Managing innovation - creating value from ideas

At the Innovation Ball - another innovation song..


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Innovation is all about uncertainty - no-one knows quite what's around the corner.  So there's a limit to how far we can plan to work with it - and instead we need to develop the skills of agility.  As this song suggests, it’s a bit like learning to dance....

Dancing at the Innovation Ball 

The thing with innovation, this is something you will learn 

It never goes the way you want, you’ve got to twist and turn 

The road ahead’s uneven, one way streets and plain dead ends 

And there’s always something nasty hiding just around the bend! 

But there ‘s one thing you can rely on, one thing we know for sure 

Innovation’s quite predictable – it follows Murphy’s Law! 



So be quick on your feet and light on your toes 

Learn to do the dance 

Going round in circles is just how it goes 

When your partner's name is Chance 

Three steps forward, two steps back 

And don’t forget to turn 

Never mind when events try to push you off track 

It’s just what you have to learn 

It’s no big deal if you trip or you stumble 

Don’t be afraid to fall 

Intelligent failure’s the name of the game 

At the Innovation Ball! 



The best laid plans o’ mice and men do oft times gang agley 

What the poet, Robbie Burns, was really trying to say 

Is that things don’t always work out right, no matter how hard you try 

So you need to learn to live with it, instead of asking why…. 

Of course you need a project plan, of course you need a team 

But remember with even the best of these things are never what they seem 




Learning to dance this waltz might seem as hard as it can be 

But if you keep on, persevere, it’s easy as ABC 

Fail fast, fail forward, and pivot – capture what you’ve gained 

Pick yourself up, dust yourself down and then go round again! 

It’s build, test, review, build, test, review,  and build, test, review, once more 

Never mind if you’re feeling all battered and bruised from all the times you hit the floor! 







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