makes it just more fruitful. Have ads on Facebook.

Brian Meert:

Yeah. Yeah. You know I it's funny that we do have this conversation a lot with clients which is actually the structuring of the offer. Yeah and a lot of them you know there'll be there's some that are like We want a lot of customers and other ones like we want to be profitable. Know it's funny because you mentioned before the 20 percent which is you know if you see something like 20 percent off on Black Friday that generally is like. Yeah. And you go buy it. And I think you know a lot of good companies or businesses would be like well how do we structure our Black Friday deal. I think it should generally be the best deal that you've offered the entire year in terms of you know if you've done 20 percent or 30 percent off or things like that on this one day and on this one time it should be something that gives a little reward to your customers where maybe they get the bonus of jumping and buying it and maybe the profits aren't as high. But I think it's it creates that frenzy. You don't have to allow it for everyone. Yeah you can set some limits on the offers that you do. You know Wal-Mart doesn't offer unlimited TV's at 200 dollars. They you know there's a set number of Mt.. And so I think that that's important as well that you have some control and parameters but you can put out these sort of incredible offers that people will jump at and pick up.


No that's the great thing. That's the best thing about creating a well having the game plan from the beginning of the year and taking those preliminary steps to kind of figure out well what's our rollout what's what are we going to roll out for the next twelve months. And let's not step on our own toes when it comes to Black Friday because we don't want our newsletter off deal to be just as good as our Cyber Monday do. Yeah. I think people are as well and people understand the difference between when they jump on the website and they're already expecting that 10 percent they're expecting a 15 percent they want they're waiting for you to give them something to use. So you better give it to them because honestly they're going to go somewhere else and somebody else will have that discount. Yeah. So it's just kind of being competitive as well and knowing that it's you are taking a loss upfront knowing that you might having your business set up to increase your lifetime value to customers is important.

Brian Meert:

Yeah yeah. One other element I wanted to touch on was you know what to expect and I think more the elements of Brat the Black Friday are the moments leading up to Black Friday which a lot of times people will see a little dip in sales because they people are expecting I'll just wait. Right know it's coming. I'm holding off. And so I know one of the tactics that we do is a lot of times launch kind of pre Black Friday sales with an offer that might be not quite as good. So if the offer that we're doing for Black Friday is 40 percent off we might go down to 35 or 30 and be like hey we're we're offering this pre Black Friday sale in that way people like the people that are like I hate that right. Sure I hate knowing that I might miss out can be that guy. I'll still pick it up is a good deal. Yeah and they might know that it still might be a little bit better but it comes with the hassle it comes with selling now and it comes with all those ups and downs. You have any thoughts on.


Yeah I know I think a great example of that is Jim. Right now they're running this 70 percent off deal. Their ads their context around their ads is basically just like pandemonium. It looks like people are going crazy like a door buster scene when somebody just runs in So Target and Seabees are there but they're doing that with their merch or their apparel. And it's a great it's a great piece of content and they're running it 70 percent off right now. I think just introducing a deal that's a no brainer for people even if it's not your or your best offer yet it's something that people are already primed already at this point to be susceptible to buy and I think jumping on that is definitely going to be a good investment because just simply because of the mind frame that people are in it's basically holiday season all of you know I think I've had family members doing shopping at the beginning of September so they already were buying trying to just get ahead of the curve and just trying to get the deals that they can then. So I can imagine how nice nice.

Brian Meert:

Now let's dive in a little bit to the campaign structure on Facebook ads and so for people listening in. The reason why Facebook ads are so incredible for Black Friday is you have the ability to reach a large amount of people in a very short period of time. You have the tools meaning you know with Google ads or some elements you've got to wait till people search for you with Facebook guides you are pushing this out you know what's going on Facebook Instagram or messenger the apps that people use most frequently throughout the day to be able to reach them you know as they're standing in line waiting to check out at a counter or something you know they're there on their phone scrolling through we've seen other deals and and picking those up so that or if they're even showing at home on the couch hanging out with their family on a day off from work and being like hey you know what do we have. You know they're still wherever the people are. It's quick and it's fast paced. Walk me through you know some of the things that might be different that you would set up. Yeah. In terms of you know budgeting or bids or you know let's go through those two first.


Sure. I mean for budgeting in terms of Black Friday as we're getting closer I think like I said we were going to shift more of a budget towards targeting Daphne moving away from the prospect type of funnel stuff and getting away from the cool traffic and moving into the warmer traffic. For budgets I mean forbid. Excuse me. I think that is where we would shift from split testing lowest cost but also having some big caps in there because the traffic is on high demand there's so much more advertisers right now everybody's and their grandmas are basically on Facebook guys right now advertising. You know you your bid is important and you want to get in front of your you're your most valuable customers. So the only way to do that is with some big caps and just increasing your budgets at least three times the normal amount. And just knowing that you know watching that of course but keeping a close eye on that but also letting Facebook know that you're willing to pay top dollar for this for this audience and that knowing that these are people who warmed up to this point.

Brian Meert:

Yeah. That we worked with a large retailer that would be viewed probably as a competitor to Amazon. I mean I remember in November every year like we'd run ads throughout the month and we'd have set budgets that were running within. And Black Friday would come or go. And I was like Man I wish we could have saved all the budget for just I want to put 100 percent on that because they had good products that people wanted. You know that are a reputable name and they you know was just I would see the numbers and be like Man that conversion rates make my all time best conversion rate got up to like 25 percent. Well we had on on Black Friday which is incredible to think about you know one out of four people seeing the ad is clicking going through and purchasing. Oh yeah. And I was like Man this is fantastic. So I was like I wish I would have saved more for that. So every year we would still spread it out because you know they've got business goals and they don't wanna freak out if something doesn't work or something sells out as a glitch on the Web site but it's something that was always so incredible to see how much the results when when everything went well. Now on the flip side do you have any advice if people aren't seeing the numbers because what happens is you're really limited to one day like you've got kind of a lie it's really like a 72 hour period. That's kind of before the day and then afterwards you know you can kind of run it and it'll still be fine. But if someone's running their Facebook ads and it's not necessarily working or they're not seeing the conversion rates what would you do to kind of troubleshoot that and walk backwards to figure out where the issues might be.


Yeah I think right there and then if at this time frame people aren't buying I'll definitely do the first thing I'll do is look at the offer again. That's where you first got to start. Just look at your I look at your offer. See if there's some sort of something that's not connecting maybe in the messaging it's not clear enough in your copy and then keep working back from there. Just jump on the landing page see if somethings aren't integrated right was the first one of the things we like to do for our clients here is to run test campaigns to kind of walk us through and make sure that things are running properly tracking properly and getting the purchases that we want through those campaigns before the thing goes live. Porsche Black Friday. So I think if you're running to any issues where you're not selling and it's the prime season right now is to honestly troubleshoot all of your creative assets and then jump back on your landing pages and see how those are working. And then from there look back on your audiences and then look to see if that was the right audience. If you do select your best look alikes What did you select the list of people who were actually needed to know about your brand. Just look back and double check everything and make sure that you got all your ducks in a row.

Brian Meert:

Yeah. Nice. I mean I think one of the elements that a lot of people overlook is how the auction actually works and to some extent Facebook ads work very much like a snowball or momentum. If you were to think about you know the top music charts there's either artists that are on their way up to number one or artists that are you know coming down as other artists come in there's always movement into someone being more popular and working their way up versus you know the song everyone's heard it like I want to hear what's new Facebook ads work in the same way and so the auction you know in when Facebook world they have hundreds of thousands of advertisers and when I open my phone they have to decide which ad shows up first and which ad shows up second. Which ad shows up third I think a lot of people or a lot of advertisers don't really realize kind of the algorithm behind that which is you know Facebook is looking at what they call the total value which comes between three elements the first one is the bid which is the biggest of all of it. How much money are you putting on the table saying I want to be number one or I want to be number two or number three and the more money you put on the table Facebook site cool we're in the business of making money with our ads. You want to pay one hundred dollars and someone else only wants pay 50. That's great. You know in terms of how much you're willing to put to be able to reach those people and that comes into your bids that you're the bid amount that you set the second. Second one is the estimated action rates and that's how many people Facebook thinks they can will take action or be able to complete the action that you want. Generally on Black Friday it's conversions but you know this is if it's if you do a small deal with the trouble here is if you do a small audience say a bottom of the funnel sometimes you're limited and there may only be thousands tens of thousands you know in that group even though it's the best segment of it yeah what happens is that's a small element. So it hurts against you in the algorithm. So you'd have to combat that with a very very high bid during Black Friday. And the last element today have is what they call user value. I mean this is really what Facebook looks at isn't all the ads. What ads are performing well. And in that performance would be conversions. Yeah. So if I'm offering you know an iPhone for five dollars being me I'm going to get orders all day long. Yeah and Facebook will see them die whatever happening. Everyone is buying this. So this has a high user value or what they call social proof which are the comments the shares people telling their friends hey you got to take advantage. And I think that goes back. What happens is people don't realize how much the deal plays into those last two which are the estimated actual reach in the user value. Meaning if people are taking action you won the Facebook game a hundred percent. Yeah yeah yeah.


It's basically setting up the best situation where somebody is going to either love the offer love the content and then at that point either way you win and you win on the auction because if you match that with the bid that's slightly under your competitor you're going to win based off of all the other values that come in.

Brian Meert:

Yeah yeah. Now when it comes to ad creatives for Black Friday I mean I know because there's a lot of companies that come to us and say hey here's what we've got. We're like oh yeah this is rough. We've got to we've got to make some changes on this. Walk me through your thoughts on what ads should be or what are some of the strategies that we use when we're putting the other ads for clients. Yeah.


I mean right now if you haven't done video this is the best time. If you have already haven't caught up to that if you haven't figured out how to make even a slideshow of your images to something that's visual content that's different from what you're doing. Definitely still trying all types of creative is important especially for us here. We want to make sure that we have stories for people we want to make sure we have ads optimized for the news feed as optimized for the message of feed all different placements not just specifically the Instagram and Facebook feed but everywhere. Because is everyone's fighting for these eyeballs right now and you want to make sure that your offer looks the best and sends out any opportunity where there's a possibility to get a sale or possibility convert someone where Facebook deems this person might buy you want to make sure your stuff looks good and your offer is clear. So it's if the most important time to kind of take the action necessary steps to make sure your content is right in the looks and you take the time also to see how they look. The Facebook platform has gone really advanced now where we can even see how things are going to look in every specific placement and also customize it for each one. So it's it's as the platform is getting better and better it's also getting easier and more easier to navigate and also customize and take advantage of that. Especially for Black Friday and Cyber Monday nights is great.

Brian Meert:

You know a couple things I would probably add to that or one you know during that period of time attention spans I would say are generally shortened. Oh yeah. So you know this is where image ads can work very well even though we love video ads a lot of times an image ad with just here's the product and it's 70 percent off. Yeah. That's all you really need for people to be like. I mean like they know what it is. If you've done good marketing up to this point all they need is that little sale too. Yeah yeah. It's time to buy. So I open the watch. Let's go. So I think you know images can work very well. I think another mistake we see a lot of times other clients make are putting too much tax. So you know Black Friday is generally all about the big bold you know huge tax to cross sale as big as can be. You know when it comes to Facebook they've got to 20 percent textural. You can run ads that have more text you just run the risk of having slower delivery or being charged more for that. So it really is something that you know it's it's you've got to be careful if you go down that route of large text because you to some extent you're putting on the restraints. Yeah. Before you even start running the ads. And it's tough because you know if you have a great you know if you're selling iPhones at five dollars you're still going to get a ton of people that are buying it and you'll be able to overcome and Facebook will see people are converting and they want to do it. You could probably still win but if you've got it so so offer something that may not be there it's just an unnecessary clamp. Oh yes.


Kind of hold back your campaign unnecessarily just because one we're paying probably two times the CPM is going to go up to at least two to three times right now during this next couple of days. And you're very paying twice as much money for it's on the auction and then going gonna add other 20 to 30 percent on top of that because of your texts. Yep 20 percent text rule you're just looking at unnecessary calls at that point.

Brian Meert:

Yeah. Yeah. And just you know to add that as well you know we see that kind of generally through November and December. That CPM go up because there's a large influx of retailers that are going after and then generally what happens is after the New Year CPM is come down quite a bit. You know buying kind of eases off as well. But if you're looking to be able to reach more people a lot of times January is a fantastic way I am.


Regina is the best. Just because the people who just got money for Christmas is looking to buy something for themselves. So it's like I just got a hundred bucks a Monte. What's on Amazon. So it's definitely the best time to take advantage of that low hanging fruit. Still to January.

Brian Meert:

Nice. Nice. Any final advice or additional comments you would have about Black Friday just in general for other business owners out there that are wanting to you know make more money with their their Facebook ads during this time.


I mean if you haven't taken advantage of dynamic product guys is this definitely the times one of the best ways to get in the simplistic ways to show your product and show it to the right person at the right time. I think on top of that it's also testing broad dynamic ads just because they're just as powerful and the intent to buy is there and face was going to do its job. It basically works just like the nine product ads instead of just a being restricted to your audience or your custom audiences. It's all across the Facebook platform. So if somebody within your audience is known to buy tennis shoes or known to buy fishing equipment face was going to go find other people on the platform that like or have spread express that intent to buy that same kind of product and therefore show them to your eyes as well. So it's definitely powerful during the holidays. So definitely just that. And lastly take advantage of the real estate. Some people just want to do square ads. You know you can go a four to five aspect ratio and really take advantage of the space. It's now more than ever is make sure you're clear your offer is clear your branding is clear and that people get to see and know what you're selling within the first three seconds and then just close the deal.

Brian Meert:

Those tips are so good. I sort of back up a little bit in case. So everyone understands the dynamic product ads how they work as you upload a catalog from your e-commerce site and what that means is you know Christine if you're looking for a pair of tennis shoes on my Web site the ads are created dynamically meaning you could look at the shoes and you know you've got to close your computer walk away and on your phone Facebook will serve just you a single ad showing you those shoes right afterwards so they work very well because they act as a reminder. And because Facebook values these type of ads because they have a high user value this is the one product you just looked at planet Earth and we're going to put that in an ad back. So Facebook actually actually prioritizes these ads. And then when you do bride dynamic product ads it's exactly what you talked about. Not only you know for individuals that may be looking at the same product on other Web site that have the Facebook pixel on it Facebook has that data or similar brands to be like hey this person has been shopping and adding to cart tennis shoes. And if you've got one they'll show that pair your pair of shoes to that customer in hopes is like all you need to pair shoes these ones look good super powerful. Yeah incredibly powerful. I mean it's something that hasn't really existed in traditional advertising ever. So to be able to utilize that is just very effective use of your budgets on your percent.


It just allows you to dip into all your competitors hard work and just get in front of their customers.

Brian Meert:

Nice nice. OK. So what what I wanted you to finish up is you know in Black Friday's spirit of Black Friday I wanted to have with you a little black Friday challenge. All right stay where you are from New York I'm from Los Angeles so I figured what we could do and we haven't done this yet so we're going to open it up. We are going to have the Lakers. This is the Knicks man. And we're going to see which one of these teams has better Black Friday ads running right now. So I pulled up the standings the Laker currently number one. Yes. And let's see where the Knicks are and oh the way the Knicks are they're number 14.


It's all right. You know there is a second place from the bottom. There's still hope for the Knicks. I mean I mean at least for the Nets. I'm all for the right. And what's this man's name.

Brian Meert:

Oh for the for the duel coming out of Brooklyn basically Kyrie Irving wow. Oh yeah. Got it. Nice. Yeah. OK let's do this. I've got the ad library up and for anyone that doesn't know you can view any Facebook ads that are running on Facebook across the board for any companies or anything out their competitors your own ads. If you want to see what's being run for your company you just go to Facebook dot com slash ads slash library and every Garmin type it in. So the challenge here is which team is doing better Black Friday. So we'll take a look really quick and make some comments. So the Lakers. All right. So I don't have high expectations of the Lakers so twenty one million likes. Here we go. How do you win in your backyard. Oh no way. Zip. Oh no. The Lakers are running any ads. No to that by worldwide. Maybe they're running something like I'm going. I was just you might say. No. Well why not one ad from the Los Angeles Lakers that said air ball is as horrible on the budget went to LeBron. There. Maybe they're in first place. And no we don't need to run ads. That's fair. People will pay to come to see us. All right. Well that's adorable. I get I get zero points for that one. OK. So let's pull up the Knicks then you pull it up here about all right here we go five point eight million likes the low. The New York Knicks got some ads here. OK. So we've got a lot of highlights from the games going on. Oh there it is. And they're running a Black Friday orange Friday the sign up and get up to 40 percent off select tickets. Oh that's great. The Knicks just dumped. Yeah. They just don't need the Lakers social team right now. Oh man shouts out to the Knicks social team. So I mean looking at this ad I would be like it's in a square format which is great. It's got a good offer which is 40 percent off select DHS Knicks tickets. So you know they're getting it for a limited period of time. They're running it before the actual day. So they're giving the offer in advance allowing people time to be able to purchase it. The ad doesn't have too much text in it. So they've got on Friday with a small bar underneath it's a sign up it gets 40 percent off tickets. It's branded. So the Knicks is in the corner of the ad and it shows a couple of players with kind of the branding and the color.


The orange Friday night as a great art I think has the colors just really stand out to me just shoots it screams Black Friday.

Brian Meert:

Yep yep. I mean I liked it they made it their own on Friday. So I mean everyone gets it. It's the team colors man. What. That's it. How disappointing. We got a hold on let me I'm going to go to our backup the Clippers. Let's see. Oh let's see what we have. Well this is about doing pretty good this year. So it's it's fair. My hair clippers. L.A. Clippers three point eight million. Oh yeah. Here you go. I got some redemption for the West Coast. All right. So let's see we've got some ads and got some interviews they've got they're selling some gear some bobbleheads and I am still not seeing they get one point for running ads zero point eight point I don't see any winning. Black Friday Black Friday ads at all. Oh man. Los Angeles has completely failed at this. We're going to get both these teams on the phone and to some extent right. This is just a huge yeah a huge missed opportunity because these have huge fan bases. Hundreds of people that you know they may be relying solely on or just send an e-mail out and you know people may or may not see that. Facebook and Instagram and all these platforms that their fans are on every day while they're out running around they miss this huge opportunity to be able to capitalize on their merchandise.


There's a lot of noise out there and you know people have just such limited purchasing power you want to make sure you're in front of them you're top of mind and missing the ball on social is definitely missing the ball no matter how big or small you are.

Brian Meert:

Oh man. What's it. Well that's. You win the challenge. Oh yeah. You going down knows of our teams like the bottom of the bottom of the lead. But it's still number one on Facebook. I love it. I'll take that. I love it. OK. Cool. Well thank you so much Christine for having me for being here today. Fantastic time. And thanks for hanging out with us on the Duke digital.


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