True North with Abby & Ryan

More ADHD, Naming Our Interiors, Reference Points

Abby & Ryan Season 1 Episode 40

Abby & Ryan revisit the topic of ADHD, and dig deeper into how it's a gift. There may be a scientific name for your neurological wiring, but that label doesn't define you. It will present challenges that neurotypical people don't face, but it also presents advantages neurotypical people don't get. You get to choose whether you see it as a blessing or a curse.

Diversity is beauty. #rta

Name your interiors. Admit what you want, even if it's irrational, unfair, immature, or unreasonable. ESPECIALLY if it's those things. As soon as you say it out loud, it becomes something tangible you can interact with, process, critique, and develop.

You define what you are (read: what you're worth) based on what you're comparing yourself to. Here's how to navigate that:

  1. Realize that you're comparing yourself
  2. Notice what you're comparing yourself to
  3. Evaluate why you compare yourself to those things
  4. Investigate what part of your identity is wrapped up in them
  5. Cultivate a self-love and self-acceptance practice to dismantle your drive to define your worth by how YOU measure up to NOT-YOU things.
  6. Plug into a tribe of people who can lovingly help you do this work.


  • Ryan is grateful for a friend of his who has helped him manage life with ADHD
  • Abby is grateful for 1) her friend who helped her shift her perspective around people's receptivity to the Gratitude Tree Project, and 2) the amount of buzz it's created!

1:45 - More ADHD
15:55 - Letting someone sit in their muck
23:29 - Naming Your Interiors
31:09 - Reference Points