Managing innovation - creating value from ideas

Open innovation - another innovation song

August 09, 2022 john

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This one was written in part as a contribution to the retirement celebrations of the Father of Open Innovation, Henry Chesbrough ......

Here are the lyrics:


Open innovation 



We’ve been innovating now for quite a long time 

It’s the big thing that has helped us to survive 

Find new ways to do things, keep on learning down the line 

It’s what keeps you and me – and companies – alive 

We’ve learned how we can manage it, how to repeat the trick                                

All about the structures and routines 

But the world still keeps on changing, so we need to change with it 

Innovate our model, look through a new lens 





Open innovation, these days it’s the name of the game 

Open innovation, some things will never be the same 

Put knowledge into motion, manage knowledge flows 

From outside in to inside out, and everywhere it goes 

Building knowledge networks but staying in control 

And don’t forget the IP above all! 



It’s what you know and who you know and how they all connect 

That’s the innovation challenge of our time 

Learning knowledge trading, we have to give to get 

For that we need a whole new paradigm 

That’s where our good friend Henry first came into the frame 

Throwing down a challenge to the rest 

Laying out the ground rules to play a whole new game 

And giving us a label for the quest 




But it’s more than just a paradigm, it’s more than empty words 

Open innovation needs community 

It’s building up relationships, mapping out new roads 

Networking to link A with B and C 

It’s research and publications, built from rich conversations 

It’s conferences, workshops, seminars 

And most of all it’s people sharing their ideas 

In classrooms, companies – and bars! 




So next time someone says to you, ‘we need to innovate’ 

And asks your advice about what is going on 

Just explain in no uncertain terms the best recipe to date…. 

With open innovation you can’t go wrong! 



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