Faith Matters

45. In what way is our church the true church?

Faith Matters Foundation

This episode is part of our Big Questions project, and in it, we discuss our Big Question #12 - “In what way is our church the true church?”

For this conversation, we asked Patrick Mason to come back on — Patrick is the Leonard Arrington Chair of Mormon History and Culture at Utah State University. Bill Turnbull, one of the founders of Faith Matters, also joined us for the conversation.

We know that this is a really big question for many Latter-day Saints, ourselves included — and if you’d like to explore more of what we’ve published on this subject, you can check out our website here:

Thanks so much, as always, for listening, and we hope you enjoy the conversation.

4:22 Is the concept of a “one true church” still relevant?

12:00 The problem with total exclusivity 

18:12 In what sense is the Church true?

27:18 The Body of Christ today

31:29 A Methodist reads the Book of Mormon

38:01 The Gift of Saving Ordinances

43:58 Why the Church is as True as the Gospel