Managing innovation - creating value from ideas

Crisis innovation - another innovation song


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Time for another innovation song....

This formed part of my keynote session with Tim Minshall at the R&D Management conference last week.  Their title was 'Innovation in an era of disruption' and Tim and I were exchanging ideas on how we might learn from the many innovation responses to the current pandemic crisis - and carry some of those lessons forward.  Cue for a song to distil some of the key messages......

You can find a transcript below:

Innovation’s always been about surprises

The game’s no fun without that

Just sometimes you can have too many surprises

When they come all at once they can knock you flat


It’s worst when they come at you from different directions

And then seem to land all at once

Your carefully planned innovation systems

Start to buckle with the force of their punch


There’s the one’s that sneak up on you, unawares

And the ones that jump out in plain sight

The ones you see coming from over the horizon

But you think, I’m OK, just sit tight 


If we can just keep our heads down, somehow muddle through

Then we’ll get back to what is normal and nice

Let the dust settle, relax into our armchairs

After all, Lightning never strikes twice


Which is fine - until the next time those alarm bells start ringing 

And the panic stations buttons getting pressed

It’s then we get to wishing we’d done some more preparation

Some way to help avoid the stress


So how can we innovate out of a crisis

Can we prepare ourselves for the next wave?

What kind of lessons could we carry forward?

How can we learn to behave?




We need imagination

We need collaboration

Knowledge integration

Mobilise what people know

Focused inspiration


Lots of exploration

To get some innovation to go


If we want to stay alive, we’ve got to learn to duck and dive

There’s lots of things that we should try and do

Loosen up our minds, leave certainty behind

Being agile’s what is going to pull us through


Learn to work with what we’re given, frugal innovation

Sometimes it’s the case that less is more

Rapid prototyping, probe and learn’s the right thing

There’s lots of different roads we can explore


If we listen to the crowd, broadcast the problem far and loud

And listen to the answers coming back

Get them looking at the problem from their different perspectives

We might just find the answer that we lack


We need Re - combination, Re - configuration

Re - framing everything we know

Re-evaluation of our final destination

Pivoting’s the way to go


So next time a crisis hits you and you wonder ‘what can we do?’

Here’s some innovation thoughts to bear in mind

Use your creativity, build a capability

Develop routines for the non-routine - it’s got to be worth trying


We need imagination

We need collaboration

Knowledge integration

Mobilise what people know

Focused inspiration


Lots of exploration

To get some innovation to go


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