The Word on Coaching

Season 4 Episode 5: The Word on Coaching - Agility

May 07, 2022 Kevin Fuselier

In this episode we explore the concept of agility with Mark Miller. Mark has several years of practical coaching experience. He has served in many leadership roles and has been a coach in several industries, including coaching young entrepreneurs.

In our conversation with Mark, he shares with us how agility is essential to leadership and coaching. He shares a framework for coaching others to be more agile. He also gives some tips on what it takes to become agile whether you are a planner or someone who likes to go with the flow.

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Show Notes:

Podcast Guest

Mark Miller
(619) 249.6386

Suggested books: 

  • Diffusion of Innovations, 5th Edition By Everrett Rogers
  • The Rise of the Agile Leader: Can You Make the Shift? By Chuck Moller
  • From Followers to Leaders By Bob Logan and Tara Miller