Managing innovation - creating value from ideas

Value shifts as a driver of innovation

March 12, 2020 john
Managing innovation - creating value from ideas
Value shifts as a driver of innovation
Show Notes

As any budding entrepreneur filling in their business model canvas will tell you, we need to think about the market and work on what our target segment will value. And that may take a lot of testing and  pivoting around our original value proposition to shape and configure it to the point where it's going to diffuse to scale.

So far, so obvious.  But this word ‘value’ is worth exploring a little more deeply.  The Cambridge English Dictionary defines it as ‘…..the importance or worth of something for someone…’.  And clearly much of the CES glitter is, in its nascent form, not valuable because the things on offer feel far from our daily lives, glimmers on a horizon of what might be but a long way from  our current reality.

But value isn’t just a label we attach to things, it’s also about our core beliefs around what matters.  That Cambridge definition goes on to suggest that value is ‘….the beliefs people have, especially about what is right and wrong and what is most important in life, that control their behaviour’  Values viewed in this way are critical to the question of whether or not we adopt innovations.

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