Managing innovation - creating value from ideas

Use our ideas.....


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Users are often a very powerful source of innovation - providing we listen to them!

Lyrics below:

 If you need some inspiration 
When you’re wanting innovation 
Ask the crowd, they’ll shout out loud 
“U – U – Use our ideas!”  
When it comes to diffusion 
There’s a really neat solution 
Bring the users along, you can’t go wrong 
Just U-U-Use their ideas!  
In a world of co-creation, customer emancipation 
There is this new big thing , Customizing 
Let’s innovate…!  
Democratizing innovation 
Is the latest big sensation
 Let the users lead, they know their needs 
Just U U Use their ideas  
 No R&D or marketing Let your users do their own thing     
Build a community and they’ll soon be 
Your eyes and ears!
 Henry Ford, gave us no choice 
But now we’ve found our own voice 
On a Facebook site we can get it right 
We know what’s best – so just invest 
Listen to us – don’t make a fuss 
And U U Use our ideas….!


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