True North with Abby & Ryan

Rob Bell - Owning Your Story, Doing Your Thing, and Seeing Yourself In Others

Rob Bell Season 1 Episode 43

Once upon a time, Ryan did something crazy and asked Rob Bell to be on his podcast. Then, Rob did something even crazier and said yes. In this episode, we discuss finding and following your True North, seeing yourself in others as an antidote to polarization, and why Abby might just be the more religious than she thinks.

6:19 - Seeing ourselves in others
17:16 - Finding/following your True North (spoiler: it's Presence)
29:00 - "You will have everything you need when you need it"
30:28 - Brains trying to solve heart problems
31:33 - Joy
36:52 - Religion vs. Spirituality
49:44 - Ryan's Ultimate Invitation


  • Abby is grateful that medical science can tackle big things like childhood cancer.
  • Rob is grateful that he can relate to people in meaningful ways, across great distances, with incredible ease.
  • Ryan is grateful for the Bell Curve and the Bell Hop. Hah. Just watch the video.