The Word on Coaching

Season 4 Episode 8: The Word on Coaching - Shine

July 09, 2022 Kevin Fuselier

If you need a laugh or something to make you smile listen to this episode as we discuss the word SHINE with Kelye Rouse Brown from KRB Business Solutions. Through KRB Business Solutions, LLC she specializes in communications and leadership, career coaching, and result driven solutions such as positive psychology to integrate work/life wellness for hospitality and service-oriented clients. 

In our conversation with Kelye  she shares or enlightens us with her positive approach to life and leadership. We discuss what SHINE is, how we can shine brighter and how leaders can help their people shine. Kelye of course shares some humorous stories and some very practical tips on shining.

Listen in and discover how you can SHINE brighter as a person and a leader and help others around you be their whole selves in the workplace and bring their unique talents and gifts and get business results.

We hope you enjoy this episode. 

Check out our book The Word on Coaching being released on June 14, 2022. The Word on Coaching: 9781737643807: Neely, Debby, Auger, Joann, Fuselier, Kevin: Books

Also, please check out quick guide about powerful questions: "Embrace the Power of Questions!"    A Quick Reference Guide to Getting the Answers You Need. 

Our Guest

Kelye Rouse Brown, CHA, CHT, CHS
Founder & Chief Experience Officer

Office: 301-371-9300

Cell: 240-447-6619

Fax: 301-371-9540

Toll Free: 866-KRB-0050

Recommended Books:

The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You're Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are: Brené Brown: 9781592858491: Books


CliftonStrengths Online Talent Assessment | EN - Gallup

Our Book: The Word on Coaching: 9781737643807: Neely, Debby, Auger, Joann, Fuselier, Kevin: Books


So, hi everybody. Welcome to the word on coaching podcast. I'm Debbie I'm here with Joanne and Kevin.


Hello everyone.


Hello, everybody.


We are coaches three, three friends with years of leadership and coaching experience who want to share our passion with others. That's why we do this folks. Our podcasts are for leaders. Whether you have that formal title or not, because we know a lot of you out there don't have that formal title, right. Maybe you're leading at work without the title or in your community, or heck maybe even at, just at home. You're the leader, right? This podcast is still for you. We focus on one word that relates to leadership and coaching because we know leadership is hard. So we, along with our guests give you tips information, a fresh perspective, and always a lot of support. We got you. Today I am really excited to have our guests. Ms. Kelly, Ross brown from K B business solutions. Kelly, I just wanna share a little bit about my experience with you. Don't be scared. Before I have you jump in and, and share a little bit about yourself Kelly has a certification in whole being positive psychology. And here's the thing. Folks I've seen her facilitate workshops. I've had the pleasure of having her actually be my coach she's coached me. Kelly, doesn't just talk this stuff. She walks the talk, she lives it. And the other thing with Kelly, you need to know about. Is you, you know, when Kelly's in the room, right. The energy and the vibration in the room goes up about a hundred percent. I have discovered when Kelly's in the room, I'll feel it. And then I'll look around and say, what, what happened? Oh, Kelly's here. Right? So that's something you should know about Kelly, her motto, which I love is educate, motivate, and cultivate. Her mission is to drive others, to succeed from their core and be their very best mm-hmm But most importantly, what you should know about Kelly is she's just an awesome human. Kelly, what else should our audience know about you? And also, I wanna make sure you tell us a little bit about some of your business ventures.


Well, first of all, I don't even know what to say, Debbie, with that introduction. So thank you. And I I'm getting vibrations off of that intro, so thank you. And I just wanna You know, say how excited I've been really excited about joining today and Joanne and Kevin. It's so nice to meet you as well. And I'm honored to be on this podcast after listening to so many of them. And this is really exciting to be here. So thank you first. And then I wanna say congratulations on your book. And I want to start with just saying that. You know, it's been a really fun journey. Life is a journey. With that being said, my business of 17 plus years has been about hospitality. I'm a hospitality gal and a human resources gal. It's around leadership and. Building a, positive company culture. Part of, many of my years have been partnering with a company. Minute suites the travelers retreat. I heard Kevin earlier, before we jumped on, say something about travel. So we have joint ventures and airports past security where you can nap relax and work. That concept has been a perfect match for my business. because I do really believe in taking good care of ourself to be able to be real positive and to be able to, be productive through the day. So it's been really fun to partner with minute suites of travelers retreats. So I have three joint ventures in Dallas, Fort worth and in Nashville uh, Tennessee, and I also have an organization called holistic women living. And we're a whole being a group that are focused on you know, just really focusing on your heart, my body sphere, being connected and aligned with yourself so that you feel whole. And so that really aligns with, with my work as well. You know, I just, that's what I've been focused on. Positive psychology is my most recent certification. Like you mentioned, Debbie. And so I have added a series called living sunny side up. I graduated during the pandemic in 2020, and so I immediately started living sunny side up. It was good for myself. It was good. Uh, My groups that I led through it and positive psychology practices to thrive in life. So it it's been. It's been a really great journey. I, I have to say, well, you've got a lot going on there. as usual. So, and I love the living sunny side up, right? Like that even just the, just when you say it, I mean, Kevin was like, smiling. We both, we were all like, oh, that's fine. You smile. Just hear in the name of the program. Right? Right.


For today's episode, the word is shine and I wish you all could have heard the conversation that Kelly and I had when we picked out this word for tonight. We talked a lot about different words and we kept coming back to this one and then we were like, okay. So let's talk about how this is important for leaders, right? Like what, what's the connection there? We're gonna get into that. But I think what is really kind of interesting to point out is that positivity, you guys probably tell this already is Kelly's top string. And shine was her very first word. So if you're like me and you could do your one word each year, that word that. You know, just gonna kind of embody you. You're gonna focus on it. Kelly's been doing that and she was saying, Hey, that was my very first word. She has her, one word from over the years posted on her wall. So I was like, oh my gosh, this is literally a sign. That shine should be our word in more ways than one. Right? Like it's an one. Right? Mm-hmm like, it was an actual sign and we felt like it was a sign. So shine is what we're gonna talk about. Tonight. Kelly, you work with a lot of leaders and a lot of businesses. So tell us a little bit about your leadership philosophy and how that word shine fits into it.


Absolutely. My leadership philosophy, no surprise is to lead with positivity. And I have just found that. A positive approach. Your very first words, when you rise and shine and wake up and work with yourself and your team to get going, sets the tone. I, you know, not only does it feel good, it's science proven. to really focus on, you know, your choice of words and really, leading that way. And with positivity being my number one strength. Leading with positivity. There's a lot of benefits to leading with your strengths. So I feel really strong about that. There's a lot of statistics around that as well, which I'm sure will be covered later, but just leading with strengths. And I think also focusing on. Individualization of, others. we're a diverse world. It's not a one size fits all. And we have to really vary how we communicate and how we have conversations with, with each person. I mean, I had a coaching review today with one another one earlier this week. And the difference in how. They retain information or grasp the coaching around it is very different. So we need to focus on what they do well and their strengths to, help them open up to feedback.


I love it. Kelly, I love leading with positivity. I really enjoy that. So you're talking about shine, this word shines. I'm very, very curious to hear more about this philosophy. I just have a question about where does our shine come from?


Ooh, that's such a great question. Not just the outdoors, right. So it's not just outside, it's inside. How do we, how do we burst that shine onto others? And like Debbie said, get that vibration going or get that energy going. And it can be really contagious. One thing I really have found fascinating when I was introduced to positive psychology, you know, over five years ago or so I really wanted to learn more about it were some statistics. From Dr. Sonya liver murky. She was saying that 50%, the happiness pie, she calls it. 50% of our happiness are from genetics. Are from our hereditary. And then she goes on to say, 10% of the pie are circumstances, life circumstances, things that happen to us like your parents getting divorced or health issues that have happened, that we. Have control over. And then the 40%, which is my favorite part of the pie. The most delicious part of the pie is around intentional activity. We have the power and choice. To shine with what we feel better about doing what activity do we wanna choose to do to feel better? That 40% is a hundred percent on us. So that's helpful in putting this in perspective with where does the shine come from is that there's really science behind that, you have the power to shine brighter.


I love when you said that's a, that's the exact word I thought of when you said choices, right? Like 40% is your intention. Your choices is I always think of that word, power Kelly. Like that's where I get my, my power. Cause it's my choice. Right,


right, right. Absolutely. The power with is within our superpowers are right here. Yeah. I love


that. Yeah, that, piece of the pie, that 40% that we control, you know, when using food analogies, you, know, you got me right there. I know that that is a substantial amount that we can control. So thanks for sharing that perspective.


Absolutely. Absolutely. And you know, just one more part of that was my blood type is be positive and And I had an unfortunate case where I was in the hospital and they lost my blood. And then when they returned, they said, we found your blood. be positive And so that just put things in perspective about the genetics, like, okay. Let me just be positive. All will be well, yeah, a really true story.


You know Kelly, I was thinking as I was listening actually I've been thinking about this ever since Debbie said, we're gonna talk about the word shine. I'm a person of faith and in the book of Matthew, it talks about letting our light so shine that our good works are seen. I'm curious, what does that look like? How, how


do we shine? You know, I think it's is just really a personal thing. Like you said, faith, it's a very personal thing for us to really focus on. What our makeup is, what our secret sauces, what our signature strengths are. That just we don't even think about what, what we're doing. We just do it. We automatically shine because we just are leading more with what feels good. And what's right. For. I would say that just the positive approach and, and shining just naturally naturally comes through. I think, you know, Debbie, you had mentioned it. The vibration,, I take women to soulful Sedona the past couple years, and I have another trip on the way, and we talk about the vortexes. And so mother earth just has a way of you know, Sending these powerful vortex energy in certain areas. And if you are mindful enough and calm enough and centered and grounded and you pay attention, you'll feel them. Otherwise, you just kind of go on, right. and you just go on, but when you're intentional, I think, and you feel it, you, you can explode, you can just really. Brighten up. Yeah. I hope that answered your question, Joanne. I think we've met people before


and literally they do shot, you know, they walk in, we talk about it in those terms, they light up a room. Right. I think what Thinking about as a leader and, and coaching leaders is to ask themselves, does the room, do you shine and does the room light out when you walk in? I think that's so to think about right.


Absolutely right. I mean, I've had some people kind of joke with me like, oh, I gotta put my sunglasses on or, you know, bright light or Ooh, here, here we go. Somebody shared an image with me recently where, a lot of people were like, oh, a little nervous about so much of it. And they. Aren't sure what to do with it. And so having positivity is my number one, like Debbie said, it is turned up pretty high. And I, I have been told since I was a little girl that I always kind of looked on the sunny side and I was just a happy go lucky kind of gal. And it goes back to what Kevin and I were talking about with the genetics and everything. And it truly. It's just, there's a lot of energy there. And I think we all can get more of that shine and energy with, really good self care and just more self-awareness.


Yeah. I feel like when you're talking about that 40%, right? The intentional piece, especially if you're someone who's. Number one strength, or maybe not even in your top 10 strength is positivity, right? we all know those leaders, but they're trying, and they have the intention to create a positive environment. And I think so far, some of the things I've heard from you, Kelly is around playing to playing to your strengths, the self care. I also, I, I feel like this is, I'm always pre I hate to say preaching it, but I'm always mentioning this. To leaders is slowing their pace down, right. Just finding that, that moment to catch their breath and not always be busy, busy, busy, busy, like you said, because then you don't have a time to think about, well, who is this person I'm gonna be meeting with and what am I learning about my team and how am I showing up? at the team meetings. And I feel like those are some tangible things is that that's productive time when you can slow down and just be still a little bit and, and reflect and catch, catch


your breath. Right, right. Catch your breath and slow down and not go, go, go. it's not gonna make things faster. Usually you have to start over when that happens. I like that.


Kelly, we've heard the phrase toxic positivity. Oh yeah. So tell us a little bit about, as a leader, if you're like, Hey, I want, I wanna create this positive climate, this positive environment for my team, but I don't wanna go overboard. I don't want people to feel like it's the I'm moving into the toxic positivity. What are some tips that you would give for them to, to help them


with. I'm glad you brought up toxic positivity. Cuz I just attended the world happiness summit at Miami. And there was a lot of discussion Debbie around toxic, positivity and you know, it's not all rainbows, sunshine, puppy dogs. And a lot of times people think, oh, they don't get it. They're just happy. They, they won't get this or understand this. I think. The best strategy for dialing, being in touch, like you said, being, being in tune with your team is to acknowledge and validate exactly what's going on and not dismiss it and say, well, you know, that's. Things will be better. Things will be okay. And so in positive psychology, it's very much about being real about the emotions and that, you know what, that's really hard. That is really hard. Let's just talk about how you're feeling about how hard that is, and then move slightly, 1% forward to help them get out of that. Hard thing that they're going through. It's really about acknowledging and validating and really empathizing. I think empathy is something everybody can do a little bit better of Building positivity and meeting people where they are to help them move forward. So bounce forward. we like to say in, in positive psychology. So one other thing is post traumatic growth is another term that's used in positive psychology. So it's about growing from what's happened and you really can't grow from what's happened. If you just. Ignore, some of the, the stuff that happens like, oh, everything's gonna be okay, don't worry about it. Well, that's there. They're gonna worry about it until you talk about it. in the business world we talk about, oh, personal business, isn't, you know, work business. We can't go there. Well, we really do need to go there a little bit. Our team's gonna be a lot more productive. If, if we have, real positivity and help our team move forward.


And if you don't go there, it's gonna pop up. It's gonna come out in another way. Right. That's what I've learned. Like if you don't deal with it, it'll, it'll come back up to haunt you.


Right. Right. Exactly. Exactly. It's not gonna just go away. It's there. Yeah. And it's just important. I mean, to be a caring leader, I think that's so important. Yeah. Now, I'm glad


you brought that up. Especially finding that balance and validating people. sometimes we leaders will read the latest trend,, having positivity in the workplace and they wanna be a good leader and sometimes they overdo it and I've heard leaders actually. Team members down when for not being team players or, you know, are, don't be sorry. Debbie, Debbie downer reality. The team member may be pointing out a very valid thing and not being validated in that are not, are being told. You're not being positive. You're not being positive. So thanks for bringing that up. And I, I really hope some of our leaders out there who are prong to do that, even though your intentions are good, but sometimes we can shut down people and, and they feel a lot less positive because they don't feel that they're in a safe place to state the obvious sometimes.


Absolutely. Yeah, the safe place is key. And I think just more candor and dialogue and, the negativity will turn into positivity. there's great techniques out there. My favorite one is the power of, and, that's where, you focus on, what's not good. And, and then you move into. What's what's gonna be better kind of the problem and solution approach. That's


awesome. I have a, a friend. I never thought about him as being shine or shining, but he is as a leader, he's someone that you want to be on his team, win or lose. You want to be on his team because if you win, it's gonna be an awesome win. And if you lose, you're just gonna pick everybody up and move. Forward, even if we've lost. I mean, even if you lose it's, we're gonna grow from this, we're gonna learn from this. This is what we're gonna do next time. This is how we're going to approach it. What's our next challenge. What do we, you know, it's just that kind of thing. And literally people are just attracted to him. He can be in any place because he's. That person that probably amplifies that end. It's like, and we lost and we're gonna win next time or what, just, just moving on. And we learned something about our team ourselves that we can move forward with. as we talk about our, our podcasts, as we think about the people who are listening, many of them are leaders who, who are using. Coaching as one of their leadership styles or an approach to how they want to lead their team. And so the question I have is how do leaders help other people shine?


Hmm. Yeah. Well, I go back to strengths focusing on people's strengths versus their weaknesses. I believe in the past, we used to put a lot more focus on this is what you need to do. to be a better performer. And I believe when we focus on the strengths. That really moves people forward much more quickly because it's naturally who they are. don't make me an accountant. I, I won't be an accountant it's, it's really just about focusing on the strengths, in fact, the tool that I use, and I know Debbie's very familiar with the strengths finder. And positivity is my number one, strength and strengths finder. The other. Tool that can help leaders help their team shine is the via strengths, which stands for values in action. And it's And it's, it's more about the character strengths and, and understanding. You know how we are as humans like Debbie said because we're all awesome and we're all human and you know, we all can be better, it is about becoming better every day. And so as leaders, I think if we focus on our team's strengths, they say that when we do that, Our team will flourish 18 times more. That's what the statistics say about the via. And I think the other tool, Kevin, that is helpful. To help, you know, your team shine is the acronym Spire, and I know you all like acronyms. I heard that on one of your podcast, SOPI stands for spiritual, physical, intellectual, relational. And emotional kind of going back to where I was saying, you can't ignore the emotions. We need to address all of those. And I think when we do a personal SP check in, and I know Debbie's familiar with that model, it helps you elevate yourself to be able to elevate your team. And so we, when we're at our best, we can help our team be at their best too. So those would be the ones that I would, mention. Yeah, I've used


the SP personally, and what I love about it for leaders or really for anybody is it helps you focus on the whole person. So when you were talking about holistic, right, it helps you look at all, not just how am I at work. Right. But, okay. So how am I doing spiritually? How am I doing physically? So it helps you do that. Check in on your, whole self so that you can bring your whole self and be, be your best self.


Right, right. Because when there's a piece of our whole self, that isn't okay. We're not our best so, so we're trying to get all our pieces elevated to be our best. And boy, it's just beautiful when that all comes together.


we talked about, you know, other things to help people shine and. I wanna talk a few minutes. Well, what gets in our way of shiny? And, and even more importantly, how do we encourage other people to shine? You know, sometimes as coaches we see in the people that we coach, we see their shine, we see their light and we wonder why don't they see it? I think it would help me as a coach. How can I encourage others to see their own light, to see how they shine. And what's perhaps blocking that from them.


Oh, my goodness. That is such a, that's such a, a good question. And I actually have been working through that with an individual that we're coaching in a new role and. They are getting in their own way. They're not believing in their, in themself and we're all promoting them and saying, you're, you're ready and you've got this. And so there's just the block, I think again, is that self-esteem and maybe past experience, not believing that somebody believes in me. Right. Or I'm not good enough. I'm really not good enough. I've never done this before. As we ruminate a lot of negative things and they say, this is, these are the only numbers I'm throwing out because you already know. I don't, I, I'm not an accountant. And I don't like. that role in, in business but what I do like is numbers that back things up, and what I've heard is, there's like 60,000 plus thoughts that we have, and most of them are the same and most of them are negative. If we can work on. Reframing those negative thoughts to positive thoughts. I think that we can get more unblocked over what what's getting in the way, but I, I do really feel like we get in our way and it, it takes a really special coach to help people see their, their shine and their spark and what they bring. You know, what they bring to the table, it's not random when you promote somebody I think it's also about being really sincere too, you know, going back to that. Question. I think Debbie, you brought up about toxic positivity. It's about being really, really sincere and giving them examples and being really specific with, why you, you are so awesome, you know, or, or you have what it takes. Stop talking yourself out of it. it's not serving you and it's not serving the team. we just, sometimes I think we're wired to think the worst instead of, and that's just, you know, that's the brain and the neuroscience that we go into that safety fight or flight and all of that. And so it's, it's, it's really, it's a practice. For us to really work, work through that. So that's, that's what I would say there.


Yeah. I love that you brought up the be specific, right? Because I think whether you're a leader talking to your team or a mentee, or you're a parent talking to a child, any of those situations, if you just say you did a good job or you're really good at that. I, I think people can kind of be like, okay, but that it kind of leaves, but if you can say. You are really good at that because of these things, or here's an example of what you did and the impact that that had on other people, or, you know, that, or you, this is a quality or characteristic about you. That is so good. And this is why it's so helpful or it's it's so, um, you know, powerful when you bring this to the table I think being the specific and adding that extra information is what. People remember, and it helps them attach an emotion to that. Right. And that's, that's gonna be a lot more powerful than just saying Kelly. You're great.


Yeah. you're awesome. Period. but yeah, really sharing your thoughts and feelings. And like you said, Debbie, your rationale around it and giving examples and all of that and really creating a culture of. Um, Feedback so that it's not a surprise catching people do things right. versus catching them, do something wrong. I think all of that helps the morale and, and the work environment. If we, if we have a positive approach in the workplace, it's gonna help encourage the shine. Yeah. And if I


could just add to what Debbie was saying, the uh, coaching model that I, use part of that, of, of steps in coaching is acknowledgement. I work really hard before I end a call or a conversation with someone that I'm coaching to acknowledge just that conversation that. But, you know, their openness, their honesty, their stick to itness or whatever, but as Debbie was saying to be very specific and so I wanna encourage coaches out there when you're coaching someone is acknowledged. That's really gonna help people shine. I have to tell this really quick, Funny story. I was coaching someone and I, we who had been coaching with me for quite a while. And one day he said, I'm gonna have to hang up really quickly today. Cuz I've got a all hands meeting that I have to be on time. And I said, okay, okay. So we were right at the clock. So I thought, okay, in my head I thought, okay, I. Skip the acknowledgement. So I said, okay. I said, you know I'll, I'll talk to you next week. You're like, hold on a second.


Where's I, like


he said, I'm always up for that. I need that going into this meeting. So I, I learned my lesson.


yeah. That's that's one that we don't edit. Right. right. Very important.


Well, we've had such a great conversation, Kelly, thank you so much. Thank you for coming on our podcast and shining with us tonight. But before we let you go, we have three questions that we ask all our guests. So I'm gonna ask those to you. The first one is what is a book that you think a leader coach should read?


Oh, well, I know I'd love to know what all of yours are. I, well, probably the one that you all just wrote, but I haven't read it yet. So I can't say that just yet. I I I'm actually gonna lean into Brene brown. because I really love all her research. And again, backing everything up with facts and, and, and I think, you know, that doesn't lie. That's there. that's, that's proven stuff. So I really like her specific book. I've done a lot of women retreats on Brene Brown's work, but my favorite is probably the gifts. Of imperfection and it's really just a, a small book on 10 guideposts and so a whole wholehearted life. And I know you've heard me talk about whole being and, and I think if we lead more for more heart centered than head centered, I think in leadership that's a, a positive thing. So that's what I, that would be the one. Yeah, that would be the one. And one of the, one of the guideposts there's 10 is cultivating play and rest, and there's another one gratitude and joy. So that really will help shine brighter. Yeah. Why do you


mention that? Cause that a lot of people know about that book. I think that might been her first book, Kevin and I read that book together and discussed


it. Didn't we? Kevin? Oh yeah. A long time ago. Yeah. Yes we did.


That's a great book for people. And it's a great book to read together with someone,


right? Yeah, it really is. I would encourage people if they haven't read that book to pick that one up. It's a, it's a very good foundational piece.




Kelly, what question have you been asked that gave you pause? So it made you think a little deeper or maybe looked at something a little differently?


Hmm. I. Being a coach. There's a lot of questions that we're stumped on. Right. we stump ourselves and we, we work with others to break through, but I would say the question for me was um, what was the turning point in your life? And for me, that was pretty heavy because, I have five decades of life plus. So, you know, where do you pinpoint that? your childhood, your adulthood, you know, just everything that you go through in life. So I would say that one made me pause and really reflect on my life and say, wow, when did I take a different direction? We always wanna stay the course. And then there's times when we have to switch it up to the path of positivity. And I would say that was it. That was it. And for me, it was when I had one of my serious surgeries and when I started my business and I left corporate, so I was traveling. With the largest hotel F franchiser, as I mentioned, I'm in the hospitality business. So I was on the road 40 plus weeks a year, and it had really taken a toll on me. And so it was really empowering to, to start my hospitality company and just take the leap. But that. That question really, I think was what helped get me there. yeah. So that's, that's a great question to ask.


So here's my last question for you, Kelly, what is your word on coaching?


Well, you already know. I have so many words cuz I, I practiced the one word shine was one. I, I won't go down the list. I will answer your question with, since my motto, my business motto is educate, motivate cultivate. I would probably pick cultivate. Because it is about developing ourselves to be our very best and to be a part of this podcast with all of you to learn and grow and have a coach to help us be our very best. And so I would say cultivate because when we cultivate ourselves, things will stick. And so it's, it's all about it's sticking and, and moving into happier, healthier, happier, healthier lifestyle. So cultivate shine. okay. Cultivate shine.


love it. So Joanne and Kevin, it's been a pleasure as always Kelly again, thank you for being our fabulous guest this evening. And thank you to our audience for listening and check out more of our word on coaching podcasts. If this is your first one or you we've got, what is this season four, we've got a bunch more out there that you can listen to. You can also follow us on Facebook. We have a coach's three Facebook page. And of course, if you have not picked up our best selling book, the word, pick a copy up for yourself, and we encourage you to pick up copies for other people. This is a great book to share with other people. So thank you all. And until next time, that's the