True North with Abby & Ryan

Abby & Ryan Use Their Voices - Part 2

January 29, 2021 Abby & Ryan Season 1 Episode 50

If you're using your voice, but not grounded in the essence of your true self, then you're not speaking your truth; you're merely speaking your mind. #RTA

You are not responsible for what people do with your words. But YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR WORDS.

You are the water, and your words are the fish.

  • If the water is mucky, the fish will get sick. If you want to maintain their health, you have to tend to each fish, individually, and persistently.
  • If you focus on giving them good clean water, you don't have to micromanage the health of each individual fish.
  • If you are being intentional (because it doesn't happen on accident) about operating in Love and Light, then you don't need to mind every single thing you say, because your words are already wrapped in compassion, empathy, and love.
  • If you're not at your best, and you're not consciously seeking the highest good of all involved, that might be a good time to monitor the words you use and make sure they don't create (or recreate past) trauma to others.

"We don't see things as they are; we see them as we are." -Anaïs Nin

When NOT to factor in the possibility that your words will trigger your audience:

  • When you are in love and light, seeking the highest good of everyone involved
  • When you have a wealth of relational equity with them
  • When you tend to value the words of others over your own

When TO factor in the possibility that your words will trigger your audience:

  • When you are in ego, seeking to defend yourself or judge others
  • When you lack relational equity with them
  • When you tend to value your words over those of others

The only time it's okay to forego the task of crafting your words around how they might affect the other person is when the whole of your person is already enveloped in love and empathy for them. And that's only because you've already eliminated the possibility that anything you say could be hurtful. In that case, the only problems they have with your words are the problems they themselves create.

And your truth is your self. So you have to start by knowing yourself.

Figuring out who you are starts with figuring out who you're not:

"Maybe the journey isn't so much about BECOMING anything. Maybe it's about UNBECOMING everything that isn't really you, so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place." -Gregg Braden

Your True North is not WHAT you're supposed to DO in this life. It's WHO you're supposed to BE.


  • Abby is grateful for dairy-free milk! Also for the fact that life has been challenging lately.
  • Ryan is grateful for the people he's surrounded himself by, through whom the essence of his dad can be kept alive in his life.

2:08 - Ryan owns his muckiness
9:43 - Taking responsibility for our words
21:32 - "We don't see things as they are; we see them as we are."
32:57 - When to give a shit about the effects of your words
42:39 - Know thyself

